We all have different dreams and ideas of success. Some people want fame, some want fortune, some want love, and some want the impossible. If you had no limitations, what would you want for your own life? Here are some of the most ridiculous fantasies real people from the internet have shared:
#1 The Coburg Cow
In my town, there's a cow that's up on a rotating pedestal on the side of the major highway. The Coburg Cow. It has been there since before I was born, and it will be there after I die. It's stayed up through hurricanes, and it gets to wear bunny ears at Easter. It is a fixture in my town. I want to ride the cow so badly.
#2 Grown-Up Mentality
Reliving different moments of my childhood with my present mindset and knowledge. I just love imagining how I'd mess with people. I feel like the best thing about this is that you would be able to go back and win every single argument... Or you'd be the kid who loses every argument with, "Shoot, I swear I had something for this."
#3 An Open-Ended Adventure
Just dropping everything and dipping out. Leave all my family and friends behind and heading to someplace where no one can find me. I think for a week it would be awesome then I would get sad. At least 2-3 times a week I fantasize about it. When I'm in my car (minivan, if that tells you anything), I just imagine myself driving past my road and going... nowhere in particular. Maybe west, maybe south. Turning my phone off. Unplugging from it all, if only for a week. It's so fantastically open-ended.
#4 Fortunate Travelers
I have a few “social media” friends my age that appear to be full-time travelers. They post photos from Thailand, Bangladesh, and Ireland for months and I have no idea how because they don’t appear to be “influencers.” I'm not sure but I secretly see them through Instagram or Facebook while I work 45 hours a week in a winter's nightmare wasting my 20s away.
#5 The Bad Trade-Off
Getting hurt just enough to be in like the hospital for a while... or a coma, but not enough to lose my life, become paralyzed or turn into a vegetable. It's a pretty sad fantasy and a sure sign that I need to find a new job. It speaks volumes that we'll trade some level of physical disability for some time off work. I don't think that's necessarily healthy, but sometimes you're just stuck with what you have.
#6 The Perfect French Pizza
I really enjoy French bread pizza, and I love to fantasize how about taking that first bite and having it be the perfect temperature and crispiness, without sending the roof of my mouth into the 6th layer of the underworld.
#7 Break The Cycle
Earning enough money to break out of the cycle of living month to month. Every few days, I browse car selling websites, navigate to the lowest pricing option for a 2014 or newer, and pretend to be able to afford one of those cars so I can finally stop driving my '06 Cobalt. Sigh... one day. Also, I dream to move out of my dangerous ghetto apartment complex.
#8 Live In Moderation
Can you imagine just walking into the grocery store and buying literally whatever you want? It amazes me that people do that instead of carefully planning meals through the week. And when they come up short, they simply figure that they'll have leftovers that day. Even when you can afford to buy whatever you want, keep planning your meals and eating leftovers. A lifestyle not lived in moderation will keep you poor.
#9 Memory Layers
If I'm going to get hit by a car, truck or bus, then end up in a coma... I hope I lose memory for three days, retain it, and pretend to still lose memory just to see how people act around me or whatnot. But I also wonder... if you lose your memory, when you get your memory back, do you remember what it was like to not remember? Like, would you know what it's like to forget everything even though you remember it all anyway?
#10 It's Liza Minelli
My dad had an unexpected quadruple bypass several years ago. After staying by his bedside all night while he was asleep in the recovery room, I had to go to work for a few hours in the morning. I called the hospital after I knew he should be starting to wake up and let them know I was his daughter. They put the call through to his room and must have told him who it was.
Being ever the jokester, he decided that I hadn't been through enough turmoil in the last couple of days and he would not only pretend to be weak and feeble but also pretend to have amnesia.
"Hello?" he said, in the weakest old man voice ever. He was in his early 50's at the time, so still pretty young.
"Hi Dad, how are you feeling?"
"Who is this?" he croaked out. (I am his only daughter, by the way).
