Parents Share How They Reacted When Their Kid Brought Home Their First SO
When it comes to dating, getting your parent's approval can be nerve-racking. What are they going to think of your new SO? Will they like them? Will they make a scene if they don't?
You never quite know exactly what your parents are looking for in a son or daughter-in-law. Here, parents share what they look for in their children's significant others, and how they reacted when their little ones first brought home a partner.
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#1 All Looks, No Brains
My 13-year-old daughter wanted me to meet her first "real" boyfriend. I was nice and pleasant, but I knew it wouldn't last because he was all looks and no brains. Of course, as junior high relationships go, it was about a two-month ordeal.
I think all parents should try and be cordial unless the person feels like a criminal or something.
#2 Argued Politely
I first met one of my kids' partners when they both joined us on a weekend away. We had a discussion on some general subject in which he disagreed with me. He defended his position rather than defer to me. Good chap.
#3 They're Fair
My husband and I always "like" the person unless there's something terribly wrong with them. First of all, we want our kids to trust us and never to disregard our not liking a potential mate because "we never like anyone."
Secondly, we would never want our kids to feel like they have to choose—it's their mate, not ours. Thirdly, most young people are fairly okay, so no point in acting like no one can be good enough for our precious babies.
#4 He Helped Out
You know your kid has brought home a good one when they interact and help out the rest of the family. When my daughter didn’t understand her homework and then her sister's boyfriend helped her, it showed how much he actually cared.