October 12, 2021 | Eul Basa

Fast Times At Hot Gossip High: High School Teachers and Students Spill The Tea

Students may not realize it, but teachers know about all the juicy drama that goes on behind the scenes at school. From secret affairs to earth-shattering secrets, a lot goes on under the surface that most of us never hear...until now. These people have opened Pandora's Box and revealed all the hottest gossip from their schools—and we can't get enough of it!

1. Off the Grid

My junior year English teacher loved my high school more than anything. He made it his whole life. After I graduated, our new president/principal combo went through and fired almost all the teachers that students loved, including him. After that, he went missing. His favorite book to teach was Into the Wild and I just know he pulled one of those. He was last spotted leaving church.

Then, a duffel bag with his wallet and phone were found abandoned on a beach two hours from where we lived. He was never heard from again.

Unfair Things FactsShutterstock

2. How the Tables Turn

At my former high school, the vice principal recently got fired for breaking into people's houses and stealing prescription pills. The worst part? Every time I got in trouble in high school he said that I should look up to him because he was a respectable adult with a good job.

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3. Does This Count as Performance Art?

I’m a speech therapist. For the past two to three months, we’ve had a serial poop artist. Some kid will go down to the bathrooms and take a huge dump, then fish it out and leave it on display. So far, they've created five masterpieces. I'm 28, and I cry-laugh every time.

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4. Brings New Meaning to Dress Rehearsal

I remember at our school, to promote the plays the drama club put on, all of the actors had to come to school dressed in costume on the premiere day. When we did The Diary of Anne Frank, we had two embarrassed kids walking around the halls in full SS uniforms that day. I don't know why our program thought that would be a good idea.

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5. That’s a Twist

A beloved teacher and coach got charged for hooking up with a student. The teacher had a wife. The kicker? The student was a guy.

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6. Pet Shop Boys

A girl came to school one day with five bunnies in her book bag, and by the end of the day had sold every bunny for $25 apiece. Every day, teachers would be stopping kids and looking through book bags and lunchboxes. It was chaos. And the bunnies were still being sold! Occasionally you'd see someone with a lump in their jacket with an ear poking out—bunny. A cracked lunchbox—bunny.

Eventually, this turned into a full black market bunny selling ring. The leader had recruited other sellers, and they had designated bunny-trading spots. Our school is infamous for gangs and dealing, so this was a pleasant surprise to most. Over time, the bunny selling trickled to a stop, but occasionally one still pops up.

Motherhood factsPixabay

7. Cruel and Unusual Punishment

After two kids were late, one of the coaches made one of them do sit-ups…into the other’s bare butt. As a result, the school got hit with a huge lawsuit.

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8. Music of the Heart

A friend of mine does routes for a music company and drops off supplies and picks up instruments that need repairs. A teacher handed him a clarinet that was in a plastic baggie. When he found out why, he was utterly appalled. Apparently, a guy had...pleasured himself with a girl’s clarinet because he liked her.

The student now has to pay for the instrument because the repair guy won't touch it and the school is withholding his diploma until the family can buy a new clarinet.

High School Gossip factsFlickr, Steve Snodgrass


9. I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me

A teacher got walked out by admin yesterday and put on leave. It happened right after his car got stolen by two students who had walked around his desk and grabbed his keys during class. I raised an eyebrow, because why would anyone be put on administrative leave for that? Then I found out the dark truth. It turns out that he had installed surveillance software on his computer and set up a camera to record his room.

When he found out his car had been stolen, he went all vigilante tracking down and threatening the kid who he thought did it.

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10. Sweet Revenge

Last year, a kid shoved a lollipop into some other kid's ear. Not a big deal, right? Well, it busted his eardrum as it started bleeding and supposedly he couldn't hear properly for the rest of the semester.

Salvador Dali factsWikimedia Commons

11. Mess Around and Find Out

This was something I witnessed in my grade 10 art class. These two kids enrolled in my school midway through the semester, they both had reputations that followed them. They also made reputations for themselves at this school just doing things that make you disliked. Trash-talking the jocks because they're jocks, messing around with girls, thinking they're cool/better than people, etc.

So they were both in my art class. We sat in a U-shape and I was directly across from them at the ends of the U. One of them is running his mouth like usual when the art teacher gets up from his desk. He's a big dude, 6'2” tall, I'm thinking 200-220lbs. He skulks around his desk and makes his way towards the end of the U-shape.

Then, mid-sentence, he grabs the guy talking trash in a headlock, pulls him over his chair, then plants him on his back and then yells "BOOM THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE!" and walks away. Everyone in the room is just staring speechless at each other and then laughter erupts.


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12. Those Influencers…

A seventh-grader who already failed once made an announcement about her upcoming abortion debate. This led many to ask the question “Who’s the baby daddy?” Her answer? “Some dude from Instagram.”

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13. The First Rule of Student Fight Club Is…

I’m a teacher and one of my coworkers got fired one day. Then, an angry mob of parents turned up to beat the heck out of him on an ordinary, sunny Tuesday. When I found out the reason why, my blood ran cold. It turns out this guy was making his students fight in this sort of tournament. The winners would receive a perfect grade that semester. Some of the kids got hurt really bad.

He'll never be able to teach again and he had to leave town because everyone wanted to hurt him. Rumors say that the videos are online, but I haven't bothered to look.

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14. Forced Out of the Closet

We have a gay male student who was beaten up by a group of the tough jocks for telling all of his friends about having a crush on one of the top sports players in the school. But then, the truth came out. As it turns out, he had been secretly meeting this guy in parking lots and secret locations for months for hookups. After the jock let his friends beat him up for the "rumors," he posted screenshots of their conversations and NSFW pics on all social media platforms for the whole student body to read.

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15. The L-Word: High School Edition

My fellow teachers and I noticed that the female students had been highly interested in each other, and we joked with one another that we thought experimentation happened in college. Only later did we find out what was really happening. A parent came in to ask her daughter's teachers, principal, and counselor for advice on what to do with her child.

That’s how we found out that her daughter had not been coming home at night because she and all her friends were hooking up.

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16. Trial by Fire

At my friend's high school, a first-year teacher had a tile broken over his head. He had students who wanted to "act hard" in class, even though the school was in a fairly well-to-do neighborhood. So they would pull the fire alarms in his class—he was in a small temporary building outside—pour water on his computer, throw desks, etc.

Even with all of that, the principals never did anything for him: They never answered a disciplinary referral and they would never remove the worst kids from his classroom. All they would do is yell at him to "learn to control his class." From what I heard, they're now liable to see legal action since this teacher had multiple stitches in his head and a concussion.

Parent As Bad As Student FactsShutterstock

17. Art Star

Back when I was in high school the most dramatic thing I can remember happening is someone drawing an enormous—like a hundred meters long—dick on our sports field with weed-killer. The field was in a lowered area from the main school buildings; you had to take quite a lot of stairs to get to it, so you got a really good view of the whole thing whenever you were at the school and walking past.

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18. Don’t Stand So Close to Me

When I was a senior in high school, I noticed that the Latin teacher constantly looked at me like he liked me. I didn't even take Latin. The thing was that he was older, and not remotely attractive. One day I was home at my parents' house on a Sunday. The phone rang—I couldn’t believe it. The old geezer called me. He propositioned me.

I told him to screw off and slammed the phone down. I kinda felt sorry for him because he was probably terrified that I'd get him fired. I never told anybody. A while later, I saw him in a public place pushing his wife, who was in a wheelchair. We locked eyes and kept walking.

Caught Lying FactsShutterstock

19. Spice Up Your Life

Last year we had a girl start randomly pepper-spraying people in the library. It turns out she had snapped after she found out her ex-boyfriend had been hooking up with her mother during and after the relationship—a whole legal bullet was dodged there because he was 18 when it all started. At first, it was just a Twitter beef when she found out.