I was sleep-deprived and incredulous that he was messing with me like this after everything that had happened that week. I said the first thing that came to my mind.
"It's Liza Minnelli," I deadpanned.
He started cracking up and then cursed because it hurt his chest too much to laugh.
#11 Homegrown Pets
Growing up, I had a whole imaginary species that grew in the ground like potatoes. I would go dig them up, care for them, train them, and then pretend to adopt them out to people at the grocery when mom dragged me along with her. I'm 25 now and still get this itch where I see a spot in the grass and feel like I have to dig it up. I don't, but the thing pops up anyway and follows me around.
#12 A Dream Office
Building an office in my backyard. I have the option of working from home available to me, but there is nowhere in my house I would want to work. I don't have any extra rooms and my basement is not somewhere I'd want to spend eight hours a day. If I built an addition to the house, it would eventually get taken over by family, so my options are basically a separate structure that I can work from. I've already got plans for a cabin that I'd make into an office and hobby space. In my mind, it has already been furnished and decorated.
#13 Invisible Immortality
Being invisible and walking around alone at night in really dangerous neighborhoods, just for the thrill of it. I should clarify that invisible implies that I can't be hurt, trapped, or detected. It's my fantasy after all. And the places I would explore also include abandoned or forbidden places, as well as spooky woods and back roads.
#14 Power Ball Philanthropy
Mine is having a load of money and just doing random awesome things for people, from just swiping my card for elderly or other people who look like they are struggling at the supermarket, to buying hard-up families homes. When the Power Ball was like a billion, I thought of winning and how I would help random people. On my drive home, there is a trailer and often the people who live there are selling random stuff to try to survive. The females have set up handmade jewelry and stuff like that. I wish I could go buy it all and just tell them to keep the change.
#15 Serving A Community
I just want to house all my fellow trans friends. If I had the money that I could do it without worry, I would. Heck, even with some mild worry, just enough to get started and stable for a year until we could get to a maintaining point, I would in a heartbeat. I always love to think about how many of my trans friends' lives could be vastly improved with secure housing and access to surgeries.
#16 Be The Change
I was working in Northern Oregon late last year. I overheard a man and wife planning their funds for the next two weeks. It included buying a Nintendo Switch controller so they could have another person play at their New Year's get-together. I bought their dinner and left. I'm not rich, but I make a healthy living. 40 dollars isn't much to me, but I hope it makes a difference for their holiday. Be the change you want to see in the world, friend.
#17 Just Scream
Screaming in public. This intrusive thought crosses my mind a few times a week, and I'm not really sure why. My mind just tells me "Scream bro. Scream a curse word. Or something super offensive. Or anything dude, just scream." Like, I'd be sitting with my university tutor and the fleeting thought would be "I could probably scare the heck out of you right now," but I wouldn't.
#18 Laundry Woes
I want my ironing pile to iron itself. It's so big that it's too overwhelming to tackle. I have been digging outfits for myself and my toddler daily out of a waist-high piles of clothes sitting in a laundry basket waiting to be folded. I’ve been neglecting it since my morning sickness hit, and now it’s just too big to bother with.
#19 Clean Freak
I'm a clean freak and I was wasting a ton of time cleaning that I really needed for study (my field is really competitive). Also, my wife is a bit messy so paying someone else to clean her toothpaste splatter off the mirror, makeup out of the sink, etc. makes me less resentful (I do all the chores but cleaning) and our marriage a happy one. I'm hoping to get a pretty substantial raise in a month or so and considering shelling out for weekly cleanings...
#20 Start All Over
Packing a bag, getting into my car, and driving away to some random city or town and starting over. I also often think about how the world would be if humans had big poofy tails like squirrels a lot because I find it amusing. I could see people styling their tails to stand out, teenagers rebelling against their parents by dying their tail some crazy color ("IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM!"). Tabloids would be reporting things like "Miley Cyrus shaves off her tail! Exclusive photos inside!" People on dating apps and websites would be listing their tail length as a new stat as they do now with height. I don't know, I just think it's funny to think about a world like that.
