Jesse Singer articles

22 Rare Vinyl Records Worth Big Money

Vinyl records have been making a comeback over the last few years, but we aren't here to talk about the latest LP in our collection. Rather we want to point out the ones that—should you find them in your collection—well, they could be worth some big bucks.
February 10, 2025 Jesse Singer

The Best Super Bowl Commercials Of All Time

Super Bowl ads have become an industry unto themselves with companies shelling out huge bucks and huge ideas to get all those eyeballs watching and then buying their products. These are the best and the most memorable Super Bowl commercials of all time.
February 10, 2025 Jesse Singer

The Richest Person In Every State

Did you know that there are currently just 3 states in the country that don't have a billionaire resident? Try and guess which states they are as you also check out the wealthiest person currently residing in all 50 states.
January 31, 2025 Jesse Singer

The Most Ridiculous Job Interview Questions People Have Actually Been Asked

We guess that sometimes employers have good reason to ask these out-of-left-field questions. But for most of these, we can't imagine what that reason could be. If you have any ideas, let us know in the comments. And just for fun...How would you answer them?
January 20, 2025 Jesse Singer

The 25 Youngest Billionaires In The World

Imagine being worth a billion dollars. Now imagine being worth a billion dollars and being under 35 years old. For the 25 people on this list—according to Forbes—they don't have to imagine it, because they are actually living it.
January 16, 2025 Jesse Singer

Tips And Tricks To Help You Retire Early

Looking to get off that 9-5 train and take a ride on the retirement express as soon as possible? Here are some tips, tricks and hacks that can help you do that sooner than later...
January 3, 2025 Jesse Singer

Surprising Things That Increase Your Property Value

There are some things that are universally known to increase one's property value—and then there are the lesser-known things that make one property more valuable than another. Some you can change and some you can't. But here they are...
December 16, 2024 Jesse Singer

If You'd Bought These Stocks, You'd Be Rich Now

Nothing in the stock market is guaranteed. It's a gamble—and even the people that know the most and understand it the best often lose lots of money. But there is also the opportunity to make lots of money if you make the right choices/guesses/get lucky. Like if you'd bought any of the following stocks...
December 11, 2024 Jesse Singer

Simple Things You Can Do To Increase The Value Of Your Home

If you are selling your house, or thinking about selling your house—these are some of the simple (and often for very inexpensive) things you can do to increase the value of your home and help get the highest offers and the most money you can out of it.
December 11, 2024 Jesse Singer