Then, it escalated to the point where she went to confront him over this, armed with pepper spray, and one way or another had a nervous breakdown, snapped, and then went to pepper spray everyone in the library. I heard that she had been told he was there. She ended up leaving the school after the incident and the guy got suspended, but it was a mess for the school's PR.

I honestly felt bad for her because I'd had a class with her and she was always really nice and it seemed like a super awful situation had just brought the absolute worst in her.

Ideas That Backfired factsShutterstock

20. Twist Ending

I work in IT support for a school. Being as unspecific as possible, but a kid had his school provided tablet rescinded for having DDoSing software, network penetration software, and even software for doxxing on it. This kid is 11 years old. Anyway, he kept coming back into the office asking for his account/tablet back, which was obviously a no. Then he suddenly stopped. We thought he'd just given up.

Nope, turns out he and his family have upped and left to Iraq. Welp. That was both unexpected and terrifying.

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21. Party of Two

Earlier this semester, a cafeteria worker who a ton of people loved passed away suddenly, leaving her two kids—one senior and one freshman—with their alcoholic dad. The mom's side of the family, last I heard, are taking care of them. Since then, our entire town has had a ton of fundraisers and still has a fund for them. I barely see the oldest son, who I assume doesn't show up because that's some seriously heavy stuff to deal with during that transition out of school.

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22. Disappearing Act

I had a close circle of friends. There was myself, Matt, Mitch, and a girl named Amal. Amal was Muslim, but acted like the polar opposite. Lots of makeup, black metal shirts, pot, and she dated Mitch. Mitch, while a great guy, was not a parent's dream. They dated for a few months, then Mitch texted me out of the blue freaking out.

It turns out that Amal's parents found out about Mitch and were not happy. I messaged her to see if she was okay, and she told me her parents were threatening to take her back to Pakistan. The next day, her Facebook was deleted. She had sent Mitch one last text, telling him how much she loved him, how her parents were kidnapping her, and how scared she was.

Mitch was livid, and called her dad. Mitch said her dad told him to never speak to their family again, and that Amal needed to be punished for dishonoring their family. Mitch tried for months to get a hold of her. None of us ever heard or saw her again. Amal was wonderful, and did not deserve whatever awaited her. I sometimes wonder if I could have done something different, but she was gone in a matter of hours.

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23. Create a Diversion!

Our prom turned into a huge debacle. One girl took a pregnancy test at the dance and was confirmed pregnant. She then screamed at her sister for telling everyone and they got into a huge cat fight on the dance floor—but that's just the beginning of the insanity. During the fight, one of the tweakers goes through everyone's purses and jackets and steals credit cards and phones, flushing the SIM cards down the toilet.

No one would've noticed if he hadn't stopped right outside the door and started smoking on school property. The principal called the cops on him and they searched him. The dance ended early with a lot of angry parents and one pregnant girl.


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24. The Mixologist

I had a friend in high school who was convinced he was the first person to ever think of pretending vodka was water, and that it was impossible for him to be caught doing this. He got caught the first day he did it because he filled the bottle up to the top with vodka. He waited until lunch for some reason, bought a carton of orange juice and made an incredibly disgusting screwdriver with it, at like a 10:1 vodka to OJ ratio.

He then chugged the entire thing during lunch, puked everywhere, and passed out. So, yeah. He definitely got caught.

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25. Teen Privilege

My class's valedictorian got away with everything. She had a public relationship with a teacher, cheated on math tests, and was a drunk driver on the weekends when she was a minor. She dropped out of college after the "free" year and shacked up with the teacher, but left him after he became abusive. She's back home with her crazy mom, taking night classes. The years of partying make her look 42 instead of 22.


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26. Forgiven and Forgotten

The high school I used to go to has made the newspaper for something bad nearly every year since it opened. The craziest story was about one of the teachers, who we’ll call Ted, getting caught for repeatedly hooking up with one of his students. Ted was a young very attractive guy. He coached cross country, taught the highest level math, and was loved by pretty much everyone. Long story short, he was sent to jail and the girl transferred—but the story doesn’t end there.

