April 13, 2021 | Eul Basa

These People Revealed The Eerie Experiences That Still Haunt Them

My memory isn't great, but if something as terrifying as any of these stories happened to me, you'd better believe I'd remember it for the rest of my life. These people shared the stories of the eeriest stuff they've ever experienced, and I will definitely be sleeping with the lights on tonight.

1. Not-So-Shaggy Dog Story

One night, I came home from a date at about 11 pm. The house was dark and I didn’t switch on any lights ‘cause I know my way around. I went straight to the bathroom, and on my way back down the corridor, I bumped into my dog, a Shar-Pei. He is as big as my mid-thigh. I told my boy I love him and he should be sleeping, but good boy for checking on his mom.

I open my bedroom door, which was almost entirely closed, and switch on the light at the same time—only to see him on my bed, sleeping. He lifted his head when the light came on to look at me. I would've heard him or felt him move past me if he beat me to the bedroom from the corridor. I was alone. What bumped into me?

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2. Farewell To Arms

It was about 1973. I went to work like any other day. I got out of the car and walked to the entrance. On the way, I saluted Warrant Officer Fardy, as I always did. But this time, there was something different. That day, he was in uniform, but he usually wore civilian clothes. He waved me on and said he'd be in the office in a minute.

I got to my office, expecting to be the first one there. I always got there first because I was the lowest ranking guy in the office and had to make the coffee. I was surprised that the chief, a captain, and his senior sergeant were already in the office. The captain asked me to sit down at my desk. I thought I was in trouble. He said he had some bad news—but what he told me truly made my blood run cold.

He said that Warrant Officer Fardy had been in a head-on collision at 3 am that morning and hadn’t made it. I protested, saying that I had just seen him outside in the parking lot. The captain said he and the sergeant had identified the body just an hour earlier. I still can’t explain it.

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3. The Watcher

I went to work and afterward was heading back home in the evening on my regular commute on the bus. As I was standing, a girl I had never met before ended up standing next to me and was on her phone. I looked up to check what stop the bus was at and I ended up seeing what the girl was looking at on her phone. She was shorter than me, and I saw her phone out of the corner of my eye.

I’ll never forget the feeling of terror that washed over me. It turned out to be a video of me on my way to work that morning. Same position in the bus, clothes, headphone model, spot on. It had some kind of caption which I couldn't make out but at the time I was barely processing everything before I realized I had to get off at my stop.

I wanted to bring it up to her but it was a Snapchat, which deletes afterward. I couldn't think of a way to approach her about it without looking like a crazy person. Somehow, somebody took a video of me in the morning, sent it to somebody else, who ended up next to me and played the video of me. I thought of some potential theories, but don't think I'll ever get a solid answer.

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4. Into The Woods

When I was a young kid, my dad got me those cool two-mile walkie-talkies so that we could talk whenever he drove near enough while working. I went to my grandma's house for Christmas and played with them. She had a huge patch of woods far behind her house and a big tree in the back. Come night, I'm in the back by myself thinking some kid stuff like what flavor of Jell-o Batman likes the most.

In the middle of this important thought, my walkie-talkie suddenly goes off. Uh oh, I didn't know I had left it on. They started to talk—and what they said was utterly terrifying. Basically, they told me exactly what I looked like and what I was wearing. They said they were in the woods. I wish I could describe how it seemed like those woods walked towards me when the feeling hit me. Sinking terror.

I couldn't get far enough away. My parents got involved. They thought it was my uncle playing a prank, but we found out that he was long gone by this time. I’ve left out one part—the worst thing this stranger said. He told me to look in the tree next to me. When I looked, there was a noose tied in it. It had definitely not been there earlier in the day, or we would have seen it instantly.

Like, the window of time for someone to be able to climb that tree and hang a noose with no one noticing was slim to none. I have received no answers about this situation. Only a sense of dread and a few nightmares.

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5. Men In Black

When I was in grade school, I made friends with another boy that I will call Jeremy. We actually became buddies because I needed help with my math homework and he was the only kid in our class who could do long division in his head. This was in first grade. Jeremy was not only the smartest kid I had ever met in my life, but also the smartest person.

He skipped three grades and went from second grade to sixth, yet he still remained at the top of his class. He always had an intense interest in nuclear physics, and he would talk online with professors and other adults about, well, I couldn't even understand what they were talking about to be perfectly honest. Smart people stuff.

So we continued to hang out, up until I was in seventh grade, when he was already taking college-level courses. He had his IQ tested during his junior year, and it was 165. This was the highest in our town's history, and he had a feature in the local paper. Anyways, during his junior year and my seventh-grade year, during which we were both 12 years old, he took a class called ASR, or advanced scientific research.

This is when he really started to get serious about nuclear physics. He would spend hours each day talking with professors and scientists online. We barely hung out during this time. He was so wrapped up in his research that he would rarely come to school. This is where it gets weird. One day, he invited me over. We were playing baseball in his front yard when a nondescript black SUV pulled up next to his curb.

Two men in suits got out and began walking towards the house. Our 12-year-old minds immediately thought "stranger danger," and we ran inside, locking the door. The men walked up to the door and knocked. We were so scared. His mom went to the door. One of the men revealed a badge and asked to be let in, saying he would like to speak to her about her son.

The mom told them they can't come in, but she would be happy to speak to them on the porch. Me and Jeremy, being the nosy kids we were, wanted to listen in on their conversation, so we went up to his door and pressed our ears against it. That was when one of the men came bursting into the house and told us to go to the basement and not to listen to the conversation.

He said it wasn't any of our business. We complied, and about two hours later, his mom called him out onto the porch. She then told me that it was probably time I went home, which was unusual. I ate dinner and stayed late there all the time. When I walked outside to go home, Jeremy's mom was on the porch, in tears, and Jeremy was talking to one of the men. That was the last I saw of him.

The men told me to go home, and one of them pulled me aside and said it would be best if I kept this meeting a secret. I don't know why, but I listened to him. This is the first time I am revealing this story to anybody. The next day, there was a for sale sign in front of Jeremy's house. Jeremy never showed up at school again, and his parents’ cars were never in the driveway of his house.

It was like he disappeared off the face of the earth. I honestly have no clue what this was about. It occurred about 15 to 20 years ago.

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6. Special Relativity

When I was around seven years old, my dad left for Guatemala because he was going back to live there, which made me sad. Two summers later, I asked my mother if I could go visit him over there for his 30th birthday surprise. She planned for me to be there for about a week. Upon arrival, I didn't see my dad anywhere at the airport.

In fact, I didn't see him for the whole ride to his place, in which my other relatives who had picked me up kept stating that he was waiting at the house. When we got there, he wasn't at the house either. At this point, they said: "He's out practicing soccer with his friends." In fact, the entire week that I was there, I didn't see my dad at all, because they kept making excuses.

I was so sad when I had to leave because I didn't get to see him once! And when returning to America, I told my mom how I didn't see my dad once when I was there. She called my dad, and he said that he wasn't expecting me, which made sense since it was a surprise. He told us that he was at his house the entire time, so I should have seen him. But the next thing he said changed everything.

He went on to say that he lives only with his dog, Barlo. And that's what frightened me. The thing was, I saw a tombstone when I was there with nothing written on it. When I asked the relatives what it was supposed to be, they said "Your dad's dog, Barlo. He passed a few months ago." When my mom tried contacting the relatives that I stayed with, they never picked up.

So she told my dad to contact them and find out what the heck had happened. However, he said that his relatives haven't lived with him since before he came to America all those years earlier. Since then, I have been wondering what happened, because the people I stayed with won't respond to anyone. Sometimes, I wonder if they were even my real relatives.

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7. A Wrinkle In Time

My friends and I were walking home at night, we were all 15ish. We took our usual route through the graveyard. It was a large graveyard with a starlit main path running top to bottom. There were side paths too. We took a side path and walked towards the top. As we neared the top, we had to walk across to the main path.

At that moment, those of us at the front of the group noticed a woman who was dressed in layers of clothing that looked very old. She appeared elderly, her movement was strange and labored. She was walking towards the top gate, within 2 meters of it. Our side path was far enough away that someone walking on the main path would not notice you.

We all stopped, and I said we better not scare this woman. We all commented on her weird appearance. We could not see her face. Suddenly, she bolts and turns around in a swift movement and runs back down the main path. The sudden change in movement did not fit the way she had previously been moving. Then, she just vanished.

She was totally gone. We got to the path, and there was no sign of her. I do not believe in the supernatural, but this experience still sits with me 15 years on. My friends will still bring it up sometimes too. There were never any homeless people in the area, and her fashion style resembled something from the 17th century.

We never saw anything else like it any other time that we walked through the graveyard. The anachronistic appearance, strange movement, and her sudden disappearance are what we all found the strangest.

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8. Big Brother Isn’t Watching You

When I was an early teenager, I got involved with a Big Brothers program. My Big Brother was a guy named Chris who, like me, was a little odd, and so we got along really well and hung out a lot. When we had been paired for about a year, he told me that he was going on a trip to Baltimore. He also told me the date that he would be back on.

I waited for a few days after his return date before trying to call him, but when I did, the person on the other line said, "There's no Chris here." I looked in the phonebook to make sure I had dialed correctly, and I know for a fact that I did because I had the number circled and it matched the number I had dialed. But the man repeated, "We've been living here for a long time, and there's never been a Chris here."

Chris never returned from Baltimore, and neither I nor the Big Brothers program ever heard from him again.

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9. Treasure Island

This was around 2006 when I was 10 years old. It was after midnight. I was sleeping in one of my aunts' beds while my brother slept in another's, adjacent to mine. Across from us was our grandparents' bedroom and, downstairs, next to the laundry room, was my parents' bedroom. I woke up, groggy and confused and needing to pee very very badly, and suddenly I heard a voice. 

With eight people in the house, that wasn't uncommon. Someone had probably gotten up to go to the washroom and either started talking to someone else or they had answered the phone. Mind you, I was still half-asleep, so to me a phone call after midnight seemed totally reasonable. Well, it turns out that couldn't have been possible because I didn't recognize the voice.

That was what immediately woke me up. And I froze, clutching my blanket while sitting up in bed. It was a man. His voice wasn't deep, not like my dad or grandfather's, and he kept prattling on about some “treasure.” He was right outside the door, but he never turned the doorknob or made any attempt at entering any of the rooms.

He just kept passing by, as if pacing, all the while talking to himself about this treasure. I was terrified and looked over to my aunt, who was sound asleep. I still don't know how I managed to not wet the bed. Eventually, the voice went silent, and I somehow fell asleep. The next morning, everyone is doing their thing, getting ready for work or school, or busy in the kitchen, so I assumed it was all just a dream.

I really wish I'd kept my mouth shut. As I'm eating breakfast, I told my mom and grandmother about the voice, and laughed at how weird the brain is. They froze. Everyone froze. It turns out the voice was real. I hadn't mentioned his obsession with a “treasure,” but my grandfather did. As did my mother. And brother. Everyone agreed about the 'treasure' thing.

Apparently, he combed the entire house, but he never actually entered any of the rooms. Nothing was taken, all the doors were locked, and all the windows had screens, none of which were missing. Two weeks later, while I was helping my grandparents clean out the garage, my grandmother found several empty Coke cans behind the old sofa, which had been up against one of the walls for quite some time.

There were also empty bags of chips, candy wrappers, fruit cores, and peels. All of which were taken from the garage. The sofa was high enough for someone to lay underneath. So the guy had clearly been inside our house. Inside our garage. We've moved now, as have my aunts. But my grandparents still live there, and we're only about a three-minute drive from them.

We still don't know who he was, how he got in, and, most importantly: How long had he been inside our home?

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10. A Long, Long Time Ago

My brother is about two years older than me. Me, my parents, and our eldest brother distinctly remember him telling a lot of stories when he was little about his "past life." One in particular that I remember was about his grandpa and his dog who lived in a house that caught on fire, killing them both. When he was little, he would tell creepy stories like this all the time.

At one point, unprovoked, months later, I remember him pointing out a burnt down shack and saying that it was his grandpa's house. We later came to find out that an elderly man and his dog had indeed lived there and passed in a fire. But it wasn't anyone we knew or were related to. My brother was less than 10 years old when this happened, and it was way before our internet days.

We also never read the newspaper or watched the news. Too caught up in sports and cartoons. If you ask him about any of this now, he says he doesn't remember.

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11. Voice Of Reason

When I was about seven years old, around 2002, my dad just never came home one day. He went to work in the morning and just refused to come back and work out his marriage with my mother. It was a really stressful time in our lives, and I remember my mom and me calling him every single day and asking why he wouldn't come back.

Well, one night, we got an anonymous phone call to our house. My mother told me that a man called her from a blocked number and told her something along the lines of "You don't know who I am, but your husband is having an affair and everyone at work knows about it." It did lead to my mom freaking the heck out, but I'm honestly really thankful that the person called and let her know.

