They say that friends are the family we choose. Well, some of us may want to reconsider those choices. There are few things in life more heartbreaking than realizing that someone we thought cared about us truly does not. From betrayal to neglect, these stories of terrible friends will leave many wondering if they can truly trust anyone at all! Here are 50 stories about some of the worst things that so-called “friends” have ever done to those who needed them most.
1. Sitting Duck
My friend invited me over to hang out. Thirty-five minutes into the get together, she was like: “I will be right back.” She gets in the car with her boyfriend and leaves me at her house with her kid siblings. That's when it hit me. She literally tricked me into babysitting. I was 16 at the time, and I was really nice and naive. The kids I unknowingly babysat were really good kids and their nice mother was at work.
I eventually told off the “friend” after graduation. I didn’t realize until more situations like this that she was just using me. I just wanted friends.
2. Pineapple Express
A friend was moving internationally and he offered me a fridge and washing machine for about half price. I was in university, but desperately needed it. I told him I had like $20 per week to work with and he was cool with it. We agreed to a price of $15 per week for the next year. Then, six weeks later, his girlfriend comes around to tell me he wants to take me to court to get the rest of the money in one payment.
I get served, go to court, and present the original agreement. His girlfriend says he needs the money urgently and the judge says that doesn't mean squat. He then calls my dad and says I took stuff that belonged to him. My dad calls me up and I lay it all out. Dad ends up paying him the remainder just to get him to go away.
Screw you with a pineapple, Toby!
3. Up Against The Clock
I had twelve hours before I deployed to Afghanistan. I lived about six hours away from my point of departure, i.e. the airport from which I would fly into theater. My friend, who also happened to be my ex-girlfriend, had committed to driving me there on that day. Packed, dressed, goodbyes said, I take an Uber to her house with all my gear and baggage ready to go.
I knock on the door and she answers in her robe. I ask her if she was about ready to go and she proceeds to tell me that she forgot. This was after we had talked about it just two days prior. She then informed me that she really wasn't feeling like driving that distance. Utterly shocked and confused, I explain to her that if I miss my flight, it's considered a "failure to report for duty" and I could be considered a deserter or AWOL.
Heavy consequences for it either way. She told me to figure it out and closed the door. I was completely in shock. At that point, I had no idea what to do, so I called my first sergeant. We worked in a very remote location and he was the closest person to me at that point. That man drove the three hours from his home to get me and then the other six hours to the airport.
He even bought me dinner and got me tipsy before I had to get on my flight. I had the stunning realization that day that you really can't trust anyone, but I gained a lifelong friend as a result. Thankfully, solely due to that man’s kindness, I was able to make it in time, and I never spoke to the girl again. But me and the sergeant still talk regularly to this day!
4. Living In The Present
My former friend swiped my Christmas and birthday present. I had him and my other friends over a bunch because my family went on vacation without me. I was only about 16 or 17 years old at the time and I was home alone, so I wanted some company. I woke up one morning to grab my gift card that was my big present for the year and found out it was gone.
Every single one of my guests I had known since I was in elementary school and I treated them all like they were my brothers. I called up the Best Buy store to see if someone had used the gift card and found out that it had indeed been used already to buy a car stereo head unit. I got the specific model. Then, I called up my one friend's girlfriend and asked her if he had bought anything at Best Buy lately.
She said he had. I asked if he had used a gift card. She said he had. I asked if he had bought a head unit of that specific model. She said he had. I was furious—but I got my revenge. Me and my other friends then got in our cars and drove over to his house. We looked into his vehicle and saw the brand new headset installed in his car. Theoretically, in a totally didn't happen scenario, "we then proceeded to break off all his mirrors and windows, and slashed his tires."
The guy didn't understand why I didn't want to talk to him ever again. Who the heck takes someone else’s birthday and Christmas presents? The gosh darn Grinch, that's who. Apparently, he had been sleeping at my house weekly for years. I mostly hate my birthday and Christmas now because of that, and also because I was deployed on my 21st birthday as well as that year's Christmas in which both my grandpas came down with cancer and one passed while I was away.
Kinda soured things for me.
5. Falling For Him
This guy I knew pushed me into the ground for no reason mid-sentence. He did this despite knowing that I was still injured from a car accident, which he knew I was hospitalized for. He then immediately turned his back and walked away without a word. I was too shocked to say anything. The next thing I knew, he was gone. I wasn’t saying anything bad or mean to him either. It was something casual akin to the weather.
After that, I had to slowly and carefully get up from my crouching position by myself and sit down on a nearby fence to gather myself. When I later confronted him about it, he got super defensive and started saying it was just a light shove and a prank. Super not okay. I had to strain my back muscles really uncomfortably just so I wouldn’t hit the ground, and I don’t think anyone should have to live in constant fear that their “friend” might at any minute risk paralyzing them for life just to get a cheap laugh.