Fast forward three years, I'm at a concert with a big group, including these college girls. Everyone got drunk but me, and I started talking to the college girls. Apparently, one of the girls was actually engaged to Ted. She told me that she had forgiven Ted for hooking up with a student “because he was high at the time.” The reason he wasn’t at the concert with us? He was in jail for possession of illegal substances. What a winner.

Worst Concerts Ever factsFlickr, Shinya Suzuki


27. Falling Out and Falling Down

There are these two girls who were best friends. One girl, Cammy, ditched the other, Carey, to hang out with a dude, and Carey got mad. The next day, Cammy complained of a headache, and Carey told her she had something for her. Instead of ibuprofen or whatever, she gave Cammy two Xanax. When she left class to get water to take them, Carey then planted something illegal in her bag—we don’t know what.

Carey then reported Cammy to the assistant principal—but then her blood pressure dropped from the Xanax and she had to be hospitalized. Carey had told other friends her plan, so she’s now in huge trouble and will likely be expelled.

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28. Emo v Goth: Dawn of Eyeliner

My final year of school the goth thing was pretty much over and the emo thing was at its height. A couple of the senior kids still considered themselves goth and did not like the emo kids. Anyways, there was these three emo girls, who were pretty much universally not liked by anyone. They seemed to be emo for the sake of the attention, and would actually call out other emo kids for not looking as good as them. They were pretty much the mean girls of emo.

As I said, the Goths hated the emos, and the emos hated the emo mean girls. Around Chrismas time, arguments were breaking out in front of everyone. One of the mean girls ended up getting jumped and left the school. She was one of the main reasons why a big group of friends no longer talked to each other anymore.

I think about month before the summer, these two emo mean girls were causing trouble and running their mouths at the goths. The goths got a hold of one of them after school and pretty much beat the living tar out of her. She was actually hospitalized and there was a rumor was she was thrown head first into a wall and had her eye socket knocked out of place. A bunch of goths were expelled from the school, the police were involved.

Of course, all the normal kids collectively said, "What the heck?!" It was all that was talked about during the final few weeks of the year.

Embarrassing Moments factsShutterstock

29. Some Things You Can’t Unsee

In year 10 media studies, we had to make a short film for assessment. One group of two guys and a girl decide to make a film where the girl gives birth to a live kitten. It was a very graphic depiction and once everyone found out about it, she didn't live it down until she eventually dropped out of school.

John Huston Facts PxHere


30. Side Quest

Recently two people at my high school got into some drama. It ended up with one of them dumping a jar of baby powder that was supposed to resemble an illegal white powdered substance on the other. One of our teachers called the police and got the dogs to sniff around. They very quickly discovered that it was baby powder—but then the dogs made another discovery.  

At least 12 other students had illegal substances in their lockers and they all got busted. Just like, 15% of the class in one fell swoop, gone.

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31. Hypocrisy in Action

I used to go to a Catholic high school. One day, one of the most beloved guidance counselors was very suddenly suspended without pay and fired. Like one day here, the next day gone. When I found out the reason why she was fired, I was heartbroken. She was let go because she's married to a woman. It turns out her sister-in-law got upset and forwarded some wedding pictures to my school.

They fired her because it "went against Catholic morals" or something like that. But, the guidance counselor is now suing my school for discrimination, not because they fired her for being gay, but because they haven’t fired any other teachers for "going against Catholic morals." There were divorced teachers, another gay teacher, a few who had kids out of wedlock, and one who got her naked pics leaked.

As a result, the president and principal were suspended by the archdiocese. The case is on its way to trial.

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32. Double Life

I had this girl start at my high school and joined up with our clique pretty quickly, named Fatima. She'd been in Australia for eight years, originally from Lebanon. Absolutely stunning girl—truth be told 16-year-old me was infatuated with her—and her younger sister Semra was a looker too. She always shied away from dating though, as did her sister, saying her old man was pretty strict. Not uncommon for the area I grew up in, very high concentration of Fundamentalist Muslims, so we left it at that.

