15 Things Your Boss Should Never Ask You

It’s Illegal For Your Boss To Ask You This

While some bosses like to think they can run their employees' lives, they're probably breaking a bunch of laws in the process. If you're boss asks to do any of the things on this list, you've got a case for workplace discrimination and unfair business practices.

15 Things Your Boss Should Never Ask You

1. Unnecessary Personal Information

It’s against the law for your boss to pry into your personal life. Any questions about your age, relationship status, and medical history are off-limits. If you're uncomfortable with any personal questions, you don’t have to answer. Instead, reach out to the human resources department.

Young angry woman looking at man in office.

TZIDO SUN, Shutterstock

Unnecessary Personal Information (cont’d)

Your boss also shouldn’t be asking about your past run-ins with the law, any struggles with substance use, or even what you earn. And they definitely can’t expect you to spill the beans about your coworkers’ personal lives.

Woman denying something saying no with a finger gesture to an upset male.

Antonio Guillem, Shutterstock

2. Unpaid Work

If you're not an unpaid intern, any work you do for your employer should definitely come with a paycheck. That meansgetting paid for everything from training sessions to mandatory meetings, and even those moments when you're at work just waiting to dive into your tasks.

A Man Holding Cash while Sitting at his Work Desk


Unpaid Work (cont’d)

Also keep in mind that you should never feel pressured to give up your rights for a job. If you ever find yourself being pushed to work overtime without pay or take on tasks without compensation, it's okay to speak up and say "no".

Woman with Closed Eyes at the Laptop

Karolina Grabowska, Pexels