These People Shared The Worst Moments Of Their Lives…And They’re Utterly Brutal

Kermit said, "It ain't easy being green." Well, the people in these stories might argue "It ain't easy being me." They were dealt the worst hands possible, but they survived to share their horrible stories on Reddit.

Life isn't always a bed of roses, and these stories make that phrase look like a huge understatement. From cheating spouses to catastrophic accidents, there are times when life throws brutal punches...and these people have firsthand experience.

#1 Love Lost

I played guitar for the last five years, and it has become one of my biggest passions. But six weeks ago, everything changed for the worse. I lost my footing while climbing a platform and I'm fairly certain I have permanent tendon damage in my left hand. It didn't sink in what exactly had happened, until I was in my car after the doctor’s appointment.

I will now spend more of my life with this faulty left hand than when it was fine. This is now the rest of my one life.

My passion’s gone, I have zero activity in my life because I'm afraid of everything, and I’m slightly more useless than before. I miss the ignorance.


Change Life Facts


#2 The High Cost of a Broken Heart

We'd been together for three years. She borrowed several hundred dollars from me a week before (knowing the whole time that she was going to do this). When she broke up with me, all she did was tell me that she didn't love me anymore.

No discussion, no explanation, nothing. She then kept the break-up secret, moved to another city, mooched off of my friends, trashed their apartment, and nearly killed their dog.


Shortest-Lived Marriages Facts


#3 A Series of Unfortunate Events

It was this year on my birthday. Everyone forgot it was my birthday. I got my period without any pads available, I forgot my lunch at home, and when I texted my friends asking if they still wanted to hang out after I had made some plans with them, it turns out they weren’t able to show up anymore. But that wasn't even the worst part.

I took a bath, which broke the freaking faucet somehow, and then went to eat some of my birthday cake (made the day prior, and of which I had had only one slice) and discovered my brother had eaten it all.

I know it’s not super deep or anything, but that was a crummy day.


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Game Over for This Family

One of my friends was playing online with me when I hear a knock on his door through the mic. His parents walk in and decide to tell them that he is adopted and that they are getting a divorce. All in one go.

No emotional breaks or anything and my friend just breaks down over the mic as his parents walk out.


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