What we didn't know at first was that Semra and Fatima would get to school uber early—dropped off by her father—go into the ladies’ toilets, remove her hijab and chuck her makeup on. We didn't think much of it, although we knew that was pretty taboo. We were just the stoners that hung out behind the gym, y'know? Anyway, one day we see her having a huge screaming match at recess with a bloke a year up from us.

He's stormed off as we came up. She was visibly shaken, it turns out the bloke recognized her from the local mosque and was incensed she didn't have her traditional kit on. Then lunchtime, I go to our regular spot just in time to see the drama. Fatima's dad is dragging Fatima to his car by the hair kicking and screaming. We never saw her again after he threw her in the car. Semra attended for another week, with her hijab on, before she disappeared too.

She wouldn't tell us what happened to Fatima, and this was long before Internet was readily available. I still think about what happened to her on occasion, and where she was now.

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33. The Moment of Truth

There was this kid a year behind me who wanted to fight me for some reason. He'd come at me in the halls, at lunch break, etc. and try to start stuff. I avoided him as long as I could, but one day he pushed me up against a wall and wouldn't back down. So, without even dropping my books, I clocked him across the jaw. Hard.

He stormed off, talking smack. One of my friends said he may have been crying. Later that day, I was in shop class. One of the baddest kids in school was in the class. He came up and tapped me on the shoulder. What he said made my blood run cold. He told me: "I heard you punched out my little brother today."

Oh no. "Yeah," I stammered..."I kinda did." His reply blew my mind. He said: "Good...the little jerk deserved it."

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34. DIY Renovations

I work at an alternative high school in the inner city. My school is surrounded by eight abandoned houses/warehouses and a burnt down church. We serve 100% at-risk students in a 14-26 program, and at one point several students were older than me. My first year teaching our preschool program was shot up in a drive by, and to this day they still have to cover the bullet holes in the concrete with book shelves because the school won't pay to have them fixed.

You can see clear daylight through them.

High School Gossip factsWikipedia

35. Hit List

He was a really strange guy, I didn't really know who he was before the whole thing went off, but people were always cracking jokes about him being autistic and a very open supporter of really bad, problematic stuff. He left school after completing his basic qualifications and nobody thought of him once he'd gone.

A year or so later, the news surfaced that he'd been found the woods with a machete. When police went back and searched his home they found a diary of really detailed revenge plans for the school, including which order he'd take out the teachers and students. There were also weapons and materials to make explosives.

Videos of him throwing Molotov cocktails in the woods surfaced later on. This was all classified info because he was a minor but everyone found out about it through acquaintances and neighbors since he lived near to the school. There was a super injunction to protect his identity, so we used to talk about him in class and make sick jokes about it to wind up the teachers.

It was pretty funny to see the color drain out of their faces when you said his name, but I guess we were trying to make what could have been a horrible possibility seem less heavy. My terrible school should have looked after him better. If they had intervened, it might not have gone as far as it did.

Said To Police factsShutterstock


36. It’s Raining Chairs, Hallelujah

My school has a huge blacktop, and the second floor overlooks the whole blacktop. One day two girls were arguing. One of the girls was on the second floor, and the other was on the blacktop. I’m not sure what they were arguing about, I think it was Facebook beef over a boyfriend or something. In the middle of the argument the girl on the second floor paused and went into the nearest classroom and grabbed a chair.

She then chucked the chair over the second floor railing, aiming for the girl she was arguing with, but things quickly spun out of control. She missed and hit some guy walking by instead. I heard the guy who got hit had to go to the hospital and ended up suing the school. As for the two girls, they were expelled.

For months afterward, there was a lot of rainy weather, and everyone made jokes about bringing an umbrella to school to avoid falling chairs.

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37. Call the Exorcist

One time a girl's head suddenly fell back over while we were watching a movie. She was growling half loud, but we couldn't make it out because of the movie. I saw it first but brushed it off as her doing a "whatever" roll with her head—but then I realized something was horribly wrong. Her head didn't go back to a normal position.

