Water Cooler Woes: Employees Share Their Most Infuriating Moments With Coworkers
The people you work with play a big part in making your job enjoyable. It's important to be surrounded by people who exude positive energy and support you in your job, especially since you'll be spending the majority of your time with them.
Unfortunately, not everybody is blessed with pleasant coworkers. These employees share their most infuriating moments with the people in their places of work, and honestly, as bad as these situations may be, we can't deny they make for juicy reads.
1. What A Beautiful Sight
Over the course of six months, through countless phone calls to different union offices and the department of labor, I eventually got my boss fired for changing people's time-keeping information to take overtime from them. During those months I was treated like dirt by this guy, but I never actually did anything wrong so I couldn't be punished.
At one point, management—against contract rules—denied my time off request to be at my best friend’s wedding and my boss brought me into his office and warned to fire me.
At this point, I had called the northeast district business associate on him, and I will never forget the look on my boss’s face when he realized I knew he couldn't do anything to me.
2. I’m On to You
I was working late one day and my dumb co-worker, "Stacy," and another co-worker who work later than me were both there. Stacy was a few feet from me and the other co-worker didn't know I was working late that day.
So she comes out of the break room and says "Oh, you're still here?" I jokingly say "No, I left!"
Honest to god, Stacy jumps out of her seat and says "HE'S LYING, HE'S STILL HERE".
3. Jailbreak
At one of the places where I used to work, federal agents swarmed the office with a search warrant one afternoon before shutting down all our computers in order to inspect the hard drives as part of some kind of investigation.
Believe it or not, according to my boss, we were still all expected to stay at work for the rest of that day!
We all just puttered around for the next few hours without computers before we finally got sent home at the regular time.
4. A Jerk of Historic Proportions
During the attacks on the World Trade Center, I was managing a small team. When we heard the news, we were all shocked and gathered around our computers trying to understand what exactly had happened. The jerk owner who was my boss at the time called me into his office and told me to tell everyone to get back to work right away.
He said that there was nothing we could do about what happened, and that we were wasting time and money. Nope.