#21 Changing Identities
Faking your own passing is kind of extreme really. If you want to, you absolutely have every right to quit your job, cut off all contact with your friends and family, change your phone number, change your legal name, withdraw all your money, and pack up all your stuff and move to the other end of the country. There's no way anybody can stop you from doing it. You're under no legal obligation to tell anyone. Maybe if your family reports you missing, the police will investigate and see records of you doing some of these things, like re-registering your car perhaps, withdrawing very large sums of money, changing your name, etc. None of these things are illegal and they can't force you to communicate with anyone.
#22 Survivor Scenarios
I have a long driving commute and I like to imagine what people are doing in the houses I pass. Or, when I'm on the bus home I like to imagine everybody on that bus stranded on an island. Who would be the natural leader, who would hoard all the coconuts, who would be the first to enact Lord of the Flies, who would hook up?
#23 Low-Key Famous
Being famous. Not Brad Pitt-type famous but famous for inventing something or doing something great and someone recognizes me: "Look, it's the guy who invented the toaster strudel." I mean, I wouldn't mind being radio-famous. Like people knew my name and knew who I was when mentioned in a particular context, but no one really knew what I looked like and my name was common enough that outside the specific context people wouldn't necessarily know that I was that guy.
#24 Rich Dreams
Winning the lottery. It's not just, "Man, if I won $200 million dollars I would buy this, this, and that." It's more like:
"Okay first, I would have to research the top lawyers in Manhattan to protect what's mine, then I would need a financial advisor to keep track of my expenses with my lawyer present to ensure that my money is safe. It is his responsibility to give me an allowance so the money will stretch for the rest of my life. Then, I would give my job a two-weeks notice and work those weeks so no one is suspicious as to how rich I am. Then, I'd collect the money with my financial advisor and lawyer present. That Friday, I'd take my friends to dinner and tell them from now on I pay for the bill as long as no one asks questions. I give so and so a check to finish her student loans..." etc., etc.
#25 Fear, Not Fantasy
Fantasize is the wrong word, but whenever my wife is a little later than usual picking the kids up from daycare or taking the long drive to her folks, I can't help but fear they have been hit by a tipsy or irresponsible driver. What would I do if everything I care about is suddenly gone and I wasn't given the luxury of going with them? So far, they are like 67-0 on coming home or arriving safely, but the fear remains.
#26 Parental Plans
Raising a daughter; having her wrap her tiny little hands around my finger; hearing her babble and coo; making her laugh; hearing her cry and feeling the emotional response of desperately wanting to help or cuddle her; wiping away her drool; having her fall asleep in my arms. But I'm still in uni, so not right now.
#27 Self-Made Ambitions
Being productive. I do this, but with things, I want to actually do. Like I want to start a website that does a certain thing. I want to buckle down and play music again to get on a good level of playing. I want to start my own business. It all never ends up going anywhere though because lazy and happy wins out in the end.
#28 Mr. Or Mme. President
Being the president and trying to do a good job. I imagine the speeches I would give, who would take care of the White House cats, trying to be diplomatic. However, the idea of campaigning and having to be active and schmooze people is the part that seems ridiculously daunting to me. I can't stay "on" all the time. I imagine it's super mentally draining. People tend to generally like me so in the fantasy I'm able to bring the naysayers around with a well-intentioned speech.
#29 A Love To Call My Own
This is kind of sad but... someone being in love with me. Being given flowers. Someone’s heart skipping a beat when he sees me. Holding hands. Being flirted with. I’ve never been in a real romantic relationship with anyone. I’ve been socially awkward my whole life (I have NVLD) and, while I’m way better at socializing now as an adult, I never quite learned “how to date.” It doesn’t help that I’m not much of a looker and that I don’t like the bar scene. I’m... very afraid of dying alone, heh.