She's loyal to a fault, and I know that she wouldn't have been able to pick up our stuff and leave if there was any chance of saving her marriage. We still don't know who called that day though, or if my father even actually knew the guy. I think I'd like to know one day, but I'm okay not knowing if that’s the way it has to be.

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12. Three’s Company

My best friend, his boyfriend, and a third roommate of theirs were all living in a new apartment together. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was so new that they were the only tenants to have ever lived in that unit at that point. The third roommate was a pretty quiet guy. He kept to himself and often stayed in his room, with the door closed at all times.

He was also sort of a slob. Anyway, one day, the couple comes home and sees that their roommate's door is open, which never happens. They go and peer in, and see a perfectly folded uniform for a nearby banquet hall laying on his bed. It was from the sort of place that could be rented to host events, wedding receptions, and the like.

The thing is that their roommate didn't work there. He never did. None of them ever did, and they didn't know anyone that did either. Yet here is this uniform sitting on his bed. They questioned him about it, and he seemed as baffled as they did. Fast forward a month or two, and one day my friend comes home to find the house completely empty.

He goes to the bathroom and, right there on the bathroom floor, he spots a lacy women's garter belt, the type worn on a wedding day. This is again strange, because of the three men in the apartment, two were gay and the other had no female contact. Once again, none of the housemates could explain where it had come from.

While the appearances of both items are unexplained, I think the strangest part is that there is actually a link between both clothing items. One from a banquet hall that hosts wedding receptions, and then a garter belt is worn on a wedding day. I'm a pretty skeptical person, so when they told me all of this, I tried to come up with every logical solution I could imagine.

But they had really good responses that shut all of them down, as they too had tried to come up with an explanation and couldn't. We still have no idea what happened.

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13. Car Trouble

I had something crazy happen when I was about five or six years old. My mom and I were doing something at my grandpa's house while he was out, and I was just messing around in the yard. I remember a Mustang coming down the street slow enough to be a bit suspicious. Then, they slowed down even more when they started to pass me.

So I was just standing there thinking, “What are they doing? This feels weird.” I became overwhelmed with the urge to run inside the garage as fast as I could. A split second after that, the car suddenly reversed very quickly, enough to spin the tires a bit. I darted so fast into the garage and hit the button to close the door.

I thought maybe I was just overreacting—but I was about to learn how wrong I was. As soon as the door closed, someone tried to kick it in. They left a huge dent and messed it up a little bit. Afterward, I was freaking out trying to tell my mom what happened, but I think she thought I was being high strung or something. It was the eeriest feeling I ever had though.

I haven’t thought about it in a long time and I’m getting that gut feeling/dread of “something is definitely not right here” just thinking about it.

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14. Following In Your Footsteps

I had just moved into a new house. One day, I was downstairs when I heard what sounded like furniture moving around upstairs, I go up to investigate but no sounds, nothing is moved. I go back downstairs and it starts again, I go back up; nothing. This went on for about an hour; I almost called law enforcement because I was positive someone was in my home.

I ended up calling a friend and kept them on speaker phone while I searched the attic and any other place something, maybe an animal, could be hiding, but I never found anything. I gave up my search and went to bed. I thought it was over but then, things got even creepier. That night I had a dream that I was driving to work in the rain and fog and crashed.

In the dream, someone approached me and asked: "Are you ready to move on?" and at that moment, I woke up. At the time, I was working midshift, so around 10 PM that same day I get in the car on a foggy and rainy night and make my way into work without any issue. The building I worked in had security cameras all over. It being so late, I was the only person coming in.

When I get inside, my co-worker asked me a bone-chilling question. They told me they’d seen me come in on the cameras and were wondering who I’d come in with. I was alone but she swore someone followed me inside. It was a very unnerving 12 hours to say the least.

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15. Don’t You Forget About Me

It’s weird how we can just accept it when really strange and terrifying things happen to us. My grandmother, or gran, passed on in our family home when I was 16. Her room was directly above our dining room. When she was alive, she'd been fond of sitting for hours in her rocking chair while watching TV. In the months after she passed, I kept hearing the floorboards in her room creaking whenever I was downstairs in the dining room.

It was like she was still there rocking away in her chair. We had double-glazed windows, so it was definitely not the wind. On one occasion, I was in the shower and the bathroom door blew open and I heard someone calling my name. My gran used to come into the bathroom to use the toilet whenever I was showering when she'd been alive.

Again, there was no wind so there was no explanation for the door suddenly opening by itself. On another occasion, I'd been talking to my stepmother about my gran when all of a sudden a photo fell down from a cabinet in the dining room. That photo had been secured with blue tack and had been standing for over 15 years.

It was like my gran was there listening to us and wanted us to know she was there. Despite all that happening, I always just carried on as if nothing terrifying was happening and never actually told my parents about the weird stuff that happened when they left me alone at home.

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16. Gone Girl

I live in a beach town and one of my friends had just got back to her parents’ house for the summer, so I went over to hang out for a little while. Since it wasn’t late when I went to go home, I figured I’d take the long way home to drive along the bay for the view of the stars and the lights of the ships waiting to go up the river.

When I got to the road that runs along the bay, I realized I wasn’t going to see anything because heavy fog had rolled in which is super common in the spring. This road is a 25mph road with the beach and trails over the dunes on the left, and houses on the right. I was driving along the road with pretty bad visibility with how foggy and dark it was.

All of a sudden from my left, I see a figure coming up the dune and towards the road. I slammed on my brakes hard enough to skid a little, because I thought it was someone coming off the beach to go to a house across the road and I didn’t want to hit them. I’ll never forget what I saw. It had the shape of a woman in a long dress…but there were no facial features.

When it got to the middle of the road, the figure just floated up at an angle and disappeared. There wasn’t a beach access trail where I saw it and I can’t figure out any logical explanation for the way it hovered and took off. I stopped and watched it until it disappeared, trying to figure it out. It freaked me out pretty bad honestly, and even 5-6 years later I still can picture the way it moved like it was yesterday.

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17. Better Late Than Never

I'm a 9-1-1 dispatcher. About 5:30 one morning I took a call from a lady saying she thought she was having a heart attack. After getting her address, and all the normal questions, I ask her if she wants me to stay on the phone with her till the ambulance gets there, but she declined, saying she still had to get dressed because the chest pain woke her up and she was still in her nightclothes.

From the time I answered the call till the ambulance arrived there was 17 minutes, as it was. A rural area. The ambulance gets to the scene and almost immediately called for a deputy, saying the patient is deceased. Now, I just talked to the lady and she wasn't having a lot of difficulty breathing at the time of the call or anything, so I'm kind of shocked.

I send my deputy and ask him, because I'm thinking that she must have just passed on, and the EMS crew didn't want to work on her because it was almost time to go home. The deputy got back to me, and his answer was devastating. He said that she had been gone for a couple of hours at least. So, I wonder, was there initially someone else in the house who woke up to find her, and called us pretending to be her before leaving?

Did someone come to visit (at 5:30 am), only to find her, call us saying they were there, and leave? Did her ghost just want her body found? I'm clueless but have had this type of thing happen a handful of times in my 30+ years of dispatching.

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18. An Otherworldly Symphony

About 20 years ago, I lived in a super cute apartment that was next to a creek. The master bedroom had French doors that led to a deck that went all the way to the creek bed. The bedroom my five-year-old daughter was in also overlooked the creek. One night I was woken up by a super bright light and strange music that sounded like a calliope, but electronic.

I got out of bed and looked out, and I saw several little silver creatures wading in the creek. It was the strangest thing, but somehow very peaceful and while I was startled, this feeling of calm came over me and I felt like they were watching me back. I stood there for a minute and then went back to sleep. When I woke up the next day, there was nothing there, and no evidence that anything had been.

I was convinced I just had a crazy dream. I never spoke to anyone about it because it was so strange, it couldn’t possibly have been real. Two years ago…give or take…I went away for the weekend with my now-adult daughter and we were reminiscing about different things and that apartment came up. Then she told me something that rocked me to my core.

She says, “the weirdest thing happened there one night…” and told me about the “silver clowns” in the creek that played “merry-go-round music.” She didn’t tell me at the time because she didn’t think that they were scary. What the heck?

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19. Jekyll & Hyde Act

An uncle who I was very close to passed on. He had been estranged from his wife for years, living on and off the streets. Sometimes I allowed him to stay with me for weeks at a time. He was a hoot and the kids and I loved him. After he passed, I started feeling a certain heaviness in my home. While it was somewhat discomforting, it didn't scare me because it didn't feel malevolent, if that makes any sense.

But then everything changed. As the weeks went by, weird stuff started happening. I'd get whiffs of cigarette smoke even though no one smoked in the house, and I’d hear someone walk around. One night, I woke up and my chest felt constricted and tight. Once again, I felt that same heaviness in my room, the feeling of being watched.

There was this overwhelming scent of Old Spice cologne and this really, evil, awful presence. I'm not religious, but I prayed and l slept in my kids' room that night with a night light on. It took me a long time to fall asleep, I was so scared. At the risk of sounding nutty, I do believe that that was my uncle this whole time. He was a chainsmoker and wore Old Spice, even though we used to tease him about wearing old man's cologne.

What I can't explain is, if that was him, then why that awful, evil feeling from him...or whatever that was? I never used to believe in the paranormal, but I do now.

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20. The Elephant In The Room

We bought our house a few years back. Fixer-upper, old city house in what is now a “bad neighborhood,” but was nice back in the day. Bought from the boomer nephew who inherited it from his blind aunt. Fire sale. The same price people pay for a new car, not even a nice one. It’s a three-bedroom with an addition, on a corner lot. An absolute steal.

Upstairs, there was a sealed room. When we got it open, we saw that it was the size of a very large walk-in closet, low sloped ceiling on one side, and a toilet (hooked up) on one end. This space is filled with a nest-looking pile of junk: newspapers, old blankets, old toys. Next to the toilet on the small DIY platform, there was a faded blue toy elephant, very old, from the 70s or earlier, clearly deliberately placed facing the door.

The lock to the room is on the outside. We just said “nope” and sealed it back up. Didn’t touch a thing. It’s right above my office. I finish up in my office and go to bed before 10 every night, because that’s when I start hearing footsteps above me. Hey, it’s better than having to pay rent.

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21. The Longest Trip Of All

Was delivering newspapers on my paper route when a long-time customer pulled his car next to me and asked me to just give him his daily newspaper now because he was going on a long trip. I handed him his newspaper then skipped his house as I continued my route. The next day I was collecting the weekly fees—you used to have to go collect the money back then, no internet payment yet—and I went to his house to collect my fee.

His wife answers and promptly complains that I missed her house on my deliveries the day before. I explained to her that her husband pulled up next to me, I told her what he said and that I gave him the paper. She started crying, told me that he had passed on a couple of weeks ago and it was obviously not possible that I spoke with her husband the day before.

I know what I saw and nearly 30 years later I still think about that situation. I have no way to logically explain what happened and it still gives me the creeps.

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22. The Answer Is “Yes”

Many years ago, my best friend and I were in a café, just wasting time. We saw a man watching us through this mirror that was hanging on a wall across from us. Something about this man was so bone-chilling, so creepy, that our “gut” immediately kicked in and we both looked at each other, and acknowledged how off this man was.

He continued to watch us, so we left the cafe and joked about on our walk home, we were about 16 and just brushed it off. About a week later, this man comes into my work, his face and whole presence are unforgettable. I texted my best friend and informed her that he was at my work, yet again, staring at me without ever looking away.

He was pretending to browse the store’s inventory, but obviously intended on not buying anything. He stared & stared. I told a co-worker and walked away for a bit. Strange, but it’s small community and you see people everywhere. Side note, both my best friend and I have lived in this community for most our lives and had never seen this man before.

Alright, fast forward to a few weeks later and we are at a store late one evening in a completely different part of the city. We are browsing and the man is there, at this shop that we hardly visit, late, and he was there. He walks in the downstairs entrance and looks directly up at us, as we were looking over the upstairs railing.

We nervously giggle and shout profanities, in disbelief this really off-putting man is here, it was crazy. We told our other friends we were with and we immediately left. A little later, he returned to my place of work, spooking me just as much as he did the first time I saw him. My co-worker and manager told me to go upstairs and pretend to do something to not be around him.

But then he immediately followed me upstairs. My manager followed him, as he is aware of the situation and my strange sightings of this man. He hastily walked up to the desk I was behind and before my manager could pull him away from me and ask him to leave the store, he looked right at me and says “Can I ask you something? Do I make you uncomfortable?”

I don’t know what it was, but something took over my body. I was filled with dread and fear and immediately started crying. I have NEVER had anything like this happen to me. This man had never talked to me before, just looked at my friend and I really intently. My manager tells him he needs to go now and never come back.

The thing is, everyone immediately picked up on the very strange, creepy, uncomfortable “energy” he put out. My co-worker had no idea what he looked like as I had never explained, and he immediately pointed him out when he entered our work and asked if that was him. Everyone agreed something was very, very off.

