If You'd Bought These Stocks, You'd Be Rich Now

Going Up!

Nothing in the stock market is guaranteed. It's a gamble—and even the people that know the most and understand it the best often lose lots of money. But there is also the opportunity to make lots of money if you make the right choices/guesses/get lucky. Like if you'd bought any of the following stocks...

NOTE: Because of stock split and adjusted prices, the numbers can get a little confusing. So, for this discussion, we have looked at prices non-retroactively-adjusted for any historical splits of the stock.


Might as well start at the top, with the most valuable company on the planet: Apple!

Apple shares went public in 1980 at a $28 price tag and they hit their highest point ever in 2012 when they were selling for more than $660/share. That's a pretty nice profit. However, it would've been even better if you'd got in on the stock at its lowest point in 2002 when no one seemed to believe in the company and the stock price fell under $14/share.

Aerial view of Apple Park, the corporate headquarters of Apple Inc

Daniel L. Lu, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons


It only makes sense to follow Apple with a look at Microsoft. You might, or might not be, a PC hater. But there's certainly nothing to hate about Microsoft stock since it went public in 1986 at about $27/share. There have been ups and downs since then—but in 2024, the company Bill Gates started saw its highest stock price ever: $446/share.

Photo of Building 92 at Microsoft Corporation headquarters

Coolcaesar, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons


For decades, you could get stock in Coca-Cola for under $100/share. In fact, you could get it for under $20 if you'd made your move in the early 90s. But regardless, even at $400/share in 2021, it would've been worth your while—as the stock hit $1,300/share just three years later in 2024.

Photo of The Coca-Cola Company corporate headquarters

Autiger, Wikimedia Commons


Whether you prefer the taste of Coke or Pepsi, both companies have offered stockholders the opportunity to make a whole lotta moneyif they bought in at the right time. And for Pepsi, one of those right times was back at the turn of the century. From 2000 to 2004, you could get Pepsi stock for under $50/share. In April of 2023, it was selling for $190.

Photo of The PepsiCo corporate headquarters building

Tony Webster, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons