Products Declining Because Millennials Won't Buy Them

Changing Preferences

Millennials have little patience for anything that feels impractical or out of touch. By rejecting these traditional products and habits, they're carving a path that values convenience, individuality, ethics, and sustainability.


Who, in their right mind, is still using landlines? Why would you stick with a bulky, immobile device when your smartphone does it all? Millennials grew up in the era when tech was evolving, and the internet was all the rage. Everything's about instant global communication and affordable mobile plans now.

Portrait Photo of Woman in yellow shirt Holding a Telephone

cottonbro studio, Pexels

Cable TV

Millennials favor streaming and binge-watching shows anytime, anywhere. Services like Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Disney+, YouTube, etc., have disrupted traditional broadcasting. By 2022, over 60% of people under 40 had "cut the cord," and that number is increasing every day. Even boomers have gotten rid of those money pits. 

Cable TV

Nothing Ahead, Pexels

Print Magazines And Newspapers

Flipping through a glossy magazine or newspaper doesn't hold the same appeal for a generation raised on instant updates. Digital news is free, customizable, and environmentally friendly, whereas print media feels wasteful and outdated. Besides, most of the content is now available online and often updated in real-time.

Newspapers in black and white

Jon S, Flickr

Chemical-Based Products 

Health-conscious millennials avoid chemical-laden products across categories—from skincare to cleaning supplies. Natural wins here. Traditional cleaning products, often packed with harsh toxins, are being swapped for eco-friendly solutions like vinegar-based sprays and biodegradable wipes. 

Woman in white tank top doing her skincare routine

Prostock-studio, Shutterstock