Our HR woman asked that I be walked to my car if I was getting off work late from that point on. I wish I could convey with better and more descriptive words what kind of feeling this man put off. My best friend and I still discuss it, it was nine years ago.

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23. Subter-Fugue

When I was in the Forces, I once lost an entire week. It was just gone. Saturday through Friday...nothing. Perfectly blank. I didn't even realize I'd lost it until some friends and I were eating and they were like, "Hey, where were you yesterday? We didn't see you." I opened my mouth to answer, and then closed it when I realized I had no idea.

I had no idea where I was, what I'd eaten, who I'd talked to, nothing. Then, I realized that the last thing I could remember was filling out some paperwork the previous Friday. It was a little bit terrifying, so I began to investigate. I checked my internet history and apparently I read through a couple of books. I couldn't remember a single thing about them.

I also looked through my schedule and the past week of texts with my supervisor to see if that would jog something—nada. I did eventually recover one memory from that week, and it chills me to the bone. All I ever remembered was a flash of myself walking out of a room, but it was in third-person, like I was watching from outside my body.

It was seriously the weirdest thing.

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24. Two Against One

I was driving at night after a football game as a high school student. My younger sister was in the passenger seat and my friend was in the middle back seat, leaning forward to chat with us. We were dropping my friend off before heading home and driving down a pretty dark road to get there. We lived in a rural area, so there were no street lights.

All of a sudden, my sister and friend both gasp. I immediately stepped on the brakes, thinking they must have seen a deer or something. They were both in shock, and when I asked them what they say, their answer sent a chill down my spine. They asked me if I had just seen “that old man who flashed up in the middle of the road and then disappeared.”

Here’s the thing: I had my eyes on the road, but I hadn’t seen anything. They were both so shocked and had the exact same reaction. My friend was so scared that he didn’t even want to get out of the car at his house.

Eerie experiencesPexels

25. Shell Shock

I had an experience where I came upon a really bad three-car accident early one morning before anyone had responded. It was so bad that at first I thought it had to be some kind of staged accident like they do to warn teens about reckless driving and show them the wreckage. There was debris all over the road, and a guy obviously already long gone in a car up against the side rail.

There was a girl lying face down with a horrible compound fracture to one arm that was already pooling blood. I knew not to try and move her so I held her other hand, the one that wasn’t fractured, and told her not to move, that there had been an accident but help was on the way. By that time, other people had stopped and I could hear the sirens off in the distance.

There are no words that can capture what happened next. I struggle to tell this part because I can’t convey it nearly as incredible as it was. As I was holding her hand suddenly I felt what I can only describe as feeling like an electric ball about the size of a softball, it was very warm and tingling, kind of like when you touch your tongue to a battery, but way more intense.

It pressed itself into my palm from hers with a solid pressure, I didn’t see anything but I felt something I’ve never felt before or since. It moved up my arm very deliberately and I could feel it pass onto my shoulder up the side of my neck and then rise into the air above my head and it was gone. As it left, I suddenly not only felt completely calm, but knew that she was gone and there was nothing more I could do for her, but that somehow that was okay.

I checked for her pulse and there was none. I calmly walked back to my car, and that was it. I traveled that road regularly and had left extra early that morning to get a jump on paperwork. It made me question a lot of things.

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26. Kissing That House Goodbye

When I was about six years old, I lived in an old house that was just opposite the village church. I'd never had any other experiences in this house and I never would again, but I woke up in the middle of the night because I could hear someone walking across my room very slowly like they didn't want to be heard. Now, my mum often worked late and would come and say goodnight when I was asleep, but she'd have the hall light on or her room light on so she could see.

This night was totally dark. The footsteps came right up to the side of my bed and stopped, so after about 30 seconds, I started to relax because it’s an old house and stuff creaks. And then, I got kissed on the left side of my cheek. And I screamed. My mum woke up and came storming in asking what was going on and was I okay, so I tried to explain.

We moved a year later and she won't talk about it, but it leads me to believe that wasn't the only thing that happened.


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27. Sleepmunching

A couple of weeks ago I was staying the night in a hotel with my sister and niece. We went to bed in a king bed, with my niece between me and my sister. I woke up multiple times because it was too hot—I don’t think any of us had the blankets over us after just a couple of hours. I woke up at 1:30 am to what sounded like my niece shuffling around outside of the bed.

Eventually, she started eating some ice from the ice pail to cool down, and while I was awake, I decided to finally get up and turn on the AC. So, I got up, slugged over to the AC on my side of the bed, turned it on, and laid back down—only to make a chilling realization. My niece and sister were both sound asleep. I was so spooked.

I practically held my breath for five minutes absolutely convinced someone was in the room with us before I decided to get up and check the room with my flashlight. But, I didn't find anything. I want to blame it on the grogginess, but the ice munching was undeniable.

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28. Door Man

In 2015, I was working on some assignments at home. It was about 9:00 in the morning. I was sitting at the desk in the living room, doing my work on the computer. I could see directly into my housemate’s room from the desk, but since he was asleep the door was shut. The door was slightly raised off the ground, so you could see if there was anyone standing behind it. That’s when the most disturbing thing I’ve ever experienced happened.

Suddenly, the door starts shaking and rattling as if someone is trying to demolish it. There's no one behind it. I'm just looking at it with my mouth agape and then, a few terrifying minutes later, my roommate opens the door and asks me: "Dude, what the heck are you doing?" So I go: "It wasn't me, I'm sitting over here!" We are both completely flummoxed to this day. What the heck could have caused that?

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29. Early Morning Caller

Someone once knocked on my parents' door at 3:00 in the morning, claiming that they ran away from home because they were being physically abused by their father. Apparently, we were the only people to answer the door. My parents immediately checked that person into a local shelter. Eventually, they left the shelter and returned home.

One day, my parents tried to reach back out to them and see how their life was going. Their reaction was chilling. This person denied ever knowing my parents. They claimed that their family life at home was perfectly fine and that they had no recollection of ever speaking with my parents, let alone asking them for help. They even accused my parents of making the whole thing up.

To this day, I have no idea whether that person is psychotic or whether we just somehow slipped into an alternate reality. Blows my mind.

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30. Open Door Policy

Something crazy once happened to me. My husband went out with some friends. I went to lay down upstairs, took all four dogs with me, and closed the bedroom door. About an hour later, I’m still scrolling online and hear the front door open. The dogs start going crazy. I hear keys hit the table, followed by heavy footsteps walking up the stairs.

The dogs are getting excited. Whining, tails wagging, pawing at the door. The footsteps come down the hallway and toward our bedroom door, then stop. I wait a few minutes and he still hasn’t come into the bedroom. All four dogs are sitting, staring at the door with their tails wagging. I call out “Hey! What are you doing? The door’s unlocked.”

No reply. I yell again, “Hey, doors open!” Nothing. I open the bedroom door and the dogs take off through the house, running up and down the stairs. So I go back to the bed to grab my phone and call. I’m thinking maybe he left something in the car and stepped back out to get it? I call his cell. He picks up and what I heard made my blood run cold. I immediately notice the background noise of a bar, including music and talking.

My heart sank. I knew there was no way that he made it from home to the bar in two minutes. I call the dogs, run back into the room, and tell him what just happened. He rushes home, checks the house, and finds nothing. I don’t know who came to visit me that night. I was wide awake, and the dogs reacted at the exact times I heard the door open, then the keys, then the footsteps. So that only confirms to me that I didn’t imagine it.

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31. An Outstretched Arm

When I was 11, I wasn't the tallest kid around. I could not have been much more than 4'5'' tall or so. When on a vacation in Germany, I used to go to this pool that was deeper than my height. I could not swim at the time, but I was hanging out in the big and warm section that was slightly deeper than my height. I managed to not drown by holding my breath, going underwater, and jumping from the bottom to catch my breath.

But one time, it didn't go as planned and I started drowning. It was only for a few seconds, but to me, it felt like long minutes. I thought this was going to be the end of my life. Then, all of a sudden, I felt someone grabbing me by the arm and lifting me out of the water in one motion. I was choking and had water in my eyes.

It took me around ten seconds to be able to see again, but there was no one around me. I asked a lady that was sitting in the pool just in front of me if she had seen anything. But she was not even aware I was drowning and didn't see anyone getting me out of the pool. I quickly went to the lifeguard booth and he was sitting there minding his own business.

He was way too far away to have been the one that got me out of water. To this day, I have no idea who saved me. Two days later, there was a camera overseeing the pool that I had nearly drowned in.

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32. Panic In The Attic

Alright, there is one event that happened to me in high school that I've always wondered about. There was a month or so where my sleep paralysis was happening almost every night. These paralysis episodes mostly consisted of me seeing a dark figure walking around in my room. It would come by my bed and stare at me, or do other similar things like this.

Well, I wake up one morning to my dad asking me if I had woken up in the middle of the night to use the restroom or anything like that. I inform him that I did not. He goes on to tell me that he heard footsteps in my room that night, so he came up to see what was going on. In my closet, there is a door that leads to the attic, which at this time he had found open.

This was extremely odd, since there is usually a lock on that door. After he told me this, we both kind of just shrugged it off as an odd occurrence. Later on that same week, though, I found a question mark drawn onto the dust of a mirror that sits against my wall. I am more than 100% sure that this had not been there the day before that day, and it had been dusty for a while so it's not like someone did that a month ago or whenever.

Just a bunch of odd events that happened in a short amount of time that I've always wondered about.

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33. Thinking Outside The Box

When I was about four or five years old, my brother and I were sitting on the floor with my grandma playing with my mom's old Barbie dolls. At one point, my grandma got up to go make dinner, but she wanted to put the box of dolls away first since they all had tiny accessories and she didn't want my baby brother to choke on them.

I watched her put the box on the top shelf of the closet behind me before walking to the kitchen. I found something else to do and was playing quietly by myself. My back was turned to both my brother and the closet. When my grandma came in to check on us a few minutes later, her face flashed with surprise. She asked me angrily why I had taken the box down after she put it away.

I had no clue what she was talking about until I turned around and saw my brother playing with a Barbie, the box sitting neatly in front of him. To this day, no one in my family has any idea how my brother got that box. My grandma assumed I was lying when I told her I didn't do it, but both my brother and I were way too small to reach the top shelf of the closet.

It's probably one of the clearest, yet most frustrating memories I have from my childhood.

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34. Drive My Car

I remember one particular moment when I was around 13 years old. I was 100% wide awake. I was taking the family dog out to pee at like 11:00 at night. My mother and brother had left earlier so he could practice driving. Then, I see what appears to be my parents’ car pulling up to the house. It had special lights on top that were only for that model car, and very few people owned that model car in my area.

I think to myself: "There's my brother and Mom!" So I go inside, look out the window, and, sure enough, they're pulling in the driveway. I sit for a little while on my phone. After about 10 minutes, I'm thinking "Hey, where the heck are they?" I look outside, and the car is gone. When they finally do get home, I ask if they came home earlier and then went back out again.

They said, "No, we only just came home." Creepy stuff, man!

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35. Your First Mistake Was Ouija Board In The Woods

I visited family in a small town one year and we decided to use the Ouija board in the woods. The area was sparsely populated and there were large areas of unlit woods. We went back into a section where there was an opening surrounded by trees and a small family plot. Five of the headstones had the same last names and each had a pinwheel, there was little to no wind that night.

After a bit of unsuccessful Ouija boarding illuminated by truck headlights and flashlights, my cousin started shouting for me to come over. He said that he had asked if anyone was there to give a sign. The pinwheel on the largest headstone was spinning wildly, and did so for roughly another twenty seconds. The other pinwheels never moved and it came to a sudden stop and didn't move again.

Even if you blow on a pinwheel as hard as you can, it spins fast for an instant and stops spinning period soon after. This pinwheel was rapidly spinning without being messed with for at least 30 seconds. Strange and unexplained.

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36. I Always Feel Like…Somebody’s Watching Me

I grew up on a fairly isolated farm, with a wood that came up to the barn on one side and acres of fields between us and any neighbor. Every night when I'd finish chores, I'd shut off the barn light and close the door. The only light would be from a dim porch light about 40 yards from the barn, and, if it wasn't too overcast or foggy, the moon and stars.

Anyway, every night I'd FEEL something staring at me from around the corner of the barn. I somehow knew it had red eyes, and was about 10 feet off the ground. I could feel evil coming from it, and I'd always run to the house as fast as I could, certain it was right behind me. I didn't know what it was, and as terrified as I was, I never told anyone about it.

My parents had a habit of dismissing stuff like that, and even as a kid I didn't want to be seen as a “sissy crybaby,” which is definitely what my dad would have called me. With time I kinda got over it, and figured it was an overactive imagination combined with too many Goosebumps stories that caused it. That is, until about eight years later.

I'm sitting around swapping spooky stories with my friend, who basically grew up on the farm. She said that as soon as the lights were off in the barn, she felt something scary and evil staring at her from...the same corner of the barn. I asked a few questions, and yes, she felt it was about 10 feet off the ground, and even though she never actually saw whatever it was, she was sure it had red eyes.

