Parents Share The Lessons We Should Stop Teaching Young Children

Every parent wants the best for their children. They want to raise their kids right, be there for them and teach them life lessons that will get them through the hardest times. But even parents can be wrong sometimes. When we're stressed, busy or misinformed, we can instil lessons on our kids that we probably shouldn't have. And as it turns out, telling your young ones "Because I said so," and "He annoys you because he likes you," can actually have damaging effects later in life. Here are a few lessons today's parents think you shouldn't be teaching your kids.


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#1 Teacher Will Take It From Here

That the teacher will handle any bullies.


#2 Do What You're Told

That children should always do what they're told. If they're uncomfortable, or scared, or truly believe what they're being asked to do is wrong, they should be taught it's okay to stick up for themselves.

#3 Eat Everything On Your Plate

They have to keep eating even when they're full. This isn't about picky eaters or whatever, this is about schools forcing kids to eat ALL of their lunch despite not physically being able to. It's not a healthy mindset.

I've personally had to deal with this policy in different schools in both the USA and Japan. You've probably never encountered this if your school had a buffet or was cafeteria-style.


#4 "Man Up"

For young girls: "If a boy pulls your hair on the playground/bullies you, it means he likes you."

For young boys: "Man up. Real men don't cry."
