
40 Smart Money Moves To Make With Just $50K

Having $50,000 in your bank account is a huge milestone—congratulations! But what are you going to do with it? Sure, you could let it sit there and use it as an expense account, but that's going to get sucked up pretty quickly by life's various expenses. Here are 40 smart money moves you should make with $50,000.
January 9, 2025 Jack Hawkins

The Best Money Advice Any Finance Guru Will Tell You

Finance can be a tricky thing to navigate, that's why we often rely on the advice of experts. Here are some of the best pieces of money advice from finance gurus who have made their fortunes.
December 18, 2024 Jack Hawkins

If You'd Bought These Stocks, You'd Be Rich Now

Nothing in the stock market is guaranteed. It's a gamble—and even the people that know the most and understand it the best often lose lots of money. But there is also the opportunity to make lots of money if you make the right choices/guesses/get lucky. Like if you'd bought any of the following stocks...
December 11, 2024 Jesse Singer

Understanding Mortgage Prepayments

Explore your options when it comes to paying off your mortgage early. Find out the pros and cons to paying your balance early, what other investments could benefit, how tax rates and interest rates play a part, and if prepayment is the best choice for you.
April 26, 2024 Allison Robertson

The Bond Yield: The Number That Predicts Recessions

The bond yield may sound pretty boring. But it turns out it's the most reliable indicator of recessions. Here's why that's the case.
June 12, 2023 Eul Basa