I was freaking out, and it got worse when I asked my siblings if they had ever been scared by anything near the barn. I was careful not to ask leading questions, and EVERY. SINGLE ONE. of them said the same thing. There was a scary thing that would stare from the corner of the barn when they'd turn off the light. I know it was just a feeling that we all grew out of...but how likely is it that we all felt the same thing from the same place?

Eerie experiencesPexels

37. Nine Lives And Even More Friends

I didn’t want a cat, I am a dog person. I had a dog, but my stepbrother started feeding this stray cat that was hanging around my condo. Eventually, the cat and I became best buds. I brought him with me as I moved around, eventually moving in with my now-wife and her two cats at her house. A couple of years go by, her two old cats pass on, I bury them in the yard before they stink up the place.

No drama, just nice end of life passing. Now it’s just this cat, me, my wife, and my deceased mom’s old chihuahua. It’s a nice neighborhood of quiet working families in South Florida. The cat starts to develop a weird cough, it persists, I take him to the vet. They inform me that they can’t help him, and he should be put down, it will only get worse.

I can’t do it. He seems healthy, eats good, is still active, but the cough does get worse, and he starts struggling to breathe. I try to prepare myself for the inevitable. He continues like nothing is wrong. He would sit on the armrest of any chair I sat in, sleep on the bed by my head, just staying near me all the time. But finally, I can't deny it anymore. His breathing is getting bad, with long moments of him gasping for breath.

I don’t want him to suffer, I call the vet and set the appointment, it’s getting dark. Now the crazy part. I take him in the backyard to a favorite spot. We sit for a few minutes saying goodbye, my wife leaves us, just me, and him, and a couple of shots of whiskey to settle my nerves. But then, he jumps up and takes off. We are looking everywhere, can’t find him, he’s gone.

A couple of hours later I’m out back still looking, I don’t want him to spend his final moments alone. My wife calls me on my cell and says that a strange cat is at the front door, and is trying to get in the house. I’m confused, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed another cat in the neighborhood. I start walking inside and I see my cat lying in the flower bed in a nice little nest of leaves.

I pick him up, he’s calm, and we start to go inside when my wife, now coming out the back door to get me, yells there’s another strange cat at the back door also trying to get in the house. To get to the back door, you need to go through the screen room, past the pool, through the sliding glass doors to the sunroom.

As I walk up holding my cat, it just watches us go by as I creep past it to get in the house. My wife and I are both in our 40s, calm in an emergency, seen it all kind of people who always think there’s a logical explanation for everything. I put my cat on the couch and go out the front door, and sure enough, there is a different strange cat trying to get in the front door.

As I look around, there are about three or four other cats around the yard at a distance watching also. I go back inside, the cat at the back door is clawing at the glass to get in, the one at the front is making strange noises, my cat is still sitting on the couch struggling to breathe. We are freaked out. It’s been a long night, we lock the doors and go to sleep.

I spring awake at about 4 am and look for my cat who had a rough night, I find him in my closet curled up on some clothes, not doing good. I get dressed, let my wife say goodbye. I take him to the emergency vet, it’s about 5:30 am. They quietly give him the needle, and he slowly stops gasping for breath while lying peacefully in my arms.

I returned home, all the other cats were gone. We have not seen any of those other cats before or since. A few days go by, and I mention to my neighbor that our cat passed. Her husband comes out and tells me that night he had noticed all the cats suddenly around their house, and their indoor cat was behaving strange, and wanted to get outside.

I have been with a number of animals, and a few people when they passed, never have I experienced anything as strange, or creepy as that night of cats.

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38. Never Break The Chain

I was probably around 6 or 7 at the time, in Turin, Italy with my family. My mother, my sister, and I were at the train station, about to go visit friends in Rome. My mom wanted to call her friend, just to let her know our train would be a few hours late. She takes us to a payphone and tells my sister to hold her hand as she keeps an eye on our suitcases. I was supposed to hold my sister's hand.

Out of the blue, as my mother's on the phone, a tall man grabs my hand and starts walking—or, to be fair, more like pulling—me away from my sister. He starts asking me questions like if I had a lot of friends at school. I was too shocked and young and naïve to understand what was really going on. Panic started kicking in.

For some unexplainable reason, I started focusing on answering his questions. Then, a few feet away from the main entrance of the station, I feel a strong yank on my other hand. It’s my mother. I've never heard her scream so loud in my whole life. The man literally ran away as fast as speed itself. I could only keep staring at him disappearing in the distance as I heard my mother cry and beg for forgiveness, while hugging me as tight as she ever had before.

I look back and I see my sister pointing her small index finger at me, like she's petrified, with tears in her eyes. She was still so young she could barely speak, but she was repeating my name. I don't know if she saved my life, or where I would've ended up if I had left with that man, but I definitely owe her everything.

And as for my mom, whenever she hugged me after that, she always waited for me to let go first—she never broke the contact before I did.

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39. Church Ain’t Out Til They Quit Singing

My middle school has this sort of fair or festival every year called Karnawal—think like carnival, it's actually pronounced like that. It's on the campus grounds. That school is a Catholic school, so there's a church on campus too, and the church is pretty much always unlocked for people who want to go in a pray and all that.

One night during Karnawal, my boyfriend and one of his friends were hanging out with me and they decided they wanted to check out the church. We went in and they started looking around, completely creeped out. I walked into the main part, with the aisles leading up to the altar, and was confused as heck to see someone sitting in there.

But then I realized something. I recognized him. The blue overalls, the glasses, the pen in his pocket. There, sitting in the pew my family has always sat in, was my grandpa, who had passed on three or four years before.

Eerie experiencesPexels

40. Bad Timing

So one day I was upstairs in the bathroom, sitting on yonder ol' throne, just minding my business while I did my business. A few feet across from me was a metal towel rack, it stood almost as tall as me. I live in a pretty isolated little rural town and for a long time our power grid was a bit iffy. Every time it rained or the wind blew connections cut out, power flickered, and ancient transformers exploded.

It's mercifully better now, probably because over the last five years all the old transformers did in fact explode and got replaced. But during those semi-frequent power outages I kept a flashlight with a magnet on it hanging from the stand just in case. Well, this afternoon, that flashlight leaped off of the stand, falling at my feet.

Now, please try to envision this: I'm sitting there in one of the more vulnerable positions a person can find themselves in, I'm alone in the house, and this flashlight jumped, not fell, from the stand. It arched in the air between the stand and my feet. Things that simply fall don't arch in the air. Nothing else happened. No disembodied voices growling sinister things at me.

No hazy apparitions wandering about. No other closet door swinging or pot banging such as you would expect from rural cow town folks...just silence. It was the creepiest freaking moment of my life as I sat there waiting for...something else, I guess, to happen. I finished up, picked up the flashlight to put it back where it belonged, and went back downstairs.

I'm only a little embarrassed to admit I was afraid I'd hear something walking down behind me after that. But no, all's quiet. That was years ago. I have no idea how that could have happened.

Eerie experiencesShutterstock

41. Say Hello To My Little Friend

My fiancé and I came back to our apartment after being away all day. We get in, drop our bags off, and get settled. I walked into the kitchen and there, on my countertop, was a picture of a random girl. It was like a senior portrait with the name “Brandy” on it. My fiancé and I don’t know anyone named Brandy. I remember unlocking the door, so I know the door was locked and nothing else seemed out of sorts.

Some people assume it was probably our landlord or building maintenance people who left the photo behind. But we lived in that building for four years and had a great relationship with the front office and maintenance staff. We even took the photo down to show them and asked if anyone was in our apartment that day. No one knows who she is and no one was in the apartment for any reason.

We knew it probably wasn’t them anyway, as they were required to give us 24 hours’ notice before coming into the apartment. It’s possible that it was stuck to a grocery bag or something like that, but who knows! A little mystery in life never hurt anyone. It was just a wallet-sized photo. So, naturally, I framed it and now Brandy is an unofficial member of our family.

Brandy, if you are out there, we love you. Come visit!

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42. The Cold Hard Truth

The biggest mystery I have is the time I woke up on top of my refrigerator. I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but it was some time in my early teens. And it’s exactly what I said. I woke up on top of my refrigerator. I had been sleeping up there curled up like a cat, and to this day I have no idea how I got up there.

There was nobody home at the time who would, or could, have put me up there while I was sleeping, and there’s no way I could have climbed up there unassisted. There were no chairs or stools or anything around the fridge that I could have used to climb up, and I obviously couldn’t have used one and then put it back while I was still up there.

I also had no prior history of sleepwalking whatsoever. And, to my knowledge, I’ve never sleepwalked again since. To this day, I have absolutely no freaking idea what happened, and it still bugs me every time I think about it. If anybody has any theories as to how this could have been possible, I would love to hear them!

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43. The Great Escape

I had a dear friend in high school that was forced to leave the school for unclear reasons. He was sent to a different boarding school and would call us almost every night saying how depressed he was, how he wanted to escape, etc. So my friend and I made up this whole plan to break him out. We had no car, so I’m not sure what we were thinking.

A few months later, we got this weird call from him saying that he had escaped the school and was on his way back to our school. Then nothing. He never showed up. And we never heard from him again. We tried to contact his family, but with no luck. This was 16 years ago and I still have no idea what happened to him. I just wish I knew if he was still alive. He was a sweet guy.

Miss you, Symon!

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44. Watch And Learn

One day, I woke up and my Rolex watch was gone from my bedside table. I was gutted, to say the least. It had enormous sentimental value. I searched the house high and low, but I found nothing. About 10 months later, I went to put some redundant boxes on a shelf that required a ladder and a steady person to foot it.

Bear in mind that this was an old Victorian house with high shelves and that these shelves had never been used before. They were not even easily reachable, nor could you see what was on them unless you were standing on something. When I went to put the boxes up there, lo and behold, my Rolex was there. And it was still running and on time!

I have no explanation for how this happened, and it still freaks me out.

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45. Don’t Cry U.F.O.

When I was a teen, I was playing in the snow with friends, building tunnels behind my parents’ house. There were five of us and it was about dusk. As we were playing, some object with multicolored lights flew in and hovered off to our north about 50 feet away. I ran on the porch and called for my mother. As I waited, I looked over the railing.

We all were just frozen, looking at the strange object. What seemed like five minutes passed with no sign of my mom. It abruptly flew off as I went to call for my mom again—but that’s not the weirdest part. She yelled to me that she wasn’t going to come back and look if we were going to hide again. We hadn’t hidden at all.

We were there in plain view, standing out in the open. No one talked about it after, but it is burned in my memory 25 years later.

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46. Not-So-Private Investigator

My sophomore year of high school, I took a different bus to hang out with my friend for a bit before going home since they were nearby. I started walking home, eventually getting to my street before turning into my neighborhood. I was just walking on the sidewalk when I noticed a blonde woman sitting in a gray car with her window rolled down on the other side of the street, facing me.

At first, I didn’t think anything of it. I’m a very observant person so I tend to look around a lot when I’m walking. I glance back over and I notice she has a big camera with a big lens on it, which she is clearly pointing at me and is following me with it as I walk in her direction. I see her take a flash photo of me, put the camera down, then roll up her window and drive around the corner.

I tried to walk along where she drove to see if she was hanging around the corner, but she was gone. It’s been maybe 10 years and I still think about it.

Eerie experiencesUnsplash

47. Coming Attractions

I once had a weird dream about these two men and a woman at a waterpark. They were walking forward, so my POV was behind them. The woman only had one leg so she had one arm wrapped on one man’s shoulder and her other arm wrapped on the other man’s shoulder. I realized that it was a bit strange but I thought nothing of it.

Fast forward a few months later. I went to El Salvador with my family and we went to a waterpark. At this waterpark, I see those exact same people in the same POV I had seen in my dream—but that wasn’t the weirdest part. The whole world went black and I only saw those people; There was a black bar on the top and a black bar on the bottom, like on a movie screen.

I only saw them and no one else. I have no clue why it occurred, and no one believes me when I tell the story.

Erie experiencesPexels


48. Watch Your Step

I was around the age of 10 and my younger sister was seven. Usually, whenever my sister was scared during the night, she would wake me up and I would comfort her and tuck her back into bed. However, this night was different in the worst way. She was shaking me furiously and crying, couldn’t speak, etc. so I rushed to her room and after a few minutes she could finally tell me what happened.

She said that she could hear faint footsteps up and down the small hallway outside our rooms—our rooms are opposite from each other in the hallway. So we tried to be quiet and listen for the footsteps, but couldn’t hear anything. I thought she must be hearing things. Except after we calmed down, we both started hearing the footsteps.

They were actually so clear it sounded like there was someone right outside the room. We both were terrified that someone broke into the house and was wandering around our house. I grabbed a pillow to protect myself and my sister in case the “intruder” came inside. At this stage, myself and my sister are both bawling, but nothing is happening after two minutes of hearing footsteps.