It just stayed there. None of the other girls sitting next to her noticed. Her eyes and mouth were open and staring, but somehow focused at nothing. Her moans/growls got louder and now everyone else noticed. I even got scared and stood up, so my chair backed out with a loud screech. Of course, being my immature self I knew just sitting and staring wouldn't help, but I didn’t know what else to do.

The teacher "took" her out of class and the teacher’s aide told us to stay seated and watch the movie, that all was under control. I know now that was garbage, but I just accepted it and let the day go on. Later they brushed it off as her not eating/drinking enough. I find it difficult to believe as she didn't pass out. She was awake, eyes moving but without anyone being home. She said she doesn't remember anything, as if she just fell asleep and woke up later on.

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38. Occam’s Razor

We had a teacher just disappear one day. Like, all his stuff was removed from the classroom and they had a sub ready to replace him. Leading theories included disastrous divorce, that he took his own life, and cancer. You know, all the stupid bizarre theories that kids come up with when something like this happens. Later, the dark truth came out.

What had actually happened was that he had an inappropriate relationship with a student. He was respected enough that they let him quietly "resign" instead of making a big deal out of it. He was a really good teacher, wouldn't be surprised if he got another job right quick.

Worst Teachers FactsShutterstock


39. Hitting Every Possible Phase

In seventh grade there was this girl who apparently couldn't feel pain, so she was pretty successful as our goalie during our soccer unit in gym class. Just a few weeks later, she started to tell everyone she was pregnant. I'm not exactly sure how, but within a few days everyone found out she was lying about it.

The day after the truth broke out, she returned to school with part of her head shaved and part dyed blue, refusing to talk to anyone. If anyone approached her she'd respond by threatening to be their "worst nightmare."

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40. Mixed Nuts

My best friend in high school was very conservative Christian girl but I was also fairly close friends with a gay dude. I was bi and at the time, was out to my guy friend but no one else in the school. Well anyway, this dude lets it spill to some friends that I'm bi and have a crush on a girl named Alicia. Most people didn't care, but it got back to my best friend and she freaked out about me hiding it from her—while claiming I wasn't going to get into heaven.

She was hysterically asking about who Alicia was and why didn't I tell her about it, etc. But the twist is, there was no Alicia. When I questioned my guy friend about it, he swore I'd confessed my feelings for a girl named Alicia and that he remembered it clearly, then got mad at me for "lying" by denying that I was in love with this girl, while my best friend kept harassing me about it too but in a prejudiced way. Both of these two friends of mine also hated each other. What a mess.

Bad Guy factsShutterstock

41. A Black and White Issue

I went to a small high school—like, about 60 people in each class small. So everyone knew everyone's business. Anyway, I played football and at the end of each season you could purchase your jersey if you wanted. The one guy, Mike, bought both the home jersey (black) and away (white). Sometimes the girls would wear their boyfriend’s jersey.

This always caused some awesome drama‚ but one year was the craziest by far. One Friday were allowed to dress down. Two girls showed up, both wearing Mike's jersey. One had the black jersey, the other girl had the white one. There was always the talk about which one he was dating because he bounced between the two.

They both knew about the other, but drama always ensued about who the "main" girl was. Well, jersey day settled it. At lunch, the girl in the white jersey fought the girl in the black jersey, because she got to wear the home jersey—apparently it meant more.

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42. Flipper

There were many rumors floating around about me in high school. No idea why. But my absolute favorite had to be that I had webbed toes. Of all the things to lie about honestly I have no idea what that person was thinking when they made it up. At first, I attempted to dispel it by showing people who asked, but after while I decided to let people think whatever they want about my feet.

Plot Twists factsShutterstock

43. In a Hurry

Kid in seventh grade sees bomb threat on a stall door. Runs down the hall with his pants down screaming to his teacher.

Bad Guy factsShutterstock

44. A Load of…

When my crush and I were dissecting a frog and he told me he liked my best friend. As a result, I squeezed the frog’s poop bag by accident. Worst day ever.

