Couples Share The Surprising Realities About Living Together
Couples who decide to move in together often have optimistic expectations of how their life with each other is going to be like under the same roof.
But as time passes, they may start to realize that living together is not always sunshine and rainbows as it may initially appear to be.
There are a lot of challenges that they will have to face, from misplaced toilet seats to unfair chore assignments, but these are all learning experiences that contribute to the greater good of the relationship. Here are the surprising realities about living together, according to real couples from around the world:
#1 Neat Freak
I thought that if I ever moved in with a girl, I'd have to be way less of a slob. Turns out, I'm the neat freak in this relationship. We’ve had fights over whether or not a Swiffer is as good as a vacuum (it’s not).
She refused to buy one, so I bit the bullet and got one on Prime Day and our place is 100% cleaner.
#2 Close To You
That your partner may follow you around the house, just because. I spend three days a week away from home and evenings are my alone time when the missus goes to bed.
So, during the day, I normally follow her around the house as that's our time together. I think it's sweet and she finds it endearing. Nothing wrong with wanting to be close to the person you love.
#3 Bittersweet Habits
How often I'd be helping her find her car keys. Eventually, I put up a hook that I was able to get her in the habit of using.
It made me tear up a little at the time, but a couple of weeks after we split I remember getting a text from her that said: "I miss being able to find my keys." It was pretty heartbreaking at the time.
I was having a hard time dealing with the breakup. I'm sure she was trying to just be cute and funny, but it honestly didn't help at the time.
#4 Bad Hair Days
The hair, man. It gets everywhere. The sink. And the freaking vacuum cleaner. I can rebuild a vacuum cleaner now. This was a skill I never needed until I moved in (platonically) with two girls who had waist-length hair.
A week later, my vacuum died, and I found what appeared to be a small animal choking the roller brush to death.