I gain the courage to scream “Help!” and I run down to my parents’ room at the other end of the house. I wake them up and let them know what happened. My dad checks the entire house plus backyard, nothing. He then goes to sleep. Relieved, I decide to lay in my sister’s bed with her so she is less shaken up from the situation. It got worse, not better.

Around 15 minutes later, wide awake, a very, very loud screech happened in the kitchen for around two seconds, like something dragging on our floor tiles. Immediately, we both jump up and scream and cry, and it was so loud that my parents even woke up to see what it was. We left our room before my parents and saw our wooden kitchen chair somehow dragged on the tiles around five metres away from the kitchen table.

At this point, we were all shocked and could not explain what happened. We thought it might have something to do with the footsteps. This is hands down the scariest thing I have ever gone through.

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49. Something’s Fishy

I was snorkeling at the age of 16 off the coast of Australia with my dad. Seeing all the fish was so beautiful. My dad drifted a little far from me, but there was a reef protecting us from any large sharks, so I wasn’t scared of snorkeling on my own. I swam down toward the coral to get a closer look at a small octopus—when something terrifying caught my eye. A human face. A human face with an eerie smile and big eyes.

It was sort of “standing” casually, leaning against the coral with a body about four inches tall and a head no bigger than a grape. It resembled a naked human male, but had gills by its neck and webbed feet. Smooth all over like a ken doll. I stared at him. He stared at me. I stared back and tried to rationalize what I was seeing. I reached out to touch him, and he casually evaded me by stepping to the side, all while his creepy smile remained.

By that point, I could see my dad had turned around and was swimming closer to me, so I called him over to see this crazy creature. The creature turned toward where my dad was swimming over, seemed to notice him, then looked back at me coyly. Then it walked away. Like walked on its little webbed feet on the coral and disappeared down through a little hole on the rocks. I tried explaining to my dad when he came over but he couldn’t explain anything like that either.

He just said something about aboriginal spirits and I shouldn’t mess with it. I swear I think about that little fish man every day.

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50. This Old House

As a full-grown adult, I was telling my mother about this house I was in during a dream I had. It was brown, had two bedrooms, two floors, L-shaped stairs. I went into full detail about this house from my dream. Her face went white as a sheet. Apparently, the house I described was the house I was born in. Not like, born, born, though.

I was born in a hospital…but the house my family lived in for two years prior to my birth, that we all moved out of when I was seven or eight months old. At first I thought maybe my brain got it from pictures I had seen, but honestly the level of detail wasn't shown in any pictures we had ever had of me at such a young age.

My best guess to this day is that my brain was picking up really old and obscure memories. Other than that, I'm not sure how the heck I knew anything about this house, let alone the layout, furniture set-up, etc.

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51. An Open And Shut Case

Not so much something I saw, but rather something I heard that I can’t explain. I was staying at my dad’s place for the weekend when I was about 16 and he lived out of town in rural Australia, the kind of place you don’t lock doors in, etc. The house was pretty long, with my dad’s room being right at the front of the house in a loft-style second floor, and my room was literally down the other end of the house.

I would stay about 20 meters away down the end of a hallway with a few other rooms and a bathroom on the way. It was just he and I there that weekend. I stayed up late on the computer and went to bed at about 2 am. I got into bed and started listening to music to go to sleep to. About two minutes in, I hear the door at the end of the hall SLAM shut, and I had not closed it.

I immediately take my earphones out and went to call out, thinking it was my dad, when an empty bedroom door right next to it opened. I got that shaky shiver feeling all through my body. I knew something wasn’t right and was assuming someone had broken in. After about 30 seconds or so of silence, I hear a loud thud on the wooden hallway floor, like a stomp.

After about five seconds, it happens again, and again, again, it was in a rhythm. About halfway down the hall to my bedroom, there was a little bit off the side where the bathroom was, which had an old wooden sliding door that was extremely loud to open and close. After about 30 seconds after the stomping in the hall stopped, the bathroom door was reefed open with all the strength you could imagine.

It was like how you would imagine someone to do it in a complete and utter rage. At this point, I was nearly throwing up from fear. I sat there completely paralyzed, thinking “my room is the next stop.” I sat, waited...and nothing. I literally sat up in my bed until the sun came up, at which point I ran up to my dad’s room to explain what had happened.

We go through the house and nothing, nothing out of place, all the doors shut—which he had actually locked all but one. My dad said he did not come down and he has never been known to sleep walk or anything in his life. I have never been able to come up with a rational explanation of what happened that night. I’m not someone who is much of a believer in ghosts or anything, but that night I just had a feeling that whatever was out there wasn’t exactly human.

I still don’t know who or what that could have been and why I didn’t hear anything after the bathroom door being ripped open. Still get chills telling people that story and even writing it out now, I feel so uneasy.

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52.  Rain Woman

When I was little, me and my babysitter were outside and it started to rain. My babysitter said "watch this" and walked out into the road when there were no cars coming. I still can’t believe what I saw her do. She lifted her arms to form a T shape, and it started to rain heavier. She then put them down and the rain slowed down. She put them back up, and it poured again. I’m sure there's a valid explanation, but for now, I'm still baffled.

Unsolved mysteriesPexels

53. A Fruitful Dream

I had a dream one night that a former co-worker who I rarely interact with was pregnant. In the dream, I was back at my old office and they were explaining to me that I was going to fill in for her. I was very alarmed and like “Oh heck no, I left y’all last year and went to a new place.” She came up and was very pregnant and was like, “Oh come on, it’s just while I’m on leave.”

I told my husband about it because it was weird and we joked about how awful it would be for me to have gotten out of that workplace just to have to go back. Maybe a week later, though, I dreamed about a different friend who I also rarely speak with being pregnant as well. The next week, I run into my old co-worker somewhere and joke about the funny dream I had where she was pregnant. Her face changed completely.

Suddenly, she was like “Oh my god!” and tells me she is and that they haven’t told ANYONE yet, that she’s waiting. I laugh it off and later tell my husband about it. He jokes and is like, “Didn’t you dream that other friend was pregnant too? You should give her a call.” It’s even funnier because this friend is my age and like me has older children; we’re waaaay too old to be starting over.

I laugh it off again. The next day, as an afterthought, I’m bored and driving a long distance, so I call this older friend about the funny dream and my husband’s joke that I should call her. Turns out she IS ALSO PREGNANT and they haven’t told anyone because they’re having ultrasounds first due to her age and all. Completely crazy!

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54. A Pair Of Brown Eyes

When I was a kid, around seven or eight years old, I started to randomly see nothing but brown one day. It was like staring at a wall. It was usually only on one eye, but not always the same one. Rarely on both at the same time. I went to several doctors and they did some testing, but nothing came up. As I grew older, there was more time between occurrences, and now I haven't had it in close to ten years.

Sometimes it still bothers me not knowing what the heck that was...

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55. The Fortune Teller

I am really not spiritual, nor do I have any belief in psychics, ghosts, mind reading, fortune telling...any of that. But, only a couple of weeks ago, there was an exchange that shook me to the core. I'd taken the train out to do a hiking trail and camp for a few days, finishing up in a town I'd only ever briefly visited once a couple of years prior on bonfire night.

As I made my way toward the station, a perfectly ordinary-looking middle-aged woman stopped me. "You don't believe in souls," she said. "What?" "You don't believe in souls. But you also know you lost yours." "What do you mean?" "You have absolutely no aura." At this point, I started to walk away, but she just raised her voice to shout after me.

"You had a procedure, a medical procedure, on your brain and your soul left." Of course, it sounded like madwoman stuff to anyone who could hear, but they didn’t know the truth. 15 years ago when I was 18, I had 16 sessions of electro-shock therapy. Being a large number of sessions in a short space of time at a young age, it left many difficult and long-lasting negative effects on me that I still struggle with.

But one of the most pervasive feelings is what I have only ever been able to describe is a loss of whatever it was that made me “me.” Like, the essence of me, my spark, had disappeared. I never really knew how to put this feeling into any accurate words, so despite my lack of belief, I'd always described it as feeling like I'd had my soul removed.

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56. Home Away From Home

One night, I heard my boyfriend come home from work while I was sleeping. He came in and said hi, then went out to the living room. I get up not long after to convince him to come to bed, only to make a chilling discovery. He's not actually home at all. I called him, and he told me he had stayed late at work. He also repeatedly insisted that he had not come home that night at all.

I freaked out and made him come home right away. The incident creeped me out for a while.

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57. Home Evil Home

In my first apartment, I experienced sleep paralysis nearly every night. It was terrifying and I remember that everything would suddenly get really dark around me and I couldn’t move or speak. It felt like I was suffocating and I would fight it until it would abruptly ease up. I started sleeping with a light on, as it seemed less likely to happen when I did.

I moved out and tried not to think too much about it as it gave me an icky feeling. I never told my family about this, either, as I felt they would think I was crazy; there’s some mental problems in my family. Years later, that horrible place came back to me in an eerie way. As I was talking to an older relative, she casually mentioned that my sister-in-law used to live in the exact same apartment shortly before marrying my brother.

Still, she added that she’d moved out pretty quickly. I remembered that it was a fairly nice apartment and asked about why. Apparently, my sister-in-law had felt like she was being awakened by something and kept finding her stuff moved. About eight years later, the relative that owned the apartment asked me to retrieve something from it.

It had been vacant for years and was being used for storage. I took my daughter with me, and my normally extremely talkative child was very quiet the whole time. We got in and out of there fairly quickly. That night as we were talking, I mentioned to her that it had been my first apartment. She asked if I’d been scared—and then she blurted out something horrific.

She said that she’d seen something large and black on the ceiling that seemed to be sucking all the light out of the surrounding area.

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58. The Lost Week

One day, when I was in eighth grade, I remember being woken up from my bathroom floor by my step-mother. It was around 7:00 in the evening, and I had no recollection whatsoever of that day or the day before. This was Wednesday, and the last thing I could remember was going to sleep on Monday night in my room like I would on any other weeknight.

I still wonder what happened during those two days that I don’t recall and how I ended up passed out on the bathroom floor.

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59. Do You Want To Play A Game?

My youngest daughter would always beg to buy the seasonal decorations when we'd go shopping. She passed from a brain tumor when she was five, and as a way to cope, I started buying those seasonal decorations and now decorate my house with them as the seasons and holidays change. Her favorite were these colorful birds from Target.

A couple of years ago just before Easter, I was deep-cleaning the house and noticed one of the Easter birds went missing. I assumed one of my older kids had knocked it off the shelf with their backpack as they had left for school that morning. I looked around where it should have fallen, but couldn't find it. We also had a younger dog that loved to chew up everything he could find, so I worried about that, too.

I checked all his usual hiding spots, but couldn't find it. I continued to clean the house: vacuum, dust, full top-to-bottom cleaning of the common areas of the house since I was home alone for the day. Finally, I'm done and still haven't found that bird. I've found a lot of missing socks, legos, and other stuff, but no bird.

I grab my cleaning stuff and say out loud, "[Daughter], it's ok if you're playing with it, but will you let me know somehow so that I know the dog didn't destroy it?" I walk out of the living room and put the cleaning stuff away under the kitchen sink. I come back into the living room to a heart-pounding sight. The bird is there.

It’s standing on its feet in the center of the living room floor. These birds have pipe cleaner-like feet, so they were difficult to get to stand right, and it is standing on its feet. I got a chill. I picked it up and looked it over. There weren't anything like teeth marks or slobber, so it hadn't been in the dog's mouth. I just said, "Thanks [daughter]. You're welcome to play with it whenever you want," and put it back on the shelf.

I have no way to explain it other than the paranormal, and I’m honestly just fine with that.

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60. Follow The Leader

A car followed me home from work late at night. I didn't know where the nearest police station was, so I stopped on a dark road near my suburb to make sure he was actually following me. And, sure enough, he stops behind me. I got out and grabbed the emergency ax out of the truck without even shutting off the car. I started walking towards the guy with it, and the car sped off.

I was tired and stupid for doing that, but I will never know why or who that was.

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61. A Message From Beyond

Years ago, when my wife was pregnant with our second child and about to give birth, my mom came to stay with us for a few days to help take care of our oldest child. One early evening, mom asked for a pen, paper, and an envelope. When I gave them to her, she wrote on the paper, sealed it in the envelope, and gave it to me, saying, “Put this in your pocket and don’t open it.”

Then she added, “You’ll know when.” 30 minutes later, my wife announced it was time to go to the hospital, as she was in labor. So we did and about nine hours later, our second daughter was born at 3:45 AM. She weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 20 inches long. This being pre-cell phone days, I called my mom from the hospital to tell her the news.

She answered the phone and immediately said, “Before you say anything, open the envelope.” I did. Its contents shocked me. It said: "Girl 3:45 AM 8 lbs, 11 oz 20 inches." I kept that paper for years. When my mom passed, I went to the safe where we kept it, but it was gone.

