We all have a secret. Some are little bits of truths that we'll go to our graves with, while others are too good not to be shared. But what if that secret was so bad or embarrassing that you couldn't share it with anyone? Would you burst from keeping it locked away for so long? Or would you find some forum where you could share it anonymously? Yes, this is what the Internet is for: sharing those long-held secrets that nobody can know, from your spouse to your closest friends and family members.
You can create another identity and spill your guts about the deepest and darkest skeletons in your closet with no fear of being found out. It can be a relief valve, a pressure release, for you to keep your sanity intact while letting the cat out of the bag, without any repercussions.
Here are secrets that the folks on Reddit could only share anonymously. Due to the nature of this article, some of the stories included contain dark and sensitive material.
Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!
#25 Love The Way I Lie
Everyone thinks I have my life together, but in reality, it's a horrible mess and I've gotten dangerously good at lying and being manipulative in order to get what I want after a rough childhood. I'm always keeping my emotions in check in order to portray myself however best fits the situation and prey on the emotions of others. I can't tell the truth anymore without deconstructing a 10+ year-old cumulative lie. I find myself lying over trivial things just to see how far I can go with it and still get away with it.
I'm 90 percent sure I have sociopathic if not psychopathic tendencies and the negative stigma in that alone keeps me up at night in case someone finds out. The worst part is this doesn't worry me even though logically I can deduce it should. In fact, I'm in love with the thrill of keeping this con going even though I know it will end up extremely destructive.
#24 That Seems Way Too Old
I thought I learned how to tie my shoes when my mom showed me in pre-kindergarten, and I went around telling everyone I knew how to tie my shoes. The next time I try to tie them, though, it turned out I forgot how, but I was too embarrassed to ask for help. I didn’t learn how to tie my shoes until I was 18 years old.
#23 Night Terrors
I have night terrors that I can't even explain, usually dealing with bizarro scenes you would see out of an American Horror Story episode. They're usually about friends, family, acquaintances, old friends I haven't seen in years. I get to the point of waking up crying and being scared to sleep. I don't tell anyone because I don't like the feeling of people thinking there is something wrong with me. I already struggle with the idea that I actually have autism and everyone just interacts with me to be nice.
#22 A Soccer Affair
My wife cheated on me with a professional soccer player. I found pictures of her sent to him, texts between him and her that discussed getting together, and the most hurtful things a wife could say about her husband. At this point, I understood why she was feeling detached from me. All her emotional needs were being met by this other man.
We have 3 amazing kids. Life has been challenging for us but not any different or difficult than most couples. I am so in love with her. She is an amazing mom, extremely beautiful to me, and has a very attractive bubbly personality that everyone loves. I am so proud that she is my wife. At least I was.
We have been and still are going to counseling. She did end the relationship with the other man the day after I found out. She did say she loves me but is not romantically in love with me. Her actions are just not showing me much.
#21 A Very Strict Sock Dress Code
I have gone to insane lengths in order to never wear matching socks a day in my life.
I've quit a high-paying job with a strict dress code. I've lost a relationship with someone who decided it proved my immaturity. I've worn boots to a funeral.
#20 Military Intelligence
I have done 19 years in the military as an Intelligence Officer and can’t get any more anti-war in my thinking.
We’ve decimated countries and people are dying overseas every day, and Americans don’t see it because it’s not in our news cycle. The lies that have gotten us into wars are complex and self-serving and they are being used to get us to act in Syria and North Korea and Iran.
I can’t wait to retire and do anything other than intel, military, or government work.