Value Up!
There are some things that are universally known to increase one's property value—and then there are the lesser-known things that make one property more valuable than another. Some you can change and some you can't. But here they are...
Address Number
You might never have given your house number a second thought—but it turns out home buyers do. And when the address is a lucky number, the house tends to sell for more money than homes with unlucky numbers in the address.
Street Name
Not just the street number, but the name of the street itself can affect the value of your property. In the UK, one report stated that properties with “Warren” in their address were found to be double the national average. “Chase” and “Mount” were the second and third most valuable words.
House Name
If possible, why not skip the number address altogether in favor of a house name? In the UK, the Telegraph reported that folks paid up to 40% more for a house with a name instead of a number.
KristenTinsley, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
The Color Blue
Zillow put out a report in 2017 that found that homes with rooms painted in shades of pale blue/gray or light blue could sell for around $5,000 more than expected. But this doesn't mean paint your whole house blue...
The Color Blue
Go with a bathroom. The study found that a light blue bathroom made people more interested in touring—and buying—a home.
Red Door
While a blue bathroom could be a big winner inside the house, outside you might want to consider red—when it comes to the front door that is. Another UK report, this time from The Express, found that the average red-doored property was selling for upwards of 36% above the national average.
It doesn't matter if you like Starbucks or not. Enough people do that studies showed a 96% increase in property value from 1997–2013 when there was a Starbucks within a quarter mile.
And that isn't the only chain that brings value with it...
fotografiko eugen, Shutterstock
Whole Foods And Trader Joe’s
Is your house in close proximity to a Whole Foods or a Trader Joe’s? Well, that right there is a boost to your property value.
And one more...
Philip Arno Photography, Shutterstock
You can get pretty much anything at a Walmart—including an increase in the value of your property if one is close by.
Not just trees on your property—but trees in the neighborhood can add from 2%-15% to the value of property in the area.
Military Base
Homes in these areas are in high demand by those in the service and their families who want to live close to the base at which they work—thus, having a military base nearby can add major value to your property.
Army bases add value of $50,000 more than the US median—while homes near Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine bases add upwards of $90,000.
The Power Of Fame
Did a celebrity once live in your house? If so, you are probably going to get more money when you sell it. Even if a celebrity just lives in the neighborhood—up go home values.
Julia Ess, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
Green Spaces
Green spaces near your home can increase its value by up to 20%. And green space can mean different things—like parks and playgrounds.
Green Spaces
A community garden nearby is also a value booster.
Green Spaces
And then there are the biggest green spaces out there (besides forests): golf courses. Live near (or even on) a golf course, and property value goes up while your golf handicap goes down. Win-win.
The ability to walk to things like parks, trails, and cafes is such a value that you'll often now see property listings include a "walkability" score.
Smart Features
Smart thermostats, smart lights, smart security cameras—you can connect almost anything to the internet these days and control it from your phone (and/or with your voice). And while some buyers could be too intimidated by the technology to do it themselves, if you've already done it all, then most would be very happy to have it ready to go when they move in.
Good Schools
This probably won't surprise any parents out there, but living in a good school district is a major value enhancer. Have the school within walking distance and that value enhances even more.
The U.S. National Archives, Picryl
Street Art
You don't have to have a Banksy on the wall around the corner from you. General murals and beautiful street art really brighten up and liven up a neighborhood and with it, the property values as well. A study done in the UK found that 43% of those surveyed would rather be in a neighborhood with beautiful murals than a local coffee shop. Now that's surprising.
No-Billboard Policies
Street art—YES. Billboards—No. One study reported that homes within 500 feet of a billboard were worth about $30,000 less on average than homes further away. So, if your neighborhood is considering a no-billboard policy, that's something you should be supporting.
PoolSafely, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Outdoor Lighting
We all know about the importance of curb appeal—but what may surprise you is how much adding some outdoor lighting can increase your property value. We're talking a perceived value increase of up to 20%.
Your Neighbor's Home
Unfortunately it's true—the appearance of your neighbor's home affects the value of yours. So, if they are letting their place fall apart, that is going to directly impact your sale price should you put your house on the market. So...
Your Neighbor's Home
While being polite, it isn't completely ridiculous to ask them to at least mow their lawn. In fact, if you want to help them (and yourself), you could even offer to mow it for them for free—or, if you have a teenager in your house, get them to do it.
Yet another reason to maintain at least a cordial relationship with the people living beside you.
The Ocean
Living near an ocean (or water in general) is a boost to property values—but that probably isn't going to shock anyone. However, this probably will...
Surf Break
Taking the ocean thing one step further: The Monterey Institute of International Studies found that living within one mile of a surf break adds about $106,000 to a home’s value.