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62. Stigmata

I was in high school and a group of classmates, our teacher, and I were exploring an abandoned mental hospital. It was broad daylight, but I saw nothing scary. Honestly, the building felt sad to me. We left and as we're walking down the street, a classmate says, “Hey, there's blood on your leg.” And indeed, there was blood down the side of my right leg and on my sock.

I stopped at a public restroom and washed my leg. It was unblemished. I hadn't bumped into something and gotten even the tiniest scrape or cut. There was no reason at all for blood to have run down my leg and dried there—unless it came from inside the abandoned building.

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63. Mind Games

I was an RA when I was in college. All the RAs would come back a week before the winter semester started for training, which meant no students were back in the dorms—we were the only ones in the building. One night, I heard the door to my shared bathroom open. The sound of the doorknob turning woke me up, so I kind of groggily said my suitemate's name.

She would sometimes come through the bathroom to talk or ask me for advice. Then I realized—my suitemate was on an extended holiday in Italy, so no one should have been in our suite at all. I immediately shot up and looked toward the bathroom door. It was almost pitch black in my room, but next to the bathroom door, I could see the perfect outline of a human face wearing a flat-brimmed hat.

I couldn't see the details of the face, but I could see shadows where the eyes, mouth, and nose would have been. It was as if someone was standing next to the door, staring at me. I had no idea what to do. Because no one was back in the dorms, I knew that the nearest RA was two floors away and wouldn't hear me scream for help.

I stared at the face for a few seconds—and it stared back—then I shifted slightly on the bed and it completely disappeared. I got up to check the door, and it had been closed the whole time. It's been almost seven years and it still freaks me out when I think about it.

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64. Second Chance

My dad passed on when I was 15. A few days before, he had called me and left a voice mail that just said he was trying to make sure I still needed a ride somewhere and that he loved me. A year later, a few days before the anniversary of his passing, my phone buzzed. It said that I had a voice mail. I knew I hadn't missed a call, because I was using my phone when it popped up.

When I listened to it, I burst into tears. It was that voice mail from a year ago. It was crazy because I had been super upset some months previously. I used to listen to that voicemail to hear him say he loved me again, but one day my mailbox automatically deleted it because it was too old. It’s like he gave it back to me, so I could record it and keep it forever.

Erie experiencesPixabay

65. God’s Plan

When I was in my 20s, I had a car accident that kept me in the hospital for about a year. It was a Catholic hospital and most of the nursing staff were nuns, and besides the normal checks they regularly just stopped in to chat and see how I was doing. Early one morning, there was a knock and this nun came in who I hadn’t seen before.

She introduced herself as Sister Greta, a member of the nursing staff. She sat on the side of the bed and we spoke for a few minutes, then she asked if she could say a prayer for me. She held my hand and said a prayer then wished me well and left. About five minutes later, there was another knock and one of the regular sisters came in to say hi.

I remarked it was going to be a good day because I’d already had one visit from Sister Greta and now I was getting another one. Her face went oddly blank. She said there wasn’t a “Sister Greta” on the staff and there were only two sisters around right now, it being so early. I pointed to the bed, which clearly showed where she had been sitting.

I described her and the habit she had been wearing, now getting a bit unnerved. The sister basically shrugged and bustled off. She came back about half an hour later with a book about the hospital’s history and showed me a picture of some nuns from the 50s. Their habits were exactly the same as Sister Greta’s that I’d described.

Turns out that patients regularly mentioned talking to nuns in old garb that definitely weren’t part of the current staff. I never saw her again or anything similar while I was there...I’m not religious by any stretch. Could the nuns have been pranking me? Absolutely. Despite perceptions they are a funny bunch, enjoy a good laugh, read comics and watch Star Wars. Only, there was never a “Ha, we got you!”

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66. Tuesday’s Gone

One time, I went to sleep Monday night and woke up Wednesday morning. Everyone I asked about it told me that I had done my routine on Tuesday perfectly normally, gotten out of bed, washed up, ate breakfast, went to school, attended classes, played video games for a few hours, are dinner, then went back to sleep. But I remember absolutely none of it. It doesn’t make any sense.

Erie experiencesPexels

67. A Midnight Visitor

When I was young, my parents and I relocated across the country to Maine. We lived in a very small town and our house was old, beat up, and on many acres deep in the forest. It had two stories, with the top story being the main level and the bottom story being the bedroom level. My bedroom had several large windows that looked out into the forest.

I don’t remember having curtains or blinds but I’m sure I must have because my mother never forgot details like that when decorating my bedrooms as a child, but I must have left them open one night. I remember waking up in darkness, with a faint glowing orb of light hovering just outside my window. I watched it in utter terror as it went slowly across one window, and then the next.

Then it paused, flashing briefly into my bedroom, before shifting into the third and final window and disappearing altogether. I was so upset by the ordeal that I went and woke my parents up, and my stepfather stormed the backyard. There was nothing and no sign of the strange orb. My eyes are watering as I write this. Deep down, as an adult looking back, I realize that orb was anything but magic. It was something much worse.

It was someone’s flashlight. It never happened again, but I’m still afraid of having window blinds open at night.

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68. Truth In Dadvertising

My father and I have a pretty easygoing relationship. We love to joke with each other. One day, I saw him walk out of his room and go to the bathroom. I remember waving hello, and he waved back with a smile. Moments later, I see him walk out of his room AGAIN, and I tell him, “Dad, I literally just saw you walk to the bathroom a few seconds ago.”

As I mentioned the easygoing relationship, he must have thought I was joking, and replied, “Yep, I have now unlocked teleportation abilities.” Obviously, I knew that this was impossible. For some reason, though, I never talked about it. All I know is that I saw something go from one place to another, and it interacted with me. Maybe he was telling the truth!

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69. The Phantom Of The Highway

I was driving one night in a really foul mood and speeding. Like when I say “speeding,” I mean at least 25 over the limit. Anyway, this car gets behind me and for some reason I can just tell it wasn’t an officer. It was a full-tinted Chevy truck with weird lights on it. Once it got behind me, I got a really eerie feeling I can’t explain. My body just knew something was wrong.

I figured if it was an officer, they would light me up for speeding, but for some reason they just kept pace with me, also speeding themselves. At this point I’m getting a little weirded out, so I turn off the freeway…and they follow me. I turn into a gas station and get out. If I’m going to get attacked, at least the cameras will pick it up and give my family some closure.

Something just didn’t sit right with me. I knew something was up. As I’m getting out of my car, the truck rolls its windows down. And what I saw still haunts me to this day. It was a heavily disfigured guy who just has this soulless stare. He starts to motion me with his finger, like telling me to come closer. I don’t care if he was going to give me the winning Powerball numbers, there was no way in heck I was going to approach his car.

I bolt inside the gas station, and at this point my whole body is shaking. I try to tell the clerk what’s going on as they stare at me, as my story doesn’t make any sense. Then, when I go to look outside, the truck is gone. I still have nightmares to this day.

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70. Goodbye Stranger

I was driving down a dark highway in Alabama with my fiancé when two white orbs, about 3-5 inches in diameter, came through the upper right side of my windshield and out through the roof. I thought I lost my mind, but she looked equally as shocked as I did, and she described the exact same thing. But the whole terrifying experience didn’t stop there.

We were still in a bit of a shock a couple of minutes later when we came upon an SUV flipped upside down. A lone law enforcement officer waved us around the wreck. No one was in the car, so we guessed the EMTs already came. We can’t shake the feeling that maybe the two orbs were two people who lost their lives in that accident.

Eerie experiencesPexels

71. Just The Two Of Us

I pulled into a fast food drive-thru in Odessa, Texas; it was my first time there. When it was my turn at the speaker, I placed my order—it’s been a long drive, so I’m treating myself and being a little picky, asking nicely, and building a customized meal. The cashier listens, then she says the strangest thing. “Again? You ate all that already?”

Me: “Um...huh?” Cashier: “Oh, I’m sorry. Someone who sounds just like you was just through here, and placed the exact same order.” Me: “Hey, cool! Weird, but cool.” I get to the window and the girl looks at me with this exasperated expression, opens the window, and says, “It is you!” Me: “?” The cashier calls her manager over and points at me, shows him the order, and says nothing.

Manager: “Welcome back. Was there a problem with your order?” Me: “No...I haven’t gotten it yet.” Manager (clearly confused): “I made your order myself.” The cashier points at the time on receipt. The manager blinks, and says, “That’s the same order,” to her, looks at me, back at her, and says “and that’s him.” Cashier: “I said the same thing.”

Both of them looked genuinely upset and confused. But it got so much worse. At first, as the manager was handing me my food, he laughed and visibly relaxed. “The other guy had long hair,” he explained, pointing to my cap. “Like, halfway down his back. You just have a twin, I guess...with the same kind of car.” His face when I took off my hat and showed him my long hair...

They might have been messing with me for fun; shifts get long and people are creative. But if it was a game, they deserved careers in theater, because they looked terrified.

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72. Lighting Strikes Twice

When I was in high school I used to work at a movie theater. One night while doing a theater check I stopped and looked at one of my managers and told her that we were going to get hit by lightning. Maybe 10-15 seconds later lightning struck. We had to and evacuate because we lost power. Didn't get the power turned back on till the next afternoon.

Eerie experiencesPexels

73. In The Dog House

I was having a sleepover at home with a friend from school. We were watching a film, and suddenly the weirdest thought comes to me: Her dog was going to die. Obviously, I can't just blurt that out. So I ask in the middle of the film, hey, by the way, how is your dog? She was quite surprised, since I had never met her dog and she doesn’t talk much about it, she just mentioned she had one.

She answered that he is aging, but well. We moved on but I couldn’t shake that odd feeling. Anyway, she goes home the next day and calls me after a while. She asked, “Why did you ask about my dog yesterday? How did you know? He passed last night, around the same time you asked about him." I was both shocked and unsurprised at the same time.

I don’t have an explanation, it seems like a weird coincidence since her dog was not something usually on my mind. It never happened to me again.

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74. Luck Of The Irish

I was sick a few years ago—very, very sick. It was a few weeks before my amputation and I was battling a severe bone infection. I was hopped on all kinds of antibiotics and pain medication. I'm a huge Yankee fan, so my best friend got us tickets for the game at Yankee stadium. She pushed me around the stadium in a wheelchair with a ton of blankets on me (it was freezing) just to put a smile on my face.

My friend leaves our seats to go get some hotdogs and stuff. This is where it gets weird. As soon as she leaves, an older Irish gentleman sits by me. He offers me some of his spiked hot chocolate, but I said no thanks and explained that I was on a lot of medication. We begin talking, and I told to him what was going on with my life.

He asked if I was scared to have my leg amputated, and I told him that I was. I was really frightened of the unknown. He gave me some pretty valuable life advice and comforted me. He assured me that it would be fine, and he told me that, "If you have to be an amputee, try to be the best darn amputee that there is in the world!"

My friend comes back with food…and asks who I was talking to. There's no one next to me. I guess I must've hallucinated this, but I don’t know. It felt more like some kind of angel or being that came to me to let me know it would be okay. I guess my guardian angel is an Irishman with spiked hot chocolate! Not sure if this makes it more creepy or not, but the Yankees were playing the Angels in that series.

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75. Always Looks Twice Before Crossing

One time I was walking home along a route I take frequently, which crosses a busy street. The crosswalk was counting down and was about to turn so I broke into a jog to cross the street before it hit zero. When I was two steps into the street I blinked and I was back on the curb and the crosswalk had just turned to a walk symbol like it hadn't just been counting down.

I then crossed the street like normal. No idea what happened, I cross there all the time and it hasn't happened again.

Eerie experiencesPexels

76. The Power Of Suggestion

I came home from work late at night and when I walked in the house, Amazon Alexa started naming off funeral homes unprompted. No thanks!

Eerie experiencesPexles

77. Not Feeling Secure at All

I used to work in a small office, which was about 60 people at maximum capacity. We had a security guard on duty 24/7. One night, I had to stay super duper late by myself because I had to leave early the next day and needed to finish my workload. All of my other co-workers are gone by around 10 pm, the cleaning crew comes in, and now it's just me and the security guard.

The place is dark, but I'm not at all frightened because I'm not scared of most things, the security guard is a really nice dude, and we're in a safe neighborhood. The security guards are required to make their rounds every couple of hours just to make sure things are fine. Sometimes they say something to us, most times they don't.

Tonight, nice guy security dude stops by my cubicle and asks, "Everything alright?" Big friendly grin on his face as per usual. "All good here, thanks!" I go back to work. 20 minutes later, he's back again. Big grin. "Everything alright?" "Yup! Nothing yet!" 20 minutes later…he's back. Big grin. At this point, I am getting a little creeped out.

There is no need for him to come by this frequently. In fact, it's disruptive. I also noticed that the way he interacts with me is always exactly the same, as if I were in a time loop. Same big grin, same intonation, same rhythm of speech. Not only that, I noticed that he whistles the same thing at around the same time, so if I turn off the music on my headphones, I can HEAR his whistling coming closer before he asks..."Everything alright?"

