July 10, 2023 | Eul Basa

5 Reasons To Pursue A Master's Degree

Earning a bachelor's degree is no easy feat. It involves a lot of time, effort, and stress, but students typically don't mind because they understand the value of having one under their belts, especially when it comes to applying for jobs and their futures. However, nowadays a bachelor's degree is pretty much the norm—it seems everyone has one, and that can make it hard to stand out in the job market. If you want to increase your chances of being seen by employers, you may want to consider a master's degree. Here are five reasons why:

#1 It's a totally new experience

Most students can't wait for the day that they no longer have to attend classes, but it's only once they've finally graduated that they start to realize just how fun school can really be. It's easy to take the student life for granted—the pressure to perform well and get good grades can often overshadow all of the exciting aspects of being a student. You get to make new friends every day, learn interesting things, and if you study full-time, you have greater freedom over your daily schedule—there's no stressful job to worry about, so you can set your own work-life balance in the way that you please. Of course, academically-speaking, everything is a little more challenging in a master's program, but that intellectual stimulation is also part of what makes it an exciting adventure.

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#2 You'll enjoy greater credibility

We now live in a time when bachelor's degrees are the new norm. It seems as though almost everyone has a bachelor's degree already, and that makes it harder to stand out when applying for jobs. Having a master's degree listed on your resume gives you greater credibility in your field, which in turn makes you more attractive to prospective employers. Going through a master's program means you've been exposed to more advanced theories and concepts compared to your contemporaries who have only made it through the bachelor's program. Employers are well aware of this, and you are likely to have an edge over other candidates who don't have a master's degree because of your elevated expertise in a specific area.

Image result for business womanCEO World Magazine


#3 More opportunities will be available

Nowadays, a bachelor's degree is necessary for most entry-level jobs. That being said, everyone with a bachelor's degree will likely be applying to the same jobs, which makes the job market all the more competitive. One benefit of having a master's degree is that you may be qualified for more senior positions in various companies, which have much less competition. Coupled with relevant experience, your master's degree could give you the edge you need to stand out against your peers, whether you've got a master's in business, commerce, science, engineering, etc.

Image result for people waiting for interviewNorthforce

#4 You'll likely have a higher salary

The numbers don't lie—while you will have to face more student loans when you enroll in a master's program, you'll have a much greater chance of earning that money back, and in a quicker time than you might expect.  The United States Census Bureau reports that adults between the ages of 25 and 64 with a master's degree earn a higher average yearly salary (about $12,000 more) than those with just a bachelor's degree. If money is the only thing holding you back from obtaining your master's, you could always opt for a work-study program.

Image result for making moneyFinance Buzz

#5 Making a career change is easier

If you managed to land a job in the field you studied at university that you actually enjoy, you're one of the lucky ones. Many people end up graduating with a degree they don't know what to do with, mainly because they've either lost interest in it or the job they managed to land wasn't exactly what they expected it to be. Some postgraduate institutions offer master's programs that do not require a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite. This opens up opportunities for people who may be seeking to make a career change even after they've already received their bachelor's degree. The point is, it's never too late to make a change. Don't fret if you don't have it all figured out right away.

Image result for person on laptopUnsplash




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