This same guy also kept parroting something my abuser had said, which I told the group about in confidence. He thought that doing this was hilarious. I told him to stop but he said he wouldn’t. He accused me of being too “PC.” As if my own personal story is something to be politically correct about?? I trust some people a lot less now because of this experience...
No one seemed to care or stand up for me or anything, and I felt utterly alone. Needless to say, I do not talk to this guy anymore...
6. I Didn’t Do It!
My best friend fell in love with a guy at work. She decided to run away with him, but then changed her mind. To cover up for her actions, she told her husband that I was the one who had talked her into running away. She also claimed that I had run away with her, because at the time I was getting a divorce. She told him I said we should both start over in a new city.
Of course, this story was all completely fabricated and I knew nothing about it. Needless to say, she went back to her husband and he thought I was a jerk from that point on. She passed recently at the age of 58. And, though I visited her irregularly while she was still around, I didn’t go to her funeral because of the awkwardness it would have caused.
7. Let’s Get Away From It All
When I was in Grade 8, I went to the Dominican Republic with my friend and her family. The entire time we were there, she didn't want to do anything at the resort. Like, nothing at all. She wanted to sit around with her parents and watch them play games. This was despite the fact that her parents and their friends were pushing us to go off and do some fun kid activities and other things.
You know, normal vacation activities such as swimming and taking in the sights. I was miserable. I couldn't go anywhere without her and missed out on everything because she was just being a jerk and mean. It was clear she didn't want to be on the trip at all, probably because they vacationed so frequently, and they only invited me to entertain her.
She was never like this at school. I was still happy to be there. My family was poor and this was my first ever vacation. I was thankful that my mom and dad were able to get enough money together so I could go. So I didn't complain. When we returned and went to school the following Monday, she told all of our group of friends that I made fun of her mom on our trip for having breast cancer.
WHAT?! I didn't know she had breast cancer, and no I definitely didn't make fun of her. I'm not a lunatic. Her mom, who we found out was perfectly healthy when I told my mom about this and she called, did not have breast cancer. Anyways, everyone at school hated me after that. I had no friends until I went off to high school.
8. A Change Of Heart
After 25 years of friendship, I announced to my best friend that I was moving to the city she was in. I had a great job opportunity and felt like it was an awesome time to make a big life change. I was so excited to tell her, I could hardly wait. She flatly replied with, “Cool.” And when I asked her what parts of town I should look at to live in, she stated, “I can’t help you, you should just figure it out when you get here.”
We never had a fight, had been close for our entire adult lives, and I had continually helped her in all aspects of her life without hesitation. To this day, I cannot tell you why she started treating me this way. Long story short, we live in the same city now and haven’t seen each other in six years. And I’m quite sure we live just minutes away from each other. I will probably never know what happened.
9. The Graduate
All the way back in eighth grade, after I had just switched schools, a friend of mine called me up one night and told me that a kid who I had wanted to become friends with had just taken his own life. I was devastated to hear this—but the truth was even more disturbing. Three months later, I visit their graduation ceremony and find out that he lied to me and that the kid was still alive.
10. Starting The Drama
I had one friend that bought a bunch of tickets for a midnight movie premiere for myself and our entire friend group, about 15 of us in total. On the day of the show, he texts me and says he forgot to buy a ticket for me. I ask, "What do you mean you forgot to buy ‘my’ ticket? Of the 15 you bought, how is it my ticket that you decided wasn't purchased?"
Turns out, he did buy a ticket for me included in the 15 he bought, but he had just met a girl the week prior and decided to give my ticket to her. So our entire friend group went to the movie, minus me. There's other things he did to me as well. We're no longer friends. And for anyone wondering what movie it was, it was Jurassic World.
11. Better Off Without Them
My friend started sleeping with my husband while I was pregnant. I divorced him, and haven't spoken to her since I found out. The experience was a catalyst for a metric ton of personal growth on my part over the next few years, and I'm now living a much fuller and more authentic life without either of them in it. Amor fati, y'all.
12. I Now Present...
A “friend” found out that I had cancer. She took me out to eat. She then took me to a multi-level marketing presentation for a pyramid scheme. Thankfully, the cancer is now gone. So is my friendship with that girl. I took some free refreshment samples at the presentation, and then never spoke to her again. I was really hurt by the whole situation. I sat in my car and cried after I dropped her off. It made me feel like garbage, frankly.
13. Planning For The Future
I had a very close friend in high school. She moved to Alabama for university after we graduated, but we remained very close. Then, when she came back, we didn't talk much. But I still considered her a close friend. We went out for coffee about two years ago. She kept asking me about my life and my goals, and I said I was happy with where I was.
I coach gymnastics and my boyfriend and I will eventually take over his family farm, and start our own family. She texted me two days later and said, "Hey, so my entrepreneur friend is hosting a workshop. Do you want me to sign you up?" I said no, but thanked her for the offer. She then texted me saying: "So clearly we are at two different points in our lives. You have no goals or ambitions, and I don't want that kind of negativity in my life. I wish you the best."