It's around midnight and I'm totally freaked out. I try to rationalize this with myself because I have to get this work done. I'm rushing through my work and I keep hearing that whistling behind me. Surely, he won't come back again..."Everything alright?"At this point, I'm fully terrified. I no longer trust this guy I used to feel so safe around.

I was a young woman in her mid-20s, and the security guard was a dude in his 50s. I couldn't finish everything, but I wrote an e-mail to my supervisor saying that the security guard was acting VERY strange and I didn't feel safe. I shut everything down and tried to rush to the exit. I don't run into the security guard…or so I think.

Just as I'm feeling free and clear, I hear "Bye now," behind me. He's standing there in the dark hallway, big grin. Just standing there and watching. I mumble something and sprint to my car. The next day, I rush to my supervisor to try to explain what happened the night before. In the light of day, it kind of felt like I might've overreacted or maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. Then I learned the dark truth.

Turns out, the dude just disappeared. He's missing. I'm pretty sure they still haven't found him to this day. The security guard company just kind of dismissed it as some flaky guy who quit for no reason and no one seemed to be pursuing it much. He must've been suffering some kind of mental health issue or SOMEthing, but up until that night, he was just a super nice, trustworthy, reliable security guard who everybody loved. It also felt like some kind of weird paranormal stuff because it really felt like something had "taken over" inside of him.

Creepy experiencesPikist


78. Jeremy Spoke

My much-loved brother-in-law Jeremy lost his life in a horrific car accident. A year later, on the first anniversary of the accident, my husband was cooking dinner when he got a phone call. When he checked the caller ID, he was stunned. It was from Jeremy’s phone, even though the phone has been destroyed in the crash.

My husband started shaking, getting weak, and sank onto the floor. He could not pick it up. He knows it was his brother’s way of letting him know he loved him and that it was going to be ok. It really unsettles me, but it actually brought him a lot of peace and healing in his grief.

Eerie experiencesPexels

79. The Voice Inside Your Head

I heard this story about a family friend. This woman, we’ll call her Ann, was reportedly sitting at home, reading, when she heard a voice in her head. The voice told her: “Please don't be afraid. I know it must be shocking for you to hear me speaking to you like this, but this is the easiest way I could think of. My friend and I used to work at the Children's Hospital, Great Ormond Street, and we would like to help you. We need you to go there.”

Ann’s response to this voice was about what you would expect. Frightened at what was happening, she tried to ignore the message, but the voice reassured her by providing her with additional information about the hospital she would need to attend. Convinced by this point that she had gone mad, she consulted her family doctor who referred her to a psychiatrist.

After an examination, which showed no medical explanation for what Ann had heard, he diagnosed her with a functional hallucinatory psychosis. Along with supportive counseling, she was also treated with medicine and the voices disappeared after a couple of weeks. But the voices returned several weeks later, even though she was still taking the medication.

This time, the voices were even more specific in directing Ann to the diagnostic imaging wing of a nearby hospital. The voices then informed her that she had a tumor in her brain and that she needed a scan for proper diagnosis. They even told her the approximate location of the tumor, in her brain stem. Though the doctor had found no evidence supporting the presence of a tumor, Ann was distressed enough by this time that he ordered the scan done.

This actually took some negotiating, since the test is an expensive procedure and the lack of any apparent medical justification, aside from a hallucination, made the request hard to fathom. After considerable debate, the scanning was done. The results made their jaws drop. Sure enough, the scan showed evidence of tumor in her brain stem.

The neurosurgeon gave Ann and her husband the option of immediate surgery as opposed to waiting for actual symptoms to appear. After weighing the pros and cons, Ann decided on immediate surgery (the voices were in full agreement). The operation was carried out with no surgical complications. According to Ann, she heard from the voices one last time after regaining consciousness. They said, “We are pleased to have helped you. Goodbye.”

Creepy experiencesNeedpix

80.A Visit For The Visitors

I was about 20 years old and my husband and I were staying with his friends in West Palm Beach, FL. In the middle of the night, my husband screamed. I opened my eyes and there was a dark figure of a man standing at the foot of the bed. He stood at my husband's feet. I screamed and leapt out of the bed hitting the wall light switch.

Then, all of a sudden, the figure disappeared and our friends were banging on the door. It was very strange that we both saw the exact same thing.

Eerie experiencesUnsplash


81. A Visit From The Other Side

At my dad's funeral, my sister, my aunt, and I all sat around the table discussing various things. One of the things we talked about was my cousin's funeral. She passed about 12 years earlier (she got hit by a drunk driver while on vacation). She was just 10-11 years old, and going into 5th grade. My sister was 8 and I was 5 at the time.

My sister told the story about how she and a friend had gone to play at the playground where my cousin had gone to school. While they were playing, they saw a little girl hanging out around them but never coming up to them and never saying anything. Both my sister and her friend were freaked out. The girl was wearing jean short overalls, a white flowery tee, and had long brown hair braided into two pig tails.

I chimed in and said that that girl must be really poor and not able to buy new clothes, because when I would play there, that little girl was still there, and she would follow me around the playground. My friends all saw her too, and they thought it was weird. For some reason, though, she didn't weird me out. I just thought she was shy and wanted friends.

She was always wearing the exact same outfit my sister described and had long brown hair braided into pigtails. This is when my aunt burst into tears. It turns out that my cousin was buried in a brand new pair of blue jean short overalls, a white tee with flowers on it, and with her long brown hair braided into two pigtails. My sister and I now have no doubt that the girl with both saw on the playground was our cousin.

Creepy experiencesPxfuel

82. Blink And You’ll Miss Them

I found out that a car matching my car's description had license plates stolen, so I went out to check mine. I found my car, sans license plate in the back, and decided to check the cars around me. They also had license plates removed. But then I noticed there were no indications any license plates had ever been there before. It was just smooth.

In my head, oddly, I thought, "Were there license plates on back bumpers? No, of course not! How silly!" Then I blinked and the license plates were back, mine too. Not only that, the sky was brighter and sound louder. Either I hypnotized myself, or because I went out expecting my license plate to be gone, I briefly entered a universe where there were no back license plates.

Eerie experiencesPexels

83. You Will Meet a Tall, Dark Stranger

I was hiking through the remnants of a remote, long-abandoned town and the surrounding area. To get to as far into the woods as I was, you had to cross fallen trees over a creek three times. I had just crossed the third "bridge" and was about five miles in and something blue caught my eye just ahead of me. What I saw made me stop in my tracks.

There was a man, in his sixties at least, wearing blue satin pajamas and sitting in a tree. The closer I got to him, the louder he laughed. It wasn't a maniacal laugh, but it set off all the alarms in my head nevertheless. He also wasn't wearing any shoes, yet he looked well-groomed and cleaned. I gave him a friendly nod as I passed, and he just kept laughing. Then it stopped.

I turned and he was gone. There was no branch cracking, plants rustling, nothing...He was just gone. Still rubs me the wrong way. The area I was in was a pretty rough hike, very secluded. Not very many people venture as deep as I was that day. No idea what was going on there, and honestly I’m not sure I ever want to find out.

Creepy experiencesPikist


84. Missing In Action

This isn’t about ghosts or anything, but I still think about it every day. My best friend vanished in like fourth or fifth grade. Her whole family just up and left without warning. Months later, I got a phone call from her, saying that she missed me and she was safe but wasn't allowed to give me any details. I’ll never forget what I overheard next.

It was the sound of someone coming into the room, and she quickly hung up. To this day I have no freaking clue what happened. Every now and then I try to find her on social media—no luck.

Eerie experiencesShutterstock

85. The Thing That Walked Through Walls

My mom has the best paranormal ghost experience that I've heard recounted to me, and it’s impossible for me to find a believable rational explanation for it. She's Kate. It happened when she was on holiday with her parents. They were on their way to Devon from Suffolk, and this journey took a long time and required an overnight stop.

She was around 14 years old at the time, very precocious and wilful, but enjoying the prospect of a small holiday with her mom and dad. They arrive at a hotel for the overnight stop, and Kate goes to relax for a bit in the TV alcove they have upstairs while her parents go for a drink at the bar. Happily watching TV, she's surprised to see a man poking his head into the alcove.

The only way she can describe how he looks is "he had very old skin." Despite being startled, she apologizes and offers the use of the TV to the man, who just stares back at her blankly, and then leaves just as suddenly as he arrived. Kate is a little freaked out by this, and upon reuniting with her parents before getting to their rooms for the night, she remembers telling them about the man, hoping she hadn't upset anyone.

She expected an "Oh, that's probably the man in room three...." but instead they seemed confused and "perturbed" to use Kate's words. Kate has a room to herself, so she says goodnight to her parents and goes to bed. Once in bed, Kate starts to read her book, fully enveloped in the story. Then the strangest thing happens.

I'm going to use the words she used when she first told me this story; "I felt a man walk through the wall behind me to my left. I was so scared that I immediately hid under my bed covers and shut my eyes as hard as I could and wished for him to go away. I felt him slowly walk down the left side of my bed, around the end of the bed, and he continued in that direction until he went through the wall facing the right side of my bed."

When she couldn't "feel" him any more, she came out from under the covers, and decided that she must be going crazy, letting her imagination get away from her. To this day, she is a very pragmatic, skeptical person, so she thought it was in her head and that was the end of it. Fast forward to 10-14 years later, and she's having dinner with her parents.

This isn't a regular occurrence as she's moved to London, where she would meet my dad and later have me, but her parents still live in Suffolk. They are talking about weird experiences they've had or their friends have had, and my mom remembers this experience, leading with, "I got myself all worked up in that hotel we stayed at thinking someone walked through the wall..."

Once her mom hears this, however, she goes white and has a very serious look on her face. She explains that she had exactly the same experience. Upon discussing the night further, they work out the wall the "thing" walked through from my mom’s room was the wall straight into her parent's room. Absolutely bone-chilling.

Creepy experiencesPikist

86. Where Everybody Knows Your Name

I dreamed about a pub, it was all wooden with a nautical theme. The dream was very vivid and I remember it to this day. Years and years later, I visited a friend who had gone to live in a town that I had never visited before. One night we went to this pub and it was exactly the same as in my dream—apart from the nautical theme, and the cloakroom was now a seating area.

I mentioned this to my friend, and he said up until recently they had life buoys and anchors all over the wall but took them down to refurbish, which is when they also moved tables into the cloakroom. But that’s not the craziest part. I went to the bar and a guy greeted me like he knew me. I must have looked blank so he explained: "I've seen in you in here before."

Eerie experiencesPexels


87. We Are Not Alone

I used to work at a place that had to be manned 24 hours a day. I handled sensitive documents and files, and if somebody needed this information in the middle of the night, I would have to fetch it for them or confirm that I had it. So security is really tight. I’m talking bars on windows, and multiple locked doors to get to where I am.

They would give me work to do during the night, but they underestimated how quickly I could get it done. So like most nights, this one, I finished my work in like 30 to 45 minutes and pulled out my phone, and played games. No one else was in the building with me. It was getting to be the last third of my shift when all of a sudden I hear a door close.

I look to the security camera and see someone walking down the hall toward my room. At first, I thought it was just somebody who came in ridiculously early, so I turned around and waited for them to come in. But nobody came in. Now the hairs start rising on the back of my neck. I decide I’ve got to do something about this or I’ll go crazy.

This isn't a really big building, so I figure I'll find the guy wherever he is and start checking offices and storage rooms. I come up empty-handed, but I do see that a fire door had shut. I go to try and rewind the camera, but the digital recording is password protected and I don't know the password. The whole thing freaked me out.

I mean, the way the person was walking down the hallway, like a determined walk right to where I was. So, I sit with my spine-tingling for the last couple of hours of my shift and finally people start coming in. My replacement shows up and I tell her what I saw. At this point, I figured I must have imagined the whole thing. I'm told to go home and the manager and girl who replaced me would look over the camera.

After getting home, I call my manager and ask what was on the camera. They said that the video showed the fire door closing…but then the video froze for about an hour, and the next thing it records is me reopening the door.

Creepy experiencesPixabay

88. I Command You

One night, the door to my room started creaking open, like a half-inch at a time. If I would look right at the door and it would stop, but when I'd look at the book I was reading and then look back up it would be just a bit more open. Finally, it was almost wide enough for someone to walk through, so I said, “STOP IT” in as commanding a voice as I could muster.

It stopped mid-creak. I was almost too scared to go to sleep that night. I know for a fact that no one in my family was home that night.

Eerie experiencesUnsplash

89. Leave The Boy Alone

We lived near an American Civil War battlefield and cemetery for a few years. There were trails through the woods that we would hike a lot. One day, we were looking at the cemetery, and my wife hears me walk up to her. We were the only ones there, so she turns to say something. Well, I'm nowhere nearby. I’m on the other side looking at a cannon. From that day on, we started experiencing things that were just...odd.

My wife's car was always kept in the garage, and its inside mirror kept moving overnight. It wasn't drooping from a loose-fitting, and it would be in a random direction. Sometimes it would be pointed up. Other times, sideways. Weird, but I dismissed it as her bumping it while getting her purse or other items when getting out.

