Women Share What Happened When They Gave The "Nice Guy" A Chance

The saying "nice guys finish last" definitely bears some truth in real life. Often times, girls who reject the "nice guys" they come across typically feel a sense of regret, especially after they get hurt by the "bad boys" they went with instead.

Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to tell the difference between the real nice guys and the fake nice guys, which can sometimes leave women in uncomfortable and dangerous positions. Hopefully, “nice guys”

will someday realize how uncomfortable they can make women feel. If that ever happens, there will be a lot less of the stories like the ones you are about to read.

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#1 She's A Queen And He Knows It

I moved to another state with my sister and she made some new friends. One of them begged her to set me up with him and I reluctantly agreed. She assured me that he was a very nice guy. On our first date, he kept gushing about how gorgeous I was.

He even told me he was going to make me his queen and take me around the world. It was definitely flattering, but I just wasn't that interested in him.

After our dinner, I made it clear that I was only interested in being friends, but he continued to beg my sister to get me to go out on another date. I declined and we moved back home.

A few months later, he came to visit us. I didn't want to invite him into our home, but out of courtesy, we did anyway. He wouldn't stop looking at me.

Luckily for him, it was my birthday and I was in a really good mood, so I just rolled my eyes and told him he could come out with my group of friends.

At the bar, he was really into me and I was getting annoyed because he wouldn’t let me relax. At some point during the night, I told him in front of everyone that I really only saw him as a friend.

He then threw a fit, yelling at me and saying what a horrible person I was for leading him on. I ended up crying because it was so embarrassing.

My guy friends went to “talk” to him after they heard what happened. The next morning, my sister told me that he said he was really sorry. He wanted me to say bye to him at the airport. I obviously didn't.


Galore Mag

#2 Must Have Been Quite A Pizza They Shared

He was a friend of a friend, but we hung out with the same group of people and always went to the same parties.

The guys in the group would always say things like, "Ah man, you and Kyle would be so great together! You should give him a shot!" I'd kind of laugh it off because I already had a boyfriend.

When my boyfriend and I eventually broke up, Kyle asked me out. I wasn't really ready, but I figured it was just a first date, so I agreed. Plus, everyone had been pressuring me into giving this guy a chance, so I felt like I couldn't say no.

The whole evening was awkward. We just ordered a pizza and watched movies, and he would NOT STOP STARING. I couldn't even eat because I felt like I was under a microscope.

After our date, we kept in touch through text. About a week later, he asked when we could have another date. I told him that maybe I had rushed into things too fast and that I just wasn't feeling any connection with him. Then he dropped a bomb on me:


Yup. When Kyle found out that I was single, he dumped his girlfriend of eight months just so he could ask me out.

The timely cherry on top is that they got back together. I haven't seen him in four years.


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#3 That's Going To Be A No From Me, Dawg

All my friends told me this guy from our group of friends was really nice, even though I felt like he was creepy. I gave him a shot and we went out once, but I regretted it immediately.

He asked me if I'd be interested in entering a relationship with him, and I said no because I truly wasn't interested. He then said that saying no was disrespectful. Big yikes.

After that awkward date, he came over to my place, completely uninvited. He asked me if he could ruffle through my hair because he wanted to feel my scalp. He also kept asking me to sit closer to him, even though we were already next to each other.

He also thought it was a great idea to mention that he heard voices in his head often and has dreamt of hurting people.

I immediately rushed him out of my apartment. I just wanted him to be gone. I checked my keys five times to see if he took any. He is, by far, the most creepy, socially inept person I've ever met. He's so aggressive and impulsive.



#4 But Is He Really "Genuinely Nice," Though?

He seemed nice enough, so I thought I'd give him a chance. Now I regret it. When we went out on our first date, he acted extremely snobby towards me.

Every time I offered a contradictory point of view on any general topic of discussion, he would immediately disagree.

And when he couldn't prove me wrong, he would resort to mocking my appearance, attire, and personality, That was the last date, obviously.


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