And I never spoke to her again after that.
14. Living A Double Life
It turns out that my friend lied. About every single thing. We were friends for over a year, but it felt like we'd known each other forever. He would always make it a point to let me know that I was someone he trusted, and that I was the “only” person he had. He would tell me that “everyone leaves” him, that “he always hurts people,” etc. My response to this was to make sure that I would never leave his texts unanswered and promise to be there for him no matter what.
Then, one day, out of the blue, he tells me that our friendship is over. I remember feeling like my heart was shattered. I cried for weeks, trying to figure out what I had done wrong. Our mutual friends assured me that he had a very good reason for doing this, and that he'd be back to being my friend sometime soon. So I began waiting, constantly worried about him.
He told all our mutual friends what was wrong, except me, and instructed them not to let me know. Finally, my best friend calls me one day and tells me that he's lied to every single person he knows, and that nothing we thought we knew about him was true at all. Turns out, he told everyone that he'd been diagnosed with cancer and had to take time away from everyone.
During our friendship, he opened up to me about his extremely abusive household, and most of our friendship was me letting him know that he deserved better and that I'd do anything to help him out of there. None of what he said was true. The truth came out because one of my friends caved and called his sister to find out how he was doing.
She was confused, because he was absolutely healthy. And when asked about their parents' separation, she confirmed that their parents were indeed together, and had never been at risk of divorce.
15. Truck Stop
During my freshman year in college, I had two roommates and one of their girlfriends came to visit for the weekend. So the other roommate and I were gonna give them the room to themselves for a little while. Most nights, this wouldn't be a big deal, but this was in the middle of a blizzard and we had almost two feet of snow, so there wasn't really anywhere to go.
So my roommate and a few buddies were gonna take a friend's truck out for a ride through the snowy hills we lived in. As we were walking out to the truck, I realized I had forgotten something and ran back upstairs to grab it real quick. When I came back down, I saw the truck driving away without me. Turns out one of our other friends had their girlfriend in town too, and he had brought her along, so there wasn't room in the car for me anymore.
So they just left without me, without waiting or even trying to tell me…
16. Three For The Price Of One
The moment I realized my friend wasn’t a real friend was going over to their house to hang out and finding around ten of my missing Xbox games in a loose stack of discs in his living room. On another occasion, I arrived late to a friend's birthday party a few years ago, and the birthday boy introduced me as "the guy I was telling you all about. Cool dude, but I wouldn't trust him with my wallet!"
He was intoxicated and it wasn't a joke. I also had a girlfriend break up with me. When she told me why, my blood ran cold. Apparently, my roommate would send her private pics of himself, call her on weekends, dial her up all the time, and do many other inappropriate things to try to get her to sleep with him. These are the ones that come to mind right now. I definitely am no longer friends with any of those individuals.
The first story occurred when I was only about twelve years old. I definitely took the games all back, but I remember that some of them were so scratched they were unplayable. The second story was a few years ago, but it honestly still bothers me. I don't take things that don’t belong with me, so I have no idea what he was referring to. Rest assured, your wallets are safe with me.
As for the last story, she told me that stuff only after we broke up because she wanted to hurt my feelings. My roomie was a substance-using crazy loon. To be honest, all the behavior that she described seemed like something he could do for sure. But by that time, he was already my ex-roomie. So making him an ex-friend too was not that big a deal.
17. When I Was Seventeen
It was my seventeenth birthday. I had invited two of my "best friends" over to stay the night. I waited for hours and finally got a text from one of them, saying they had gotten in trouble and couldn't stay the night. For some context, they were twins. About an hour later, they were tagged in pictures on social media. They were at another girl's house.
I confronted them the next day and they stuck with their lie and said their mom wouldn't drive them because they were in terrible trouble. They claimed that this was why they walked to the other girl’s house instead. My mom asked their mom in the end, because she knew how hurt I was. Turns out their mom didn't even know about my birthday, and they had never been in trouble. It was devastating.
I stopped hanging out with them after that. I learned a few months later that one of them had decided she didn't like me because her twenty-year-old crush, i.e. another friend's brother, had said he thought it was a shame that I was a minor because he thought I was cute. The twenty-year-old didn't know I was 17 at first. They have another sister who was born about a year after him.
He thought I was the 19-year-old’s friend and asked if I was single. My friend told him I was 17. He never once came off as creepy. He was always very nice and respectful. Never hit on me or made me feel uncomfortable. But he still inadvertently cost me my friendship with both twins. It still bugs me when I think about it from time to time.
18. Second Coming
We were friends since we were babies. Our moms worked at the same place. My mom saw him as her own child and he was frequently at our house after school, because his mom was kind of absent. His family moved out of the state, but we kinda kept in touch. Then, he came back while we were in our twenties. My mom was going to start remodeling the house.