Then her car went into the shop, and the next morning I went to go to work and the mirror in my truck, which I parked in the driveway with the doors locked, was moved upward. Next morning, same thing, different direction. She got her car back and my mirror never moved again. There were little goofy things too, typical "haunting" stuff like things moved, the sense of somebody behind you, etc.

Also, our house was a ranch style with the master bedroom on the first floor and our son’s bedroom on the second right above ours. The flooring job was substandard, so we heard his every movement. He started going to the bathroom, which was down a hallway and halfway across the second floor from his room, a lot. Yet every time we'd go check on him, he'd be asleep.

So one night, we decided to catch him coming out of the bathroom for no reason other than to make sure he was okay and to tell him to quit stomping like an elephant because come morning, he never remembered going. We never were able to. Every time he'd go to the bathroom, one of us would head upstairs while the other stayed in bed.

We wouldn't hear him return, and the other would find him asleep in his bed. The next morning, we asked him if he was up and walking around last night. His reply made me turn white as a sheet. He said no, but that for weeks something would walk up to and away from his door but not open it. My wife turned to the room and said, "You're welcome to hang around, but please stop walking up to our son's room at night, you're scaring him."

The footsteps never reoccurred after that, although the car mirror thing kept on. Could she have been pranking me? Maybe. But one of the times my truck's mirror moved was after I'd gotten home and I went to go to the store a couple hours later, the only set of keys to it had never left my pocket. Could our son have been pranking us? Again possible, but the darn flooring was so bad in one spot that even our cat walking over it caused it to squeak, making it nearly impossible for him to get back to his bedroom without us noticing.

Creepy experiencesPikist


90. Caught In The Act

In 1988, my wife and I were renting a refurbished house that was part log cabin from the 1700s. I was on the john in the bathroom when I heard three very loud knocks on the wall beneath the bathroom window. I looked out the window and there was nothing. 30 seconds later, it happened again, and again, nothing outside.

Later, my wife and I decide to plant some stuff beneath the bathroom window outside. When we dug about four inches down, we hit a concrete slab. It turns out the bathroom used to be the front door to the log house. Spooky as heck.

Eerie experiencesUnsplash

91. A Bridge to Another World

I was driving home late one night, somewhere between 1 and 3 am. The stretch of road I was driving goes through the back end of a couple of counties in the Deep South. Nothing around but forests, fields, and the occasional group of shacks huddling under a light that only barely keeps away the night. I'd driven this stretch of road many times before, even at this time of night, so it wasn't really a big deal. Just a long trip.

Since there was rarely any traffic that time of night, I was able to turn the stereo up and push the pedal down. And then I came to this bridge. Nothing really noteworthy about it—it's not ancient or a covered bridge or all that spooky. Just a concrete span over swampland, trees growing right up near the edge and turning the road into a dim trail at the bottom of a dark canyon.

I didn't think anything of it. Until that night. It was humid out, and as the temperature dropped there was a little bit of fog. Not enough to really slow me down, but I had to turn off the high-beams. So I'm shooting across the bridge and it hits me that it seems to be taking longer than normal to get across it. Maybe I was just tired? Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me?

And when I thought I was finally getting to the end of it, I saw a figure walking on the opposite side of the road. At first, no big deal, right? Guy walking in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. Probably lives nearby, probably not sober. Watch them to make sure they don't fall in front of the car. But my mind is already racing.

I mean, this is the middle of nowhere. There are no houses around. There are no lights but the stars and my headlights stabbing out at the darkness. And as I whiz by going way too fast for my own good, I notice two terrifying things: First, the figure is wearing what appears to be a straight jacket, the sleeves undone, and the straps trailing to the ground. Second. It has no face. Not like, there's no head there. There's a head shape. And the place where a face should be, but no face. Just an expanse of darkness that I took to be his skin.

I chalked it up to going really fast, contrast between white jacket and dark skin at night, and thinking creepy thoughts. I mean, surely I couldn't have just seen that. I tried to spot him in my rear view mirror, but it was so dark there was nothing to be seen. I slowed down a little, and was suddenly off the end of the bridge and on normal two-lane blacktop again.

I briefly considered turning around and seeing what it was. Surely it was just a trick of the light or my mind playing tricks on me. Right?

Creepy experiencesNeedpix

92. Dropping In To Drop Out

When I was in summer school, I went to see the school nurse for something. She looked at me in surprise, and said, "Why are you still here?" I was confused, so I asked her what she meant. She said, "You were here about 20 minutes ago and said you were going to stop coming to summer school. We had a whole conversation about it, but you insisted on leaving. Now you're back. What's going on?" I was stunned, as I'd been in class all along.

Eerie experiencesShutterstock


93. A Mysterious Ailment

A woman I knew began to have pain and fatigue and a whole suite of other vague symptoms shortly after being treated for mastitis, as she'd recently had a baby. She went to the doctor, who pretty much dismissed her. She continued for years to suffer with extreme fatigue, migraines, low-grade fevers, etc. without any relief.

She got diagnosed with fibromyalgia pretty much as a "no one knows what the heck this is, so we'll stick a label on it and call it good." She got referred to psychologists, and even her husband started losing patience with her. One night, she'd made up her mind to wait until her husband was at work and her daughter was at school the next morning, then take an overdose of pills.

As she was falling asleep, though, she heard a voice, loud and clear, tell her, "It's your implants. Get them taken out." She'd had breast implants years before, when she had done some modelling. She called a plastic surgeon and set up a consultation, and midway into describing her symptoms, the surgeon interrupted her by saying she'd seen this before, and the implants had to come out as soon as possible.

When the surgeon removed them, they were black. They were completely full of mold, which had been playing merry havoc with the woman's immune system. Once the implants were out and she was treated with an antifungal, she recovered quickly. Oh, and her husband felt terrible for doubting her when he saw these black implants.

Creepy experiencesPikist

94. A Small, Dark Feeling

I had a close friend and roommate who came down to breakfast one morning very disturbed about a dream in which his parents were disappearing and saying goodbye to him. He was very upset by the dream, which was not in his nature. I had never seen him bothered by anything before. He was always a very happy and charismatic guy.

Later, we got a phone call with the awful news that his parents, who lived on the other side of the world, had in fact both passed that night in a car accident.

Creepy experiencesPikist

95. Get Out, Right Now

My family moved into a new house when I was 11 years old. The previous owners were a family, and the mom passed of cancer. They sold the house shortly after she passed. Growing up, my sister and I always had an uneasy feeling about that house. Strange things would happen, but everything had a plausible explanation...except for one time when I was 16.

In the middle of the night, I was having trouble sleeping. While I was lying there in my bed, the door to my room opened on its own. I could hear footsteps come into my room. I couldn't see anyone, but I felt like someone else was in my room. Ever have someone come up behind you while you're on the computer? It was like that.

I could hear the footsteps get closer to my bed. Then, right next to me appeared compression on my bed, like an invisible person was sitting there. I could even feel the weight shift. I reached out to touch the compression, and all of a sudden a bunch of blue static electricity shot out from the spot I touched. I screamed and ran out of my room, waking up the entire house.

I couldn't explain what I saw that night. I was almost questioning my own sanity, and that's why I don't tell this story often. For the record, I was 100% sober at the time. Also, because I could move, I don't think it was sleep paralysis. The strange thing is that years later, my sister ran into the daughter of the previous family. She told my sister that her mom had actually passed in the house, not at the hospital.

Creepy experiencesPikist


96. I Can See It in Your Eyes

My boyfriend’s younger brother and I were taking a bike ride down the street to the shops late one afternoon. As we get onto the main road, we notice a dude across the street heading in the opposite direction. He is walking with a limp, his head is bowed, and he’s got a plastic bag in his hand. We're only a few metres away from him when he crosses the street onto our side.

As the bro rides past him, this stranger lifts his head up and smiles in his direction as they pass each other. I'm a little while behind, so I don't pay too much attention to this—that is, until the bro stops, turns around, and gives me a funny look, just as this guy is passing him by. I still don't think too much of it at this point, assuming that he had just stopped to let me catch up.

As soon as I myself passed the stranger and made eye contact with him, I realized that this was not the case. When the stranger looked over and nodded at me, I saw nothing in his eyes. When I say nothing, I mean like black pits where his eyes should have been, or just an eyeball that looked entirely black. I don’t know how else to describe it.

When I finally catch up to the bro, we stop around the corner and he says to me "Did you see that???" "You mean his eyes?!" I asked. "Yeah, it looked like they weren't even there!" he replied. We then kind of sat there for a while processing what we had both just seen. Had the bro not related the same feeling and experience to me as I had felt when the stranger looked at me, I doubt I would have ever thought anything of it.

I probably would have just assumed it was the light angles playing tricks on me or some such thing. It was a sunny afternoon, so glare certainly could have played a part. He could've been wearing contacts, I don't know. But none of those explanations feel like they fit. We got home later on and told everybody what had happened, but no one believed us. They still don't to this day.

Strangest Things That No One Believes They’ve Really Experienced FactsShutterstock

97. The Lady In The Hall

When my son was not even three years old yet, he came to my room and kept telling me "the lady" was in his and his sister's room. I was half asleep and dismissed it, and told him to snuggle up in my bed with me. So he got in my bed, but every few minutes he kept waking me up to tell me about "the lady." Then he says she is at my bedroom door.

In an effort to show him there is no lady and we should just go back to sleep, I pick him up and walk him in the dark out of my room. We stand in the hall and I say, "See, there is no lady." His reaction terrified me. He points his finger down the hall where there is nothing to see at all and says, "Mama she’s right there. That's the lady! And this is HER house."

Nothing, not even a shadow where he was pointing. I kind of just tried not to show he was freaking me out and said, "Okay, she must be a nice lady" and took him back to my bed where he promptly fell asleep and I stayed awake for hours thinking this "lady" in my 100-plus-year-old apartment must be hanging out and watching me sleep.

Creepy can't explainPexels

98. The Call Is Coming From Inside The Pool

I worked as a night auditor at an old hotel. One night at around 2 am, I got a phone call from the pool room, which was supposed to be closed. I picked up the phone to answer and all I heard was very heavy breathing. I hung up the phone to check the cameras, and all the lights are on in the pool room. So I go down the hallway to kick out whoever it is in there.

As I get close to the glass door, it’s so cold that I can see my breath, the door is completely fogged over, and all the lights are out. I open the door and the light above me comes on, because they’re motion sensor lights. I am looking around but I don't see anything. Then the light comes on across the pool from me, but again, nothing is there.

Then every light in a path begins to light up around one side of the pool as if something is walking towards me. I ran out of there so fast and locked myself in my manager's office and stayed until sunrise—but the worst was yet to come. I had played it off in my head as insects causing the motion sensor lights to go off.

I was telling my manager about my whole spooky experience, thinking he would get a good laugh. When I told him about the phone call from the pool, he didn't laugh at all. He asked me if I was 100% positive the caller ID said the pool room, and I said yeah. Then he told me there hasn't been a phone in the pool room for 30 years.

I told him there was no way because that would be impossible. I knew what I saw on the call display. He told me to go look for myself. I looked and there was no phone. I didn't believe in the supernatural at all before that. But to this day, no matter how many ways I try to rationalize it, I just can't. It is completely unexplainable.

Erie experiencesPexels


99. The Upside Down

A long time ago, when I was just a kid, I was staying over at a friend’s house one night. In the middle of the night, I woke up to what sounded like someone walking around in the attic above us. I thought nothing more of it and went back to sleep. The next morning when I woke up, I was greeted by a truly terrifying sight. 

On his ceiling, there were footprints in a perfect circle around the lightbulb. It was as if someone had been walking around on the ceiling upside down, around the light fixture. I showed it to him and he just shrugged. He said he thought his house was haunted, but it didn’t bother him. I couldn’t believe it. That was 30 years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Erie experiencesPixabay

100. Gone With The Wind

It was 1978 or so. I was in my college house making dinner. I yelled upstairs to one of my roommates that dinner was almost ready. She yelled back: "Okay, I'll be there in a minute!" She never came down. Halfway through dinner, someone got annoyed and went up to get her. Turns out she was gone. Like completely gone, nowhere to be found—but that wasn’t even the weirdest part.

There was nothing missing from her room, but no one ever heard from her again. Just like that, she disappeared and became an official missing person. A year later, they found a skeleton in a nearby garden, but the authorities quickly ruled out the possibility that it could be her. Her name was Bev Gold and I still wonder to this day what on earth happened.

Unsolved mysteriesPexels

101. The Others

My mom and older sister describe how I used to randomly start crying and asking where my mom was, even when she was right in front of me. When my mother would try to comfort me by saying she was right there, I would shout for my other mom. I would then describe this person, who apparently always held a bloody hammer. They said it scared them out of their wits, but one day when I was two years old, they tried to ask me about it and I couldn't remember anything.

Creepy experiencesPxfuel

Sources: Reddit, , , , , , , ,



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