Bizarre True Stories factsPixabay


45. Holding Out for a Hero

There was a teacher at my high school who was having relationship problems with his wife. So he hired/convinced some students to break into his house and bind up his wife while he was out for a walk. The idea was that he would arrive home and be the hero of the situation. He ended up going to jail.

Legal Disasters FactsPikrepo

46. What Lies Beneath

Just last year, I had a girl in my 11th grade class. Very bright, studious, had two other girls she usually was with, but overall not very noticeable. The thing is, she was absent a lot, to the point where she was only at school for a day a week or less. It was quite troublesome, as her parents didn’t ever send a mail or write a note for why she had been gone from school, but as stated earlier, she was pretty smart, so her grades didn't suffer that much.

I used to talk to her after classes to ask her what was going on, but she would usually just apologize politely and promise she would do better. Fast forward to around Christmas time and she hadn’t been to school for two weeks. That month was exam month, and she was missing out on a lot of prep days she needed to be present at. Fed up, I marched to the principal's office and told him her absence was really ruining for her, and that I should call the parents and inform them of the consequences, as is norm in the situation.

To my surprise, the principal was completely against it. That’s when he told me the dark truth. As it turns out, her parents had arranged for the girl to be married away to a man from her homeland against her will. The reason she had been gone those two weeks was because she had been picked up by child services and had been moved to a safe location. Shortly after it was revealed she had been absent all those days because her parents wanted her to stay home and take care of them, not because she was sick.

She was abused by her parents, and she was constantly monitored so she couldn't stay at school after hours or do other activities like hang out with friends. She didn't realize any of this was wrong until her friends at school talked to her about it. So this wasn't really drama, but it was quite a shock for me and all her teachers when we were told.

It’s been a year now and she's doing great. She got a restraining order against her parents and she got a little dog she saved from a shelter. But its safe to say that she'll never have the life a normal 16-year-old is supposed to have, and that makes my blood boil, but she is very grateful for her new life it seems and she's safe, and that's all that matters.

Whole Class Laughed FactsShutterstock

47. Journalistic Responsibility

One of our teachers was sending spicy texts to a student and had a photo of her on his phone—she was 18. One student stole his phone and saw the photo and reported it. The high school was in a high class area, so everything had to be perfect and without blemish on their reputation. This was a pretty darn big blemish.

The teacher got notified by one of his buddies that he was under review, and he left that night. He drove to his hometown and told his parents about what had happened. By this time, his face was already published and that he was on the run. The details of what he did with his parents aren't there, but he shot himself a few hours later.

The police and some other law school and enforcement came to the school and kept all of the girls in the class after school for questioning. Now here's where it gets pretty crazy, and this is from my point of view. I was the "video anchor" for our schools’ announcements. We had a news-like setup, so reporting the news was something I have been doing for at least two years before then.

I saw everyone was sharing the link to news articles, but I decided to take it a step further. Since the articles were all over the place and you didn't know which ones were legit, I put the legit ones in one Facebook post and also put a summary of the article under each post. I kept updating the post and it became the central source for information.

Then all of a sudden, to everyone else, it just disappeared. I got called down to the room where we recorded the news, and my teacher, all of the principles, and the campus police all were there telling me what I was doing was "immoral" and "unethical" and "what if the family sees it." I replied with "If [family name] messages me I will remove it." I had done my research and found out who the girl was.

This went on and on. In the end, I was basically forced to delete my post, which was replaced with this one: "Sorry to everyone I offended with my post. I didn't mean to cause harm. The post was taken down by request of [school name here]." I think it was a nice passive aggressive response. And that was that.

I had said teacher’s class next, so I followed her to the room and she gave a very passive aggressive speech about not talking about what happened in class or we will get sent to the assistant principal. The entire time she didn't glance at me once, but most of the class knew it was about me.

I want to reiterate that this was the teacher who was teaching me to become a news anchor as my career, who reports on worse things daily. She later quit her intern news anchor job because she didn't want to report a dog dying. Fun days. So glad it's over.