He insisted on helping us since he was working with a construction company. To make a long story short, he said he needed some money for the construction permits. In hindsight, it wasn't even that much. But he took the money and we never saw him again. He even blocked me on Facebook. We later found out that the permit cost was a fraction of the amount he took.
The biggest pain in the heart was watching my mom crying, disappointed that her "own son" would do that to her. So screw him. We still aren’t fully sure what his motivation could have been. Some have proposed addiction as a possible explanation. I'll tell you that for a while we remained cautious about that as a possibility, until we found out that he had just left his job suddenly.
Also, many years later, his sweet old lady of a grandma was thrown behind bars because she and another woman had defrauded hundreds of their colleagues out of money. So we just realized that it was maybe just in the family’s genes. You can be sure as heck that I don’t consider that guy a friend anymore! He was by far the worst friend I’ve ever had.
19. In Sickness And In Health
This is currently happening. I had a stroke in 2020, and I’m young. I’m only 31 years old. I then found out that my kidneys were failing shortly after. I know it’s a pandemic, but not a single one of my friends have even so much as texted me to check in on me, nor have they asked my husband who they’re all also “friends” with. Literally everyone I know cut me off when I got sick.
Can’t drink? Not friends anymore. Oh well. I don’t need people like that in my life anyway.
20. Choosing Sides
Some friends had done some horrible stuff to me over the years. We're all capable of that. But the worst I would have to say was with this one girl. I really did enjoy being friends with her and I cared about her a lot. As soon as we became friends, we clicked instantly and we just had the most amazing conversations. We also had a similar understanding of life that you don't find in many other people.
Anyway, her boyfriend's brother took physical advantage of me in an inappropriate way. And I didn't really tell anyone about it. But my boyfriend at the time found out and reached out to people trying to find out information. So this girl's boyfriend, the brother of the guy who did it, made my friend disown me as a friend. She just dropped me once the truth came out.
She acted like we didn't just spend the last year together attached at the hip. She blocked me on all social media accounts. She pretended like we were never friends. Then, she and her boyfriend had a falling out and all of a sudden she resurfaced saying she was done with him and that she was sorry. But I guess that didn't last longer than a week, because once they got back together she dropped and blocked me again.
It hurt me a lot. It still hurts when I think about it. It's really messed up to do things like that to people. It’s been enough time now that I’m okay. But it was definitely a learning experience for me about the dark side of human nature. Thankfully, it didn't break me.
21. Getting The Picture
Back in the mid-2000s, my former friend tried to falsely paint me as an adult film star to everyone at our high school, just to get a girl not to like me because he had a crush on her. The plan backfired on him, because they all immediately came up to me and asked me about it. I ran with it and said I would get people copies of Playboy, which they all found cool.
22. Birthday Surprise
This story happened a long time ago. At my tenth birthday party, to be precise. It was the first time I'd actually tried to have a big group get together. It was around thirty kids at a park with a t-ball set up, along with normal picnic stuff and the like. My best friend at the time said he had a surprise for me in one of the fenced walkways leading to the park.
I follow him around the corner, where he sucker-punched me with his other friend. They then took turns jumping on me and kicking me. After a few minutes, another kid from the party saw, ran them off, and took me back to my mom away from the other kids so I didn't have to be too embarrassed. It was a horrible experience to have gone through as a kid.
Thankfully, whenever I tell this story, I receive an outpouring of kindness and support. It was so long ago but still brings back uncomfortable memories of being a shy poor kid with a weird last name in a very rich area, honestly. In case anyone was wondering, this happened in the 1980s, so it wasn’t like it was all the way back in a time when this kind of physical violence was common among kids.
For some additional context, my “friend” was the kind of guy to spray paint caterpillars to watch them slowly lose consciousness. He’d also shoot pellets at stray cats, or hide rocks inside snowballs and then laugh at someone getting hurt when he threw them. No, he didn't get in trouble for what he did because no one else saw what happened and I never said who it was, even if my mom secretly knew.
His mom tried almost everything to make him behave, but he was just that bad. The upside is that he regretted doing that to me for years afterward. And when he finally apologized to me, he was a totally different person and has been ever since. Still a little atypical, but not malicious at all. He told me that the reason why he hit me was because the other kid wanted to be his new best friend and he was angry at me for criticizing him about how cruel he could be.
I had, however timidly, told him about this concern of mine not long before. The other kid, "Steve," hated me for being poor and Jewish, basically, and pushed my friend to hate me too. It being my birthday didn't matter, because I really wasn't friends with anyone. I was really just trying to make some for the first time, which might have set Steve off, come to think of it.
There were also loads of families in the area, so it was really a case of throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. The boy who stepped in to help and I didn't really know each other. He was the guy everyone else was afraid of because he got big at a very young age. He went to boarding school the next year and it was somehow really good for him. Heck of a man last I knew.