#30 The Laws Of Attraction
I fantasize about someone actually finding me attractive, as a person and physically, and actually actively desiring my company. I fantasize about being genuinely being wanted. As it stands, I've always been the pursuer and it's always been women never feeling anywhere near the same in return. I'm not physically attractive. I seem to lack the charisma and charm to draw people in. I've never really had many friends and my dating life has been painful.
I see people who can be desired by someone simply by being incredibly physically attractive and nothing more. I see people who have so much charm that they attract people regardless of looks. I just want somewhere in the middle. But I'm nothing to look at and most people don't find me to be interesting enough to matter. I've tried many things over the year including the trio of gym, clothes, and hair. So far nothing has really changed.
I'm still watching my diet and exercising and I'm still looking for new things to do to get out there. But right now I have nothing going on and I haven't for a long time. It's been years since I've known the warmth of a person's touch and the comfort of companionship. I fantasize about that being different.
#31 Good Healthcare
Having a really, really good healthcare plan. Like, where I can go to the doctor whenever I want, get fancy things like dental and mental health covered, and when there's an emergency, not having to weigh "how much do I actually think I'm, like, really dying for sure" before consenting to go to the ER. (And my husband being able to get his $400 medicine that actually worked instead of the $100 one that kind of does).
#32 Being An Everyday Hero
I regularly have hero fantasies. Not like a superhero, but if some huge thing happens, I fantasize about being a part of it and saving people or being in some position to take out the bad guys. Like when I read about soldiers being in Las Vegas when the threat was there and they helped people, I fantasized about being in that position.
#33 The Statistics Of Happiness
Genuine happiness. I took a statistics class in college and one time the professor made us all take a short questionnaire where the only question was, "Are you happy?" He then showed us the results. The majority of people voted yes. I was surprised that I was in class with all those happy people and didn't even know it. I think about it sometimes, wondering what they feel every day.
#34 Video Games IRL
Vivid thoughts of having superpowers, being thrown into the world of various anime, video games, and comic book universes, and seeing if I’d live, who’d I’d meet, etc. Last month, it was My Hero Academia. This month? Kingdom Hearts.
#35 The Word "Sonder"
The word "sonder" comes to my mind whenever I see an array of houses. There's a YouTube channel that covers words such as this. It means the realization of the fact that everyone has their own story. I like to think of what's going on in each, what are their plans for the day and in the long run, their baggage; the one thing that gnaws them secretly. It's so much fun to do it during a commute, time just flies away.
#36 A True Friend
I’m fiscally scraping by, but have a friend who is poor. I would love to buy her a brand new trailer to replace her roach-infested, holes-in-the-floor, plumbing-nightmare single-wide. Instead, I slide her a $5 for gas money and occasionally gift her roach killer.
#37 The One "Yes"
Getting the one "yes" that would change everything. I imagine signing with a literary agent, and because that would make me somewhat legit, I could talk to writers and they would want me around. I could get published, and then I would be in. Not famous or rich or a bestseller, but I would belong somewhere. If only I were talented enough, I would freaking belong. Or the one "yes" that would lead to having a spouse and being legitimate in that way. Having a life with love, support, and validation.
#38 Diabetes-Free
No longer having diabetes. Being able to eat without needing an injection, being able to go out and be carefree rather than constantly worrying about my blood sugar. I would love to think it could happen in my lifetime, but I'm not really holding my breath.
#39 Kung Fu Fantasy
Being in a public place and a super well-choreographed fight scene breaks out with a sick soundtrack playing in the background. Like, I’m in the grocery store buying an onion and boom I just have to leap over the potatoes and dropkick that old lady right there but she anticipates it and suplexes my bum into the lettuce. I compose myself but now she’s grabbed her katana and I have to defend with a shopping basket but oh no, now here comes her freaking ninja gang and everyone is just crazy awesome fighting. Oh, and the Chemical Brothers are playing like, super loud.
