Ex-College Students Share Their Crazy Expulsion Stories
Between wild partying and struggling to make it to class, there are plenty of chances for you to meet trouble in your college years. However, there is one feat which is remarkably difficult to accomplish: getting expelled.
Considering the amount of crazy stuff that happens daily on a college campus, getting kicked out of school for good is nearly unheard of!
Still, there are plenty of people who have been expelled from their universities for reasons which are both strange and hard to believe.
If you attended college, you can attest to some of the crazy happenstances that occur in dorms, classrooms, and common spaces.
But, perhaps you've never seen a student try to spur an exorcism, install bitcoin miners on every school computer, or shoot a firework straight through their pants!
Believe it or not, these kids have done it– and many of their tales of woe are almost unbelievable! Here are Reddit users' odd, distressing, and fascinating reasons for being expelled from their universities.
Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!
#25 A 'Video Game' Addiction
I had a friend who skipped all classes and failed everything because all he wanted to do was play League of Legends. He got a warning that if he didn't get his grades up he would be suspended for a year. He got suspended.
When he went back to the school a year later the same thing happened again. Now he can't go back to that college again.
#24 Bilingual Cheaters And A Savage Professor
Currently am aware of a group of international students getting expelled from my school.
They've been whispering to each other during exams in another language, and as luck would have it my professor happens to speak that language and has been slowly building a case against them without their knowing it.
The kids somehow also got the solutions to every homework and exam last semester which is very similar to what we've been assigned this semester.
However, the kids are so lazy they blindly copy whole solutions not realizing numbers are different, sometimes units are metric and they answer in English, and one problem asked for something completely different than they solved for using the exact procedure to solve last semesters homework.
They're absolutely [messed up] and I'm kinda excited to see it. One of them had a 3.75 GPA was on the verge of being auto admitted to our MS/BS program. He's probably been cheating his whole college career (were 2 semesters away from graduation).
Plot twist: the advisor to that program is the instructor that is currently building the case against them.
The professor is a savage. He's been grading all their homework and exams like everything was fine and one day unleashed a dossier of justice to COAM.
#23 An Off-Brand, Uber-Popular 'Rate My Professor'
I was making a search engine for our school teacher evaluation page. It absolutely blew up in popularity and a large portion of the school was using it (about 5k views per day).
Essentially it was like rate my professors except it used the evaluations that they force students to do at the end of the class as data. I also added features that made it more desirable to students.
It became so popular that it was showing up on the front page of Google for certain teacher names. Some of those teachers had low ratings and got [mad] and complained.
I had unintentionally violated IP laws because the evaluations were under password protections and my site was not. The only reason I didn't get expelled was because the dean of my department had my back.
He did research and concluded the information should not have been private in the first place, then sent a public information request to make it so my project did not break the law.
I definitely had people asking for my expulsion for a scary amount of time.
#22 Majorly Rejected From Their Major
Expelled because my GPA dropped below the competitive level for the engineering school at my college. I was given the option of transferring to a different school (they recommended I go into the humanities) or be expelled.
Well, thankfully I had a job from the previous summer that was willing to hire me on full time before this happened, so I took the expulsion and went to work full time.
Since then, I've gotten my certifications and work in the trades doing fairly well for myself... So, yay?