Anyway, it’s been ages since the incident and I don’t hold a grudge. I just appreciate the kindness that others have shown me in all the years since. I was fortunate enough that this became a last straw type moment in terms of what I'd put up with. I know that doesn't happen for everybody who has to deal with being bullied quite so hard, but it really helped motivate me to stand up for myself down the road.
If anyone read this and faced something similar, I'm sorry to you. You deserve better in a friend and I hope you can find it, just like I later did.
23. Taking Turns
My ex got with two of my friends after a pretty bad breakup. It was to the point where it just seemed like she was trying to hurt me, and my so-called friends were willing to do the same just to get some easy action. So I was in the car with a third friend on Thanksgiving eve, telling him how much this was affecting me, to which he replied: "That's so disrespectful, man. I'd never do that to you!"
Well, that Christmas, the very next month, another friend shows me a picture of that friend and my ex together on Instagram. They started dating shortly after that.
24. A Tale Of Two Cities
I drove a twelve-hour journey twice in the span of a year to visit this jerk because I thought we were friends and he acted like we were. It cost me $300 each time to visit him, but he was alone in his new city and kept messaging me saying I should come visit and blah blah blah. It was his first job after graduating from college, so I was happy to visit and help with the adjustment.
Later, I find out that this guy has come back to my town multiple times and didn’t even hit me up once. And he stayed for months at a time! When I confront him about this, he says he’ll visit me next time he’s back in town. So the next time comes around and he stops by literally right before he’s about to drive home. He knocks on my door to say hi for five minutes.
Like dude, if you don’t wanna see me, why are you just going through all this nonsense and making me waste my money?
25. Designated Driver
My friend called me up and invited me over to play a game with them and their other friends. At the time, I had only barely started driving, but I decided, yeah, that sounds like fun. So I went over to play. When I arrived, I found out that they had volunteered me to pick up the other friends. I was not prepared to do this, but she trapped me because I had already agreed to come play "with her friends."
I was pretty annoyed by this, but I went ahead and drove to three places picking everyone up. No one was really ready to go when I arrived and one of them also needed me to drop them back on campus along the way so they could drop off their school assignment. By the time all was said and done, it was really late and I needed to get back home because I had to get up in the morning to go to work.
Not one of them even said thank you. The friendship didn't really last much longer after that.
26. Lending An Unhelping Hand
I once opened up to my ex-friend about being depressed and struggling with mental health challenges. He called me a coward for thinking about taking my own life, and said that I had nothing to be depressed about. He completely dismissed all of my fears and concerns. He then completely stopped talking to me after that semester was over.
27. A One-Way Street
With one of my “friends,” I put in so much effort, time, and money into our relationship. I helped her with so much, and would regularly drop everything to come to her rescue. Most of the time, there really wasn't much she could do for me in return, because she wasn't in as good a situation as I was, but I was okay with that. But then, there was one time when she could have done something for me, and she didn't do it. It really hurt me badly.
28. Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
This really happened to me, with someone who was both a friend and a crush. He had asked me out for coffee. I seriously thought we would bond over our love of travel, but he slipped up when he said he had a “mentor” he would love to introduce me to. Our coffee date turned into an hour and half long sales pitch, where I politely tried to hide both my rage and cringe at him.
Obviously, I lost all interest in him at that point and phased him out of my social media contacts.
29. Twenty Going On Zero
My former friend ghosted me after more than twenty years of friendship. He was my best friend for as long as I can remember, but at some point he just stopped saying yes when I suggested getting together. We could have a conversation about anything, but the second I brought up doing something it was radio silence. He finally agreed to something one time, then blew me off like an hour beforehand.
No rain check or suggestion that we try again. I was depressed for days, but that was the day I gave up. He was the best man at my wedding. I loved him like a brother and still hope he's doing well and happy. But the rejection hurts so much that I just don't try anymore. I've mourned the loss of our relationship and am done with it. And I still don't know why.
30. Band On The Run
My “friend” wouldn’t stop judging me for the dumbest things. They wouldn’t stop cussing me out for no reason. They said I was “academically dumb,” but yet they always came to me for help though. They said I wasn’t street smart. I can kinda agree with that one, to be fair. And they told me that my hobby and favorite activity to do (band) will get me nowhere in life.
I never said I wanted to do it as a job. Luckily, I blocked them out of my life and don’t deal with them anymore.
31. Falling Flat
When I was about fourteen years old, I lived in a granny flat at the back of my mum's house. I had a big group of friends who would stay every weekend. We’d have drinks, movie nights, and just hang out really. We were like a family and were all really close. Then, Mum put our house on the market and every single one of them stopped talking to me.
I think that’s still the most used I’ve ever felt. Probably because the friendships meant so much to me, and I feel like they just faked the whole thing for a place to stay.