#40 A Week In Bed
A week in bed... Nothing that must be done... People figuring out their own stuff and not having to rely on me... I'm currently still in my hospital bed. I get to go home tomorrow and I can't wait! The nurses wake you several times at night to check on the other person in the room. The "we have the best pain killers and you get as many as you want!" line from a doctor was a lie. I got ibuprofen. Yesterday, I had to wait 1.5 hours for it after asking. Food isn't always what you order and then you simply can't eat. I was in too much pain to actually watch TV and the day after the surgery, my mother called me because her WiFi gave her issues...
#41 Olympic Bid
A Winter Olympics bid by my hometown. I picture what facilities would be used for what, which ones would have to be built, how transport would work, who would perform at the opening and closing ceremonies, what a logo and mascot could be, every detail. It's ridiculous because my town is the kind of place where people are terrified of anything big (the mayor literally laughed at the idea of an Olympic bid recently).
#42 Revenge Plot
Running into a particular ex. She broke up with me because I wasn't making as much as her at the time. Apparently, this made me "not ambitious" enough for her. Well, those tables have since turned. Substantially so. I would love to have her ask me to catch up over lunch or something just so I can say some snarky elitist stuff like, "Sorry, I only dine with ambitious people."
#43 Interdimensional Traveler
I am an interdimensional traveler who can grab technology from universes where the TV show I am watching is real and use it. Like grabbing spacecraft (Star Trek, Star Gate, etc.), vampire blood, etc. Somehow, it works in our universe too and bam I am ruling the world. Sometimes, I go into the middle ages to rule from there too.
#44 Financial Independence
The most extreme thing I can think of fantasizing about in this society is to have some financial independence and have some modicum of freedom associated with that. Perhaps even some healthcare. At least if you're part of the mid-to-lower class, economically.
#45 Magic Furniture
Magic furniture. If I left my dishes on the table, they'd somehow end up not only off the table but clean and back in the cabinet. My clothes? Leave them dirty on the floor and the next day they're clean and in my closet. The coffee table works too. I leave my PlayStation controller out next to my drink bottle and when I return later it's back in the closet on the charger and the bottle is nowhere to be seen. It would be incredible really.
#46 Assassin Ambitions
That I'm a world-class hitman, who lives in plain sight, but is undetectable. I wear a prosthetic nose and makeup to conceal my real face. I also wear stilts and wear pads so that my actual height and body size are unknown. In case someone catches me red-handed, I could just take all of them all off and no one would know it's me. This and the jobs I get from people to assassinate different targets.
#47 Streamer Revenue
Building a Twitch following that's just big enough to give me some nice side cash, but not big enough that everything I do and say is subject to the most ridiculous levels of scrutiny. Also, still having the freedom to play what I want, and not play when I don't have to.
#48 A Member Of Overwatch
Whatever video game I'm playing at the time, I fantasize about being in that universe. Romance and nonsense included. At one point, I was a member of Overwatch and things between me and Genji got pretty steamy. Now, Solaire and I are partaking in jolly cooperation together and it's a slow burn. I'm not at all a hopeless romantic, but fictional men are always so much better than the real thing, ya know?
#49 Becoming A Spacewalker
Maybe this is a bit childish, but for me, it's going to space. I really want to walk on the moon or see the earth from orbit, and know I've probably been born too early for that to become actually affordable in my lifetime, or at least in the period of time where I could be medically cleared for spaceflight. I doubt I could pull off a John Glenn even if it is affordable 50 years from now.
#50 The Magic Button
I sometimes think about a button that I could press that would remove every speck of debris or dust or dirt from my apartment. And I'd be able to see it all in a clear container and then dump it in the trash. I also think about how that same button could find all my loose change or loose change in my parents' house and tell me how much money there is.