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48. Some People Don’t Know When to Give Up

I went to a small high school, graduating class of about 60. In school, I had two close guy friends, and one of them had a drama queen ex-girlfriend named Stacia. She was convinced that the problems in her relationship weren’t her fault, they were mine. She tried to call the cops and say that me and my guy friends smelled like weed.

They didn’t really care, so she tried the same lie on the vice principal. Well, the thing is, the vice principal is my cousin. So he kind of just forgot about my name, but he still had to search my friends’ cars, and he actually found some pot. They were instantly suspended. I was stuck alone at school with Stacia the Psychopath.

I’m in the cafeteria one day, and my hair is up in a high messy bun. I heard her talking behind me, but I tell myself to ignore her. When I think of what happened next, I still can’t believe it. I could tell she was right behind me, and all of a sudden, I felt a weight on my head. The friend who I was talking to changes his expression. His eyes widen and he mouths “ASSSSSS” to me.

All of a sudden, I scream out the vice principal’s name and yell “Could you kind ask Stacia to get her butt of my hair?” He spins around, confused, and makes eye contact with her. Stacia very slowly moves forward, until her poo-caked-behind is no longer resting on my messy bun. Unfortunately, Stacia was not finished with her reign of terror, not even after being hauled to the office and subsequently sent home for “assault” of my person.

The very moment Stacia arrived at her home, she made a phone call to the state police. alleging that myself and my two guy friends, both of whom were home on suspension themselves, I might remind you, had followed her grandfather's Buick from the school to her house, flashing the headlights and honking.

Then, we allegedly did some mean Dukes of Hazzard moves to slide down her driveway and block her entrance to her house. Then we threw rocks at her. Then the guys assaulted her and I spit on her. Then we threw rocks at her again, and left. When she mentioned the alleged assault, the police sprang into action.

Less than 90 minutes after the original altercation where she put her butt on my head, the police were at the school to interrogate me. Well, I was more than happy to share what I know: my friend Alex's parents had confiscated his CAR BATTERY (more effective than taking keys) when he got busted with the weed. So he couldn’t have been at Stacia’s.

As for my friend David? He had no access to a vehicle and was under house arrest 22 miles from Stacia's house. The outcome? Stacia was charged with filing a false police report and the backlash against her for lying was so severe from the rest of the school, that she only lasted three days before transferring when she returned.

Awkward Crush factsShutterstock

49. Meet the Parents

I always knew my girlfriend’s parents were teachers, but we go to different schools. Anyway, last week I met them for the first time. When I walked into their house, my blood ran cold. Not only is her dad my science teacher—he 100% hates me with a pure passion. That dinner was awkward.

Cringe-Worthy Presentations factsShutterstock

50. Behind Closed Doors

I had a girl in my class as a sub that was a complete nightmare. She basically told me that she wouldn't do work, she didn't care, etc. She was oppositional to everything I said for no reason and at one point she was up writing on the whiteboard and wouldn't sit down. The whole lesson was her distracting other students, just generally being a jerk, and enjoying that she had a sub she could infuriate.

I gave her detention for lunchtime the next day and she just laughed and said, “As if I'm going to come.” For some reason, she got to me more than students usually do—last period on a Friday, probably. I was stupidly angry at her, mostly internally. After class finished I went to add a behavior incident for her on the school system we use for disciplinary things.

The way it works is you can see the student’s history of incidents and refer your incident to head teacher, welfare teacher, deputy etc. When I found out what was happening to her, I was stunned. It turns out she had recently had a bad breakup and her ex was now harassing her, her family, and her friends. This includes turning up at her house with a gang in the middle of the night and threatening her with various things. The police were even involved.

I honestly just closed the classroom door and cried at the hopelessness of the whole thing and I didn't even end up writing the incident. I felt guilty for being so angry, completely lost that this was a reality for a 15-year-old kid, and terrified for what the future is going to hold for this girl. It's depressingly likely that she will end up a domestic violence statistic and there is nothing I can do to intervene.

Teacher Breakdowns FactsShutterstock

Sources: Reddit, ,


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