32. Untying The Knot
I offered to pay everything and even pay her for her time off work for my best friend to come to my wedding. But she didn’t. It was a really small backyard wedding and I didn’t have any bridesmaids, nor did I want anyone to spend money getting dresses and all that jazz. I just wanted her to come and be there for the moment.
The excuse she gave was work, and so I understood. But then later, I found out that she had lied and had planned a trip with her other friends. I still don’t know why she didn’t want to come. We were friends for over ten years and, although this wasn’t the first time she had really hurt me, it was definitely the last. I never spoke to her again.
33. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner
For my sixteenth birthday, I invited my friends over for a party including dinner. I spent all day cooking with my dad and we made beautiful chocolate mousse cups in chocolate bowls. I went all out and I was so proud of the meal. I told everyone that dinner was at 6:30. Nobody showed up until 8:30. They were completely intoxicated and had brought me a bag of toys from Dollar Tree as a present.
I had already cleaned up and put away all the food. They had all been hanging out without me on my birthday and I was still just an afterthought.
34. I’ll Be Right Back...
A friend invited me to her wedding as a gesture of reconciliation, and then uninvited me when I RSVP’d. Also, another friend took me out to lunch and let me cry to her after I broke up with my ex. She then said she had to go to her mom’s place for a while and that she’d be back that evening with treats. She did not go to her mom’s house. She ended up hooking up with my ex.
35. Government Gridlock
My friend lied about me at our government job to the point where I was investigated by the Attorney General and ultimately had to leave a job and a boss that I loved. She quit when we found out it was her who lied, as she knew my boss would can her sorry butt. Oh, and I was the one who got her hired in the first place. Also, I can’t forget the best part of all.
I was one week postpartum on maternity leave when she decided it was the appropriate time to do all this. Talk about some people. It was rough.
36. Them’s Fightin’ Words
My best friend since middle school got me knocked unconscious after starting a confrontation with a large group of guys. He proceeded to tell everyone we worked with that I had started it. A few weeks later, I had returned from a holiday to my home country and he had moved one of his friends into my room at the place we were renting. I never talked to him again.
37. Aren’t You Forgetting Something?
My friend promised to invite me to a group outing, only to text me one day out of the blue that they already left and "oh well." From mutual friends who went on the outing, they told me that this friend never told them that I was invited.
38. Happy Birthday
I had been seeing a girl for several months. It was an unofficial sort of thing, yet we introduced each other as boyfriend and girlfriend and all that. I had my birthday come around and had some friends over for drinks. One of those friends was Aaron. He was the last guy from our school friends’ group that I was still friends with. Pretty sure that was my 22nd birthday, so we’d been friends for a while.
My girlfriend was drinking a fair bit and decided that I wasn’t giving her enough attention, so she started flirting with him a bit. I didn’t really mind, since I knew she was intoxicated and I figured it wouldn’t go anywhere since I trusted him. Oh, how wrong I was. My girlfriend was absolutely plastered by the time things wound down and everyone started going home.
Aaron was intoxicated and was going to be sleeping on the couch. The two of them ended up on the couch making out and who knows what else. She started throwing up not long after and that sobered herself up enough to realize what she was doing. The next morning, my friend acted like we were still friends and I was just quietly waiting for it to be long enough that he could drive home.
I blocked him on everything the moment he left and had a talk with my girlfriend. I ended up forgiving her due to how out of her senses she was and how sorry she was. I found out a few days later that at least two of my other friends had been telling Aaron that he needed to stop because she was my girlfriend, and he had just made a bunch of excuses and ignored them.
Looking back, it wasn’t really a surprise. He’d started dating my previous ex a month after she broke up with me, then cheated on her with one of his little brother’s intoxicated friends and got dumped. This was almost ten years ago now. We broke up a month or so later when she and her family moved to another state.
39. He Said, She Said
The story that comes to mind for me is the horrible first impression my at the time 'best friend' had on my then-new girlfriend, who is now my wife all these years later. We all went out to dinner. My wife is shy and quiet, while my friends are loud and rowdy. My friend’s cousin kept messing with her and being obnoxious, despite her very clearly asking him to stop.
At one point, he made inappropriate comments on her breasts, and it got to the point where she ended up crying and walking out of the restaurant. I followed her out. Then, my "friend," who had been in the bathroom at the time, called me to ask what happened. I told him his cousin was being a jerk, and his response was that my girlfriend was probably doing something to provoke him.
He claimed that they had been trying to lighten the mood and get her to talk more, but she was just "giving them the cold shoulder." He then informed me that she wasn't welcome at their outings anymore. He went on to apologize later on, but was also having serious problems with drinking and we drifted our separate ways before long.
40. There’s No Place Like Home
My friend is trying to gaslight me because I'm thinking of selling the place I'm letting them stay at and not using the money to buy them a new place to live. Also, they're pretty messy and ensured that they caused enough damage that it would take a while after they moved out for the house to go to market. The latter part was just an unspeakably lousy thing for them to do.
They knew I had been thinking about selling the place since last year. This year was the final nail in the coffin with the property management team, whom they despise as well. I know it’s very hard to find places to live during these times, so I made sure to give my friend as much advance notice as possible about my plans. By no means did I just spring the news on them out of nowhere.
41. History Repeats Itself
I gave my friend a birthday present and she just said she didn’t like it. I later found it in the trash when I visited her. She would always be late to everything. She got tickets to an Incubus concert and a meet and greet. It wasn’t in our city, so I saved all of my money to be able to afford the trip. A week before, she texted me saying she was going to Disneyland, so she sold the tickets.
I once painted a whole big beautiful mural in her room. Two months later, she just painted over it with purple because she got bored. She once invited me for coffee and I got really excited because I hadn’t seen her for a while and had a lot going on. I was almost homeless at the time, so I took the little money I had to pay for my coffee.
I got there only to discover that what she had invited me to was not a private get together at all. It was a multilevel marketing presentation that she was trying to sell me on. There were like six other people there, who all appeared to be just as disappointed as me. Then, she did it again the next time we made plans. I don’t know why I thought it would be different. That was the last time I saw her.
42. Room Service
My first roommate was one of my best friends from high school, though out of everyone in the friend group we had we weren't the closest, I guess. Nevertheless, we were still very good friends. Aside from being a poor communicator who would sometimes leave her phone at home and then disappear with her boyfriend and scare everyone, she was actually a great roommate considering how a couple of messy, working 19-year-old girls can be.
She went through a rough patch at work where she was basically working 60+ hour work weeks and in escalated customer service issues for a store credit card. She was miserable. When she got a week off after working, she wanted to throw a party in our house and promised to host, clean, and handle it all. I was 19, not being expected to do anything, and I wanted to go to a party.
So I said heck yeah! Everything with the party was a blast until towards the end, when people started asking me for things. I was intoxicated, so I said, "Why the heck are you askin' me?! Ask my friend!!" That was when I found out that my friend had been getting hot and heavy with her boyfriend, but had let two of our intoxicated mutual friends sleep in her bed already.
So the two lovebirds directed partygoers to me for anything they needed and left to go to my friend's boyfriend's place for the night, during her party. This was all done without even informing me. She left her phone, of course, and he didn't answer his. The following night, when she didn't come back, I cleaned up with a few members of our friend group, who also couldn't believe she had done this. I was beyond furious.
She wasn't intoxicated or anything, and she had specifically encouraged me to drink and have fun all night, saying she wanted to enjoy the hosting experience. She said seeing us all have fun would relax her more than drinking would. And then she bailed and left me with a ton of bugs drawing food and dirty dishes in the sink, along with the mess you'd expect from thirty young drinking idiots.
It took five hours for five people to clean up! And we were actually good cleaners! She didn't come back for three days. Except for once, two days after the party, when I was at work, to get some of her things. I know because I had missed a stack of pizza boxes she had put in the oven, so they started a small fire and my dad went to check on things for me.
The day after I finally managed to confront her about it, which was maybe five days after the party itself, she was so "upset" that she packed everything and moved out. Just like that. She ended up cutting all of our friends off, and we realized she had some other things going on in the background that were extra shady. But yeah. Whew.
43. Be My Pest
We let my friend crash at our place for a while when he was between places. While I was out one day, he got intoxicated and tried to intimidate my wife into sleeping with him. He told her: "If you don't do it, I will tell him you did and he will believe me." She suggested he go get some beers first and then locked the doors. She hid out at a neighbor’s place, where she called me and then the authorities.
Officers arrived on the scene before I could get there. Unfortunately, they couldn't actually take him in for anything. Instead, they basically just told him he should: "Screw off to somewhere else or we will find a reason to throw you behind bars." Good thing too, because if I had gotten there first, I would probably have gotten taken in myself for kicking his butt.
44. I’ve Got A Secret
I'm married and one of my best friends was a woman, who was basically like a younger sister to me. My wife really never had any issue with it since there were no trust issues between us. Around our second year of marriage, this "friend" (who I’ll refer to as “J”) decided to spread a rumor to my coworkers that we had been having a one-time affair.
One of my coworkers told me and showed me proof that J was saying all this stuff. When I finally confronted her, she initially just kept lying about it, until I showed her the screenshots of her texts. Then everything blew up. She got angry at me for not caring about her, not loving her, and the fact that I “left her” by getting married.
Eventually, I found out that the “one-time” rumor wasn't a one-time rumor. Instead, she had been saying this stuff to her coworkers and family ever since I got married, including the claim that I was leaving my wife for her.
45. I’ll Have What She’s Having
She wasn't my worst friend to be honest, but this was the crummiest act anyone ever did towards me. I had just started dating a guy in our friend group. We were in all different classes but he was in the same class with her a lot. As soon as we started dating, she became very clingy towards him. She was always hanging onto him, flirting, and just overall acting like she was interested in him.
After two months of us being together, he broke up with me. I was heartbroken. And as soon as he and I weren't together anymore, she stopped acting the way she had been around him. It was suspicious for sure, but I just wanted to think she was still my close friend. Then, I confided in her that I really liked another guy and was ready to move on.
She just so happened to be in a summer play with this guy that I wasn't a part of because I was working all summer. She starts going on and on each time I see her about how much people think she and him are a couple and how she is always flirting with him. It made me realize that the only reason she was doing all this was because she wanted my attention on her, even if it meant stepping on her close friend's feelings.
I stopped confiding in her after that. A few years later, I met and married my husband. She messaged him on Facebook to congratulate us and “interrogate” him, since I was “her dear friend.” She ended up getting flirty quickly and my husband stopped responding. I also have an ex-friend who did similar things, on top of being emotionally manipulative, but it wasn't as obvious other than the "accidental" nude photos she sent to my husband.
46. Fishy Behavior
I asked my best friend if he could stop in daily to feed my fish and test my water while I was out of town for two weeks. I ran a decent saltwater tank. It was a nice 150 gallon bowfront and gorgeous. I came home to a horrible sight. The tank was completely nuked. That means the fish were all dead and the tank was full of parasites. Turns out the friend didn't stop by even one time. I gave him $200 to do this, and he said, "Yea, no problem. It's on my way home from work anyways."
A lot of folks are usually interested in hearing the aftermath of this situation. When I got home and saw my tank nuked, I went to my friend’s house and confronted him. He basically shrugged the entire thing off. He claimed he had just forgotten and acted like I can just start a new tank, like it wasn't a big deal at all. I was in such a rage that I thought it best to just leave or I would hurt him bad.
So I went home, had a good cry, and proceeded with cleaning up. I sold off the equipment and gave up for about three years. I've never spoken to the guy again and have zero intentions of ever doing so.
47. Tripping Up
I had three best friends all throughout school. We did everything together. We all went to different universities after we graduated, but we kept in touch every day. They all graduated university and got jobs back at home, while I stayed on at school to do a Masters. We were still super close, though. We talked about finally going on our first group holiday together.
All suggesting places, one of them suggested a nice resort. But as a student without any real income, I said that would be a bit out of my budget. I suggested a similar resort that was a bit cheaper. Never heard from any of them again. I messaged and called. Nothing. Fifteen years of friendship down the drain, over a holiday. They went on the trip without me. I was utterly heartbroken.
48. Gossip Girl
I first met my ex-friend as a coworker. He needed a ride home since he didn't have a car, so I offered. I drove him home after almost every shift for three years. He became my closest friend. I was 16 years old and had just started driving. He was in his mid to early twenties. This was eight or some odd years ago. Now, as a teenager, I made some bad decisions and wasn't always the best guy. But that doesn't mean I deserve what he did to me.
Fast forward to four months ago, when he told my fiancee every terrible thing I've ever done throughout my life, and detailed to her every reason she should leave me. He gave her a spare key to his house and told her that when she makes the right decision his doors are open. Apparently, he's secretly been trying to end our relationship for almost two years.
He’s been feeding her lies and whispering in her ear about how bad a person I am so that he can have my fiancee join his fiancee and him in a three-way relationship.
49. Room Service
I live in the Eastern time zone of North America. My “friend” once texted my roommate, who was also the owner of my condo but was living in California at the time where it was 5:00 in the morning PST. In this text message, he claimed that I was high on illicit substances and having rowdy and inappropriate parties every night.
In reality, I was fast asleep when this all went down. Turns out he was the high one texting so early, and did this so that I would get blamed for the damage he himself caused. He was upset at me about something I stood up for and tried to make me homeless as a result. When you hear the backstory of what he was upset about, you will realize how truly ridiculous he is.
REASON: We were at a bar and he was very buzzed and high, sitting at a table. My other friend and I had literally got there just in time to miss a big disagreement between two other friends. The guy in question was pumped up and excited to fill me in, but the way he snapped his fingers and slammed the table to demand me to sit next to him was too much.
I said, “Let me get my first drink first, then I’ll walk over. Please don’t snap your fingers at me and demand that I do things.” Things escalated very quickly after I said that, to the point where he threatened to tip the table over. It was an ugly scene to say the least. And, next thing I knew, he was using this incident as his justification for trying to get me kicked out of our house.
50. Detour
I had a falling out with my best friend and, at one point, they wanted to reconcile. So we had a day together and it was good. About two weeks later, I was summoned to court on traffic charges and accused of refusing to appear. It turned out that this “friend” of mine had recently been stopped by traffic authorities, did not have identification on him, and claimed to be me.
As soon as the judge read the case report, including the physical description of what was supposed to be me, he looked at me and dismissed the case. I never saw that “friend” again. I heard much later through mutual acquaintances that they had taken their own life. The whole situation is very messed